

Why We Put Off Things That We Actually Enjoy

I usually categorize new episodes of the various podcasts that I am subscribed in to three groups: Group A, episodes that I know I’ll love; Group B, episodes that I’ll like but also have the potential to be quite dull, and group C, episodes that can be entertaining but primarily serve to fill silence. The same goes for Television series as well – Once a new season of a show I truly love becomes available for streaming, I usually postpone it for several weeks, or sometimes even months, prior to ultimately watching it.

There are times when I don’t remember putting off a show completely. I cannot begin to tell you the number of movies that I promised to watch the moment they became available for rent but failed to watch in the end, for the reason that I never wrote them on some “reminders” paper or app in my phone. It appears similar to hoarding, but only in my case, as opposed to trash bags and cat litter, I am storing real, enjoyable experiences.

Just lately did it ever cross my mind that such behavior is irrational and uncontrolled. What is the reason why I constantly postpone things that I am certain I’ll enjoy, the moment the opportunity becomes available to me? Why would I procrastinate with those types of activities?