

New Year's Eve 2021

What Does 'Auld Lang Syne' Really Mean?

The grand finale to the holiday season, New Year's Eve, comes with watching the ball drop live and mixing up New Year's drinks, but of course there's also plenty of emotional reflection on the past year and the year ahead (we've got New Year's quotes for that!). While things may look very different this year, the traditional New Year's Eve song "Auld Lang Syne" will likely still find its way to your ears sometime during the holiday season as the world rings in 2021.

Chances are, you've been part of a festive, heartfelt "Auld Lang Syne" singalong when someone breaks out New Year's songs, but do you know the real meaning behind the song? Here, a quick refresher on the traditional tune you'll hear on December 31:

What does "Auld Lang Syne" mean? Originally written in a language called Scots, which is an ancient twist on English barely recognizable to modern-day English speakers, the phrase literally translates to "old long since," but has adopted a more fluid definition along the lines of "for old time's sake" or "the olden days."

Where does "Auld Lang Syne" come from? The phrase technically dates from the 16th century (think 1580s—truly vintage), but was solely an oral tradition for the first few hundred years. It was not formally written down until around 1788, when the poet Robert Burns incorporated the phrase into one of his works. (Burns is the most commonly credited poet, though other names have appeared in various histories of the phrase.) He was so enamored with the phrase and its esteemed place in Scottish traditions that he submitted his poem to the Scots Musical Museum to preserve it forever.


Dedicated to All Seniors

Blessing to Everyone and Stay Safe amid COVID-19



When you’re in a rush, the microwave can feel like a miracle appliance. If you’re really skillful, you can even use it to cook whole meals and desserts.

But even though the microwave is versatile, it does have its limits. There are some foods that taste worse after microwaving, and other foods can actually ruin the microwave itself!

Here are 5 foods you should avoid putting in the microwave:
  • Spicy Peppers
  • Hard Boiled Eggs
  • Grapes
  • Bread
  • Frozen Meat


14 Times You Should Never Wear a Thong

13 Times You Should Never Wear a Thong
Not having a VPL comes with a few risks

Most women rely on thong underwear to prevent panty lines and avoid the awkward scrunching that occurs with full-fledged briefs. But that doesn't make your much loved thongs 100-percent healthy to wear at all times, according to Jill Rabin, M.D., professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine in New Hyde Park, New York.

That's because the piece of fabric that constitutes a crotch tends to be very narrow, Dr. Rabin explains. When you move around throughout the day, that fabric can easily shift between your rectum and vagina — bad news if that fabric is carrying rectal bacteria or viruses, which could infect your vagina or your bladder. The risks only rise with ill-fitting underwear. When it's too big or too small or particularly skimpy the fabric is even more likely to shift around.

Consider slipping on fuller briefs when you have any of these additional infection risk factors:
  • You're striking against cotton underwear. Artificial
  • You're planning to wear your workout clothes all day
  • You're wearing a short skirt
  • You're prone to yeast or bacterial vaginal infections
  • You're pregnant
  • You're skipping your daily shower
  • You're changing your tampons next to never
  • You're stuck wearing sanitary pads
  • You're douching or use personal deodorants
  • You're leaking
  • You're not using condoms (and you have multiple partners)
  • You're sick
  • You're going swimsuit shopping

14th Times You Should Never Wear a Thong - On a plane

A Florida man was thrown off a plane and has been banned from United Airlines for wearing underwear on his head instead of a facemask on a flight. He compares his actions to those of civil rights activist Rosa Parks. Adam Jenne was dressed in an anti-Biden Let’s go Brandon T-shirt and wore the skimpy red g-string over his head and face while travelling to Washington DC from the Fort Lauderdale Airport.

Mr Jeene said it’s not the first time he’s pulled such a stunt; he’s allegedly done it more than a dozen times, but on all the other flights he made it to his final destination. “Every single flight has been met with different reactions from the flight crew,” Mr Jenne told NBC2. “Some with a wild appreciation, others confrontational.” This time the TSA and airport security were called and Mr Jenne was kicked off the plane. Comparing himself to “first lady of civil rights” Rosa Parks, who refused to move for a white bus passenger, during segregation in 1955, Mr Jeene said: “Everything else that has sparked change in this country has come from everyday people, Rosa Parks was nobody famous, she changed the course of history.”

According to Mr Jenne, around a dozen people also left the plane after his anti-face mask protest. One man asked the cabin crew, “Did he just get kicked off for wearing a mask? I’m out of here, forget it. I’m out of here.” Mr Jenne thanked those who protested with him: “Thank you to them, because they saw something, an injustice, something that didn’t make sense, and they stood up,” he said. “It’s nonsense, it’s all nonsense, Covid doesn’t know that we’re cruising at altitude. It’s stupid, the whole thing is theatre,” he said. “I think the best way to illustrate absurdity is with absurdity,” added Mr Jenne, who got a refund on his ticket and planned to try his thong stunt on another carrier the following day.


Elvis Presley's Blue Christmas 2021

Elvis Presley died in 1977 when his daughter Lisa Marie was 11 years old.

With new technology.  Father and daughter can sing this song together!

Unbelievable editing, seeing people's reactions ...  Like real !!

Elvis sang the original song in 1968 and Lisa sang it in 2008 ...

This video is made to celebrate Christmas 2021.

Blessed Christmas guys!

A Peranakan Christmas


Boxing Day 2021

Why is it called Boxing Day?

Boxing Day got its name when Queen Victoria was on the throne in the 1800s and has nothing to do with the sport of boxing.

The name comes from a time when the rich used to box up gifts to give to the poor.

Boxing Day was traditionally a day off for servants, and the day when they received a special Christmas box from their masters. The servants would also go home on Boxing Day to give Christmas boxes to their families.

December 26, 2021

Boxing Day is held every December 26th in many countries associated with the British empire. It started as a day to give gifts to the household staff of Britain’s upper classes but has morphed into a sort of shopping holiday of its own. In fact, its one of the most popular days to return Christmas gifts to the stores. When Christmas Day is over, the celebration continues on Boxing Day on December 26. The name was first used in 1833, but the exact origin has never been determined. Theories behind ‘Boxing’ Day include references to Christmas gifts, charity drives, or a nautical tradition.

The day after Christmas, Boxing Day is celebrated in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. But let’s clear up something first — Boxing Day is not about pummeling opponents. This unique holiday has its roots in gift-giving on one hand and classism on the other. Here’s what we know about Boxing Day’s origins. The entire British class system worked to make Christmas Day a big deal for wealthy elites. They splurged on Christmas dinners of geese, turkey, and other fowl cooked by kitchen staff. Household servants worked hard making all the holiday preparations during the years well before the conveniences and technological advances of the Industrial Revolution. Messenger boys regularly ran errands and postmen delivered mail and packages year-round.

Boxing Day, on December 26, gave the wealthy a chance to repay their servants and tradespeople with paid time off and small gift boxes filled with trinkets or coins as a show of appreciation for their service during the holidays and throughout the year. Servants and tradespeople also prepared gift boxes for their own families, too.


Merry Christmas 2021

A Peranakan Christmas

Merry Christmas Surprise for you, open and see

Peranakan Winter Wonderland


Christmas Eve 2022

Christmas Eve takes place on December 24 and is probably one of the best nights of the year! Christmas has the power to reunite families and friends, to warm up our hearts, and remind us that we have so many things to be thankful for. So put on your cozy PJs, light up your fireplace, call your loved ones, and top off your hot cocoa with some fluffy marshmallows!

Christmas Eve marks the culmination of the Advent period before Christmas that started on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Eve. Many churches will mark the end of Advent with midnight church services. During modern times, it is popularly celebrated on the night before Christmas Day.

The tradition of celebrating Christmas Eve derives partly from Christan liturgical starting at sunset, inherited from Jewish tradition, and based on the Book of Genesis’s Story of Creation, saying the first day starts at the evening and ends during the morning. It is also believed that Jesus, or Jesus of Nazareth, was born during midnight in the region of Palestine. Many historical conceptions on many ancient traditions contributed to the development of Eve celebrations which persisted in the early Christian calendar.


Fastest Time to solve 3 Rubik's Cubes while juggling

Guinness World Records was awarded to 12-year-old Que Jianyu in Hangzhou Zhejiang on 23 December 2017

Teenager juggles and solves three Rubik’s cubes with some lightning fast reactions

There are countless ways to solve a Rubik’s cube, but one boy from China has decided to make the challenge even harder by going for the Fastest time to solve three Rubik's cubes whilst juggling. Que Jianyu, 13, from Fujian in China, trained for two years before attempting the record on the stage of Zhejiang TV's show, iDream.

Beforehand Que had 15 seconds to examine the three cubes. During the attempt he continuously threw the three cubes in the air, quickly turning his fingers to solve the puzzles as they landed in his hands before launching them into the air again. His fingers move so quickly to solve the Rubik's cubes it's almost too fast for the eye to see!

The teenager managed to achieve this very challenging record in 5 minutes 6.61 seconds in Hangzhou Zhejiang on 23 December 2017 to achieve a new Guinness World Records title.

He JUGGLED and SOLVED 3 Rubik's cubes! - Guinness World Records

The fastest time to solve three Rubik's cubes whilst juggling is 5 mins 2.43 sec, achieved by Que Jianyu (China), on the set of 'La Notte dei Record', in Rome, Italy, on 17 November 2018.

Que beat his own record of 5 minutes and 6.61 seconds, set in Hangzhou Zhejiang on 23 December 2017.

Mediacorp 987 30 September

Funny how I can’t even do one of the things he did 😭 how is this possible?!


10 Space-Saving Home Furniture Ideas

A majority of us in land-scarce Singapore live in small HDB flats, and these have only gotten tinier over time. Compare the usable floor space of your parents’ 4-room flats to that of today’s 5-room BTOs – they’re almost the same size.

When faced with the inevitable, we gotta work with what we have. Other than incorporating cleverly designed fixtures during the renovation stage, you can also make your teeny tiny apartment look more spacious with the right space-saving furniture and smart storage items:
  • Shoe cupboard space maximiser
  • Vertical corner shelf with towel rack for bathrooms
  • Pegboard
  • Crevice rack
  • Foldable dining table
  • Magnetic storage caddy with kitchen roll holder
  • Washing machine rack
  • Storage stool
  • Computer monitor stand
  • Hanger organiser


Dongzhi 冬至 Winter Solstice Festival 2021

Sunset on the day of the December solstice

The December solstice, also known as southern solstice and Midwinter, is the moment in time when the Sun reaches its southernmost position in the sky as seen from Earth. In the Northern Hemisphere (North and Central America, Europe, Northern Africa, Asia) it is the winter solstice, while in the Southern Hemisphere (South America, Southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand) it is the summer solstice.

The December solstice occurs every year between December 20 and December 23. The dates given on this page are based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which for practical purposes is equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). While the December solstice occurs at the same moment in time all over the world, the date and local time differ from place to place depending on the year and a location's time zone. For locations that are ahead of UTC (further east) it may fall on the day after, and for locations that are behind UTC (further west) it may fall on the day before. To find out the exact date and time of the December solstice 2019 in your area use this seasons calculator.

The December solstice marks the last day of autumn (fall)and the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the last day of spring and the first day of summer in the Southern Hemisphere. It is one of four days (two equinoxes and two solstices) throughout the year that mark the beginning of a new season. The other days are the March equinox, the June solstice and the September equinox.

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How to Celebrate the Dongzhi Festival

The Dongzhi Festival, also referred to as the Winter Solstice Festival, celebrates the season’s turning point toward the warmer, lighter days of spring. It’s a time during the depths of winter to enjoy a hearty, fortifying family meal that raises hopes for spring’s arrival.

To really get a feel for the Dongzhi Festival, you have to imagine hard, rural living during a gray Han Dynasty winter more than 2,000 years ago. Now picture a family meal at a table set with hearty, warming foods, raising the hopes for spring’s arrival. That’s the spirit of the Dongzhi Festival. The Dongzhi Festival marries the winter solstice with nature’s harmonious balance of yin and yang energy. From this point forward, dongzhi (i.e. the extreme of winter) and the negative yin qualities of darkness and cold give way to the positive yang qualities of light and warmth. In other words, take heart — spring will come.

Traditionally, the Dongzhi Festival was a day to regroup with a family get together before tackling the last leg of winter. Today, with survival less of a daily concern and no time off granted, the Dongzhi Festival is celebrated mostly with a family meal full of warm, hearty foods.

Winter Solstice Festival

Tangyuan 湯圓

Although the Chinese have been celebrating the changing seasons for well over 2,500 years (since the famous Han Dynasty) a lot about this famous festival has changed with the modern times. Many of the old customs have drifted into obscurity, but families still take time off to relax and reconnect, sing songs and celebrate their heritage. Visitors can often see families gathered at temples giving offerings to the ancestors. Plus those with Chinese family or friends might even be able to join in on the Dongzhi parties and feasts. However, depending on where one is in the East, the festival could look a bit different.

Singaporeans celebrate by eating the traditional tangyuan, but dress it up with pandan leaves and ginger. Malaysian Chinese simply host friends and family for a meal, while Hong Kong citizens give gifts and dress up in new clothes. The Taiwanese show up everyone and steam nine-layer rice cakes in the shape of turtles, cows, ducks, etc and then eat themselves into food comas (literally, the practice is based on animal hibernation). Foodies, you may have just found Valhalla.

Happy Dongzhi, happy winter solstice festival!

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Malaysian Chinese Kitchen posted a video to the playlist Malaysian Chinese Kitchen Cooking Show. 18 hrs

Kuih Ee is a dessert of glutinous rice balls in syrup eaten as a symbol of unity and togetherness during Tang Chek, weddings, birthdays, and the Chinese New Year.

How To Make Glutinous Rice Dumplings (Tang Yuan)

When it’s time to celebrate the winter solstice during the Dongzhi Festival, it’s most traditional to eat the glutinous rice dumplings known as tang yuan. These small, round dumplings symbolize family unity, an important theme during a time of year when the seasons begin to tilt toward the warmth of spring.

Though tang yuan are served with myriad fillings, the dumplings eaten during the Dongzhi Festival are typically plain. The dumplings are normally dyed bright colors and are served in a bowl of sweet ginger-infused syrup. While you can buy tang yuan at the store, they’re a snap to make at home. The dumpling dough takes just a few minutes to prepare and rolling the tang yuan balls is a fun family activity that young chefs will love. Set up around the kitchen table and put some music on in the background.

While glutinous rice dumplings are silky smooth and pleasantly chewy, they’re relatively tasteless themselves and act as a vessel for the flavor of their filling or the broth they’re served in. If you live in a colder region of the United States, I’m sure you’ll enjoy eating a bowl of tang yuan in a warming ginger syrup during the heart of winter.

We often think of the winter solstice as an event that spans an entire calendar day, but the solstice actually lasts only a moment. Specifically, it’s the exact moment when a hemisphere is tilted as far away from the Sun as it can be

The winter solstice marks the official beginning of astronomical winter (as opposed to meteorological winter, which starts about three weeks prior to the solstice). The winter solstice occurs once a year in each hemisphere: once in the Northern Hemisphere (in December) and once in the Southern Hemisphere (in June). It marks the start of each hemisphere’s winter season. When one hemisphere is experiencing their winter solstice, the other is simultaneously experiencing their summer solstice! This is all thanks to Earth’s tilted axis, which makes it so that one half of Earth is pointed away from the Sun and the other half is pointed towards it at the time of the solstice.

The winter solstice holds significance across a variety of cultures, as it signals the changing of the seasons. Some ancient peoples even marked the solstice using huge stone structures, like Newgrange in Ireland. In some cultures, the solstice traditionally marked the midway point of the season rather than the start of it, which explains why holidays such as Midsummer Day are celebrated around the first day of summer.

On the day of the winter solstice, we are tilted as far away from the Sun as possible, which means that the Sun’s path across the sky is as low in the sky as it can be. Think about the daily path of the Sun: It rises in the east and sets in the west, arcing across the sky overhead. During the summer, the Sun arcs high in the sky, but during the winter, it arcs lower, closer to the horizon. How can we observe the effects of solstice ourselves? On the day of the solstice, stand outside at noon and look at your shadow. It’s the longest shadow that you’ll cast all year! Do this again on the day of the summer solstice and you’ll see almost no shadow.


Investment Scams

How Malware takes remote control of your HP after you download 3rd party apps

Update 27 Sep 2023: Spate of Online Scams

An online order for grouper fillets that was supposed to cost $10 ended up costing one woman more than $44,000 after scammers took control of her Android phone and banking details remotely.

Ms Jacqueline Khoo, 58, lost $44,487 from two credit card accounts and three bank savings accounts from POSB in a few hours after she clicked on a link to download a third-party app, following which scammers then increased her credit limits and siphoned out her money. Ms Khoo had chanced upon a Facebook advertisement for grouper fillets from a seafood supplier called “Fresh Market TGS” on Aug 25.

She was attracted by a deal that offered $10 grouper fillet with free shipping and contacted the seller on Facebook. “Although I never bought anything from Facebook before, I had previously bought fish and pork from Shopee and Qoo10. I was not suspicious of the ad and it never occurred to me that this was a scam,” she told The Straits Times.

财叔投资到身上长满蜘蛛网了😥 Did Uncle Cai invest in spider webs? Why are they all over him?

#金刚媒体 #kingkongmediaproduction MoneySense

How to spot an investment scam

Find out how you can spot an investment scam and what you can do to avoid falling prey to one. Key takeaways:
  • All investments carry risks. Be wary of opportunities that offer high returns at little or no risk.
  • Don't take everything at face value, or rush into committing your money.
  • Always ask, check and confirm before you invest.
Scammers use increasingly sophisticated and effective tactics to get you to part with your money. Even though some investment scams may look like a real deal, there are some red flags you can spot to help you steer clear of them. All investments carry risk. The greater the promised investment returns, the higher the risk. Be wary when you encounter an investment opportunity that claims to guarantee or protect your capital while promising high returns. Many investment scams offer such lucrative promises in order to lure investors in.

It is important to check how the investment scheme can generate such high profits with low or no risk. Benchmark the returns - find out what other investments offer the same returns and see what the risks are like. It is unlikely that the investment you are being offered can provide the same returns without the same risks at least. Pressure tactics:
  • "Limited time only! Invest before it sells out!"
  • "Special rates for first 50 investors. Don't miss out on this golden opportunity!"
  • "More than 2,000 people have invested - what are you waiting for?"
  • "Invest today and get extra 10% credit with many other benefits."

Dealing with scourge of online scams
Victims received unsolicited SMSes purporting to be from the bank, claiming there were issues with their banking accounts & they had to click on a link given in the SMS to resolve the issue. PHOTO: SPORE POLICE FORCE

Scammers using fake text messages have targeted at least 469 OCBC Bank customers in recent phishing scams in which the victims have lost around $8.5 million in total. OCBC is not the only bank to have been targeted by fraudsters: Customers of DBS Bank or POSB, too, have felt their malevolence. Indeed, banking scams are part of a wider criminal use of the Internet to compromise everyday computer and online activity, to say nothing of threatening telephone calls from fake authorities that make victims drop their guard and composure to go along with the tricksters' demands.

Scams are nothing new. If anything, they are like a mutating virus which evolves constantly, updating its technique every time the devious methods of a previous attack are uncovered, revealed publicly and dealt with.

Sophistication marks the attack on OCBC customers. It is apparent that scammers have access to advanced software that enables them to spoof telecommunications services and send SMSes that appear in the same threads used by real organisations. Even if victims do not provide their one-time passwords, they fall prey when they enter other bank details on fraudulent sites. In the circumstances, customers are entitled to ask whether Internet banking remains as safe as it is claimed to be. It is one thing for banks to say that their security systems have not been compromised, but another when unsuspecting customers find themselves duped of their money, which sometimes cannot be recovered.


Phishing and other SMS scams – shouldn’t banks bear the cost?

In December 2021, OCBC Bank made several announcements warning about scams targeting OCBC customers. These SMSes purportedly from OCBC claimed there were issues with the recipient’s bank accounts or credit cards. But they were not actually sent from the bank.

Instead, the SMSes carried links to a fraudulent website requesting for banking information and passwords to resolve these “issues”. Unsuspecting customers would be asked to key in sensitive bank account login information like their username, PIN and One-Time Password (OTP).

Using this information, the scammers could then transfer monies out of the affected customers’ accounts and carry out other transactions. The scammers would reroute received monies through various, often overseas accounts, making it difficult to track their movement and even harder to recover the cash.

OCBC phishing scam underscores trade-off between convenience and security, with bank customers at risk
Bank customers will generally be held liable for losses suffered in a banking scam only where they engage in gross negligence, experts said

As banks move towards digital banking, the recent phishing scam that affected hundreds of OCBC customers highlighted the trade-off between convenience and banking security, with bank customers at risk of bearing the entire financial cost of such modern day bank robberies, experts said.

After all, a scam in which the customer willingly, albeit unknowingly, gave up his bank account information to a cleverly disguised fake website is not technically a breach of the bank's cybersecurity infrastructure.

Mr Bryan Tan, a partner at law firm Pinsent Masons, told TODAY: "The current position is that the loss lies where it falls. If the money came out from your side, and you allowed (scammers) to authorise the transaction, the bank can defend themselves by saying they do not have a clue that the user isn't you." However, an ongoing review by the authorities on the responsibilities and liabilities of consumers and financial institutions for fraudulent payment transactions, announced last year, may give hope to those who practise good digital health.

Caution: OCBC customers lose $140k in 10 days as scams spike by 8 times
The bank is working with the Singapore Police Force's Anti-Scam Centre to try and help the affected customers recover their lost funds.The Straits Times/Chong Jun Liang

OCBC Bank on Thursday (Dec 23) warned that there has been a sharp rise in the number of phishing scams via SMS impersonating it, with 26 customers losing a total of $140,000 to these scams in 10 days, from Dec 8 to 17.

It said: "For the month of December so far, OCBC Bank has detected and initiated the takedown of 45 phishing websites, about eight times more than the average takedown requests every month." The bank said of the scams: "Members of the public have received unsolicited SMSes purportedly from the bank claiming there are issues with their bank accounts or credit cards. "The SMSes contain a link to a fraudulent website disguised as a legitimate bank website requesting banking information and passwords."

OCBC said it would never send customers an SMS to inform them of an account closure or that they have been locked out of their accounts temporarily. It added that it would not send an SMS to customers with a link to reactivate their accounts as well. "These are always communicated via physical letters to prevent online fraud."


Top 10 Scams in Singapore - How You can Avoid being Scammed
Scams have been increasing of late. Here’s how to stay safe

Ever received emails from “royals” seeking help to transfer money out of their country in exchange for a percentage of the loot? Or phone calls informing that you’ve won a seven-figure overseas lottery and the only way to receive the payout is by providing your banking details? These are just some examples of classic scams that have been around since mobile technology became a part of our everyday life.

Scammers, though, have been evolving in recent years, becoming sophisticated cons who not only target individuals but businesses and organisations as well. The first half of 2020 saw the number of scams in Singapore jump by 140 per cent compared to 2019. More troublingly, a survey by the Home Team Behavioural Sciences Centre found that 45 per cent of scam victims reported being scammed more than once. According to the Singapore Police Force, last year saw a whopping $201 million lost to scammers, much of it online as Singaporeans turned to websites and apps to carry out activities like banking and buying groceries due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Scammers have also begun to target people working from home through robocalls, as well as seniors who are unfamiliar with the Internet.

The rising number of scam victims is testament to the increasing psychological sophistication of scammers’ tactics ­in crafting false proof, impersonating the victim’s close friends and using the victim’s shame about possibly falling for a scam to continue extracting money from them. Romance scammers are especially adept at identifying victims who are lonely, vulnerable and easily manipulated — a group that is increasing in size worldwide, due to COVID-19’s impact on social lives. Ensure your safety and that of others by familiarising yourself with common methods of fraud. Here are the top 10 scams in Singapore (in no particular order):

Phishing and other SMS scams - Shouldn’t banks bear the cost?

In December 2021, OCBC Bank made several announcements warning about scams targeting OCBC customers. These SMSes purportedly from OCBC claimed there were issues with the recipient’s bank accounts or credit cards. But they were not actually sent from the bank.

Instead, the SMSes carried links to a fraudulent website requesting for banking information and passwords to resolve these “issues”. Unsuspecting customers would be asked to key in sensitive bank account login information like their username, PIN and One-Time Password (OTP).

Using this information, the scammers could then transfer monies out of the affected customers’ accounts and carry out other transactions. The scammers would reroute received monies through various, often overseas accounts, making it difficult to track their movement and even harder to recover the cash.

What Is Pig-Butchering Scam And how to Prevent it?

“Pig-Butchering Scam” is a fraud method that induces users to participate in various types of fraudulent investments such as financial investments, gambling games, foreign exchange and other types of fake investments through online dating. Scammers call the deceived users “pigs”.

Next, scammers will follow some established scripts and define themselves as rich and handsome / beautiful, then they will induce users to fall in love and try to gain trust. We call it “pig raising” during this stage. When it reaches a certain level of emotional foundation, scammers will start to lure the other party to invest, and the final stage of fraud is “kill the pig”.

Suggestions of The Prevention of “kill the pig” Fraud:
  • “Don't believe it”, you need to be cautious when making friends online. Don't trust netizens, and don't believe in investment lies such as “stable profit without loss”, “low cost and high return” and so on.
  • "Don't be greedy”, refuse the temptation of gambling and high-return investment, remember that only greed will be deceived because there is no such thing as a free lunch.
  • “Don't transfer”, don't transfer money to unfamiliar accounts. When transferring money to acquaintances, you must also be cautious, and communicate more with your relatives and friends and ask more to prevent falling into a “trap”.


Loh Kean Yew historic win at World Badminton Championships 2021

Update 26 May 2022: Badminton star Loh Kean Yew included in Forbes 30 under 30 Asia list
Loh was the first Singaporean to be crowned badminton world champion after winning the singles title at the 2021 BWF World Championship in December 2021. PHOTO: ST FILE

Badminton player Loh Kean Yew is among 47 individuals in Singapore who have been included in Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia - a list celebrating 300 young entrepreneurs and trailblazers under the age of 30 in various fields in Asia.

The honourees were selected across 10 categories, including the arts, social impact, consumer technology, and entertainment and sports.

Announcing the list on Thursday (May 26), Forbes said it features young people who are inspiring change and driving innovation in their respective fields amid challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Public raises more than S$108,000 for badminton world champion Loh Kean Yew, more donations pouring in
Over S$145,000 in total has since been raised for Loh, including the initial S$50,000 that was first put together by the 5 business leaders interviewed by The Business Times

THE public has raised more than S$100,000 for newly crowned badminton world champion Loh Kean Yew through a donation channel set up by Wei Chan, the managing director of Pine Garden's Cake.

Chan, a longstanding badminton enthusiast, had previously banded together with 4 other business leaders in Singapore to set up a fund of S$50,000 for Loh on Dec 24, 2021, in order to motivate the national shuttler to continue pursuing his sporting dreams. It also came to his attention that Loh did not receive any prize money from his win at the BWF World Championships. The other 4 business leaders who contributed to the private fund are: Ang Kiam Meng, executive director and group chief executive officer (CEO) of Jumbo Group; Daryl Neo, co-founder and CEO of DC Frontiers; Dora Hoan, group CEO and co-chairman of Best World International; and Eugene Ang, managing director of JK Technology. They were mentioned in The Business Times article "Smash hits from the court: 6 business leaders serve up lessons from badminton" (Dec 22).

On Jan 2, Chan set up another fund to take in public donations via Ray of Hope, a crowdfunding non-profit organisation and platform. This was after he received queries from members of the public who wanted to find out how they could support Loh in his endeavours.

Bonus of about $1m awaits S'pore's Loh Kean Yew after World C'ships win
On Dec 19, Loh Kean Yew became the first Singaporean to win the Badminton World Federation World Championships. PHOTO: ST FILE

Badminton world champion Loh Kean Yew could be set for a windfall of about $1 million in sponsorship and monetary contributions from benefactors and various partners for his efforts in Huelva, Spain last month.

As he is not eligible for prize money or cash rewards from the Government, there has since been a flurry of interest to support Loh financially.

Loh, 24, was the first Singaporean to be crowned badminton world champion after winning the singles title at the 2021 BWF World Championship in December.

Loh Kean Yew makes history for Singapore badminton
Singapore's Loh Kean Yew celebrates beating India's Kidambi Srikanth during the men's singles final of the BWF World Championships in Huelva. (PHOTO: Jose Jordan/AFP via Getty Images)

From world No.41 to world beater, Loh Kean Yew's extraordinary two-month form has landed him one of the biggest prizes in badminton. From now on, he will be remembered as a world champion. The 24-year-old had already rewritten sporting history repeatedly these past few days - from first Singaporean medallist to first Singaporean finalist at the Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Championships. 

On Sunday (19 December), he became Singapore's first world champion after a 21-15, 22-20 victory in the men's singles final over India's world No.14 Kidambi Srikanth in 43 exhilarating minutes in Huelva, Spain. Despite falling behind in both sets to the more experienced Srikanth, Loh managed to inch his way back with exceptional reflexes and wily shot-making. As Srikanth's errors crept up, Loh kept his cool to put the former world No.1 away.

As he roared in delight and fell to his knees at his monumental achievement, it marked the culmination of a barely-believable surge in form from October onwards, in which he made a nonsense out of his modest world No.22 ranking by beating six top-10 players, including two world No.1s in Japan's Kento Momota and Denmark's reigning Olympic champion Viktor Axelsen.

Making of a badminton champ: Loh Kean Yew left his home, family, school to chase his dreams
Photos of Loh Kean Yew winning the 2009 Malaysia's National Junior Grand Prix Under-12 (left) and representing the Singapore Sports School in 2010. PHOTOS: JONATHAN WONG, SINGAPORE SPORTS SCHOOL

Call it a mother's intuition.

For Grace Gan, there were three moments in Loh Kean Yew's life which convinced her that her youngest son could become a successful professional badminton player.

The first was in 2009, when the Penang-born 11-year-old surprisingly won Malaysia's National Junior Grand Prix Under-12 title, beating the more-fancied Lee Zii Jia - this year's All England champion - in the final.

'He had that spark': Mentor, badminton association on what made Loh Kean Yew a world champ
Loh Kean Yew pictured in 2010 at the age of 10 with Mr Desmond Tan, general manager of the Singapore Sports School's Badminton Academy

When Loh Kean Yew first visited Singapore in 2007 to help his older brother in a trial to enter the Badminton Academy of the Singapore Sports School, it took only 10 minutes for the academy’s general manager Desmond Tan to notice the younger sibling. “That short warm-up session with his older brother actually caught my eye,” he said. “It was obvious that he has innate talent in badminton … he had that spark.”

Loh had not gone for the trial himself, being only 10 years old at that time and not yet eligible to enter the Singapore Sports School. He had accompanied his brother Kean Hean, then aged 12 and now also a national shuttler, merely to help him warm up.

When Loh himself returned to Singapore Sports School for his own trial two years later in 2009 at the age of 12, he was “outstanding” during the trials and was immediately accepted into the programme, Mr Tan recounted.

'I can finally tell the world how happy I am': Loh Kean Yew reflects on being badminton world champion
Singapore's Loh Kean Yew reacts after defeating India's Kidambi Srikanth during their Men's badminton singles final match at the BWF World Championships in Huelva, Spain, on Dec 19, 2021. (Photo: AP/Manu Fernandez)

In the days leading up to the biggest victory of his life, Loh Kean Yew was silent on social media. Nothing on Twitter, no posts on Instagram and not a word on Facebook."That was something I needed to do so as to focus, and not have any expectations (placed on me), not have any distractions," he told CNA. "It was an intentional decision."

Instead, the bubbly 24-year-old did all his talking on the court. Drawn against possibly the worst opponent he could have hoped for in the first round of the badminton World Championships, the apprentice beat the master as the Singaporean upset world number one Viktor Axelsen in a win for the ages. After cruising past Austria's Luka Wraber in the second round,  Loh then thrashed Thailand’s Kantaphon Wangcharoen in their round of 16 clash on Thursday, taking the match in just 30 minutes. The commentators were flabbergasted, Kantaphon was shellshocked, and Loh marched on. After successfully navigating a potential banana skin in the form of India’s HS Prannoy, Loh faced world number 3 Anders Antonsen in the semis. The Dane saved six game points in the first game - and it didn't matter one bit, because the Singaporean would go on to take the victory.

Then came the climax on Sunday, as Loh sealed his place in the history books by becoming the first Singaporean to win a BWF World Championship title. The world number 22 beat India’s Kidambi Srikanth 21-15, 22-20 in the men’s singles final in Huelva, Spain, on Sunday (Dec 18) to cap off a fairytale run. "He did play well and I also was nervous," admitted Loh. "His shots are quite deceptive, so it was not easy." "I can finally tell the world how happy I am because I have been holding back (how I feel) and I needed to stay focused," he said with a laugh. "Now I can finally tell (everybody) that I'm really happy."


Singapore's Loh Kean Yew is badminton world champion
Loh Kean Yew upset India's world No.14 Srikanth Kidambi 21-15, 22-20 in the final in Huelva, Spain. PHOTO: AFP

History took 43 hectic minutes, two games and 78 points. At the end of it, unseeded national shuttler Loh Kean Yew stunned the badminton world by becoming the first Singaporean to win the World Championships.

On Sunday (Dec 19), the Singaporean world No. 22 upset India's world No. 14 Srikanth Kidambi 21-15, 22-20 in the final in Huelva, Spain.

On the final point, when a push to the back court landed in, Loh sank to his knees but ascended into sporting legend.


Loh Kean Yew 骆建佑

Loh Kean Yew (Chinese: 骆建佑; pinyin: Luò Jiànyòu; born 26 June 1997) is a Singaporean badminton player and the reigning men's singles badminton world champion. He took part in the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, where he was also the flag bearer for Singapore during the Parade of Nations. In 2021, Loh won the 2021 BWF World Championships, defeating India's world number 14 Srikanth Kidambi 21–15, 22–20 in the final. He became the first Singaporean to hold this title.

Born in the state of Penang, Loh is the youngest son with three elder brothers. He played badminton at age seven in primary school but dropped the sport after being made fun of. He picked up badminton once again at ten and within six months, he was in the Penang state team. He also became the winner of an under-12 tournament. In 2010, a year after his third brother Loh Kean Hean came to Singapore, he permanently moved to Singapore at the age of 13 after he received a scholarship from the Singapore Badminton Association (SBA), and was educated at the Singapore Sports School. He added that he did not regret this decision, saying that Singapore has given him all the support that he needed. He also stated that his goal is to eventually win an Olympic gold medal for Singapore in badminton. Loh's elder brother, Loh Kean Hean, is also a member of the Singapore national badminton team.

Loh served his National Service (NS) for the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) during the period 2016 to 2018, earning the rank of corporal first class (CFC). During his service, he also played badminton for the Singapore Armed Forces Sports Association (SAFSA). In 2018, he received the best sportsman award by SAFSA.

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