

Why you should stop that dirty habit of biting your nails

When stressed or bored
Most people outgrow it in adulthood but what if you don't? Viral infections and being susceptible to bacteria are things to watch out for. An expert tells CNA Lifestyle how to break the cycle.

Do you have the tendency to bite your nails whenever you feel bored or stressed? You’re not alone. According to DTAP Clinic’s resident doctor Julian Hong, it’s quite prevalent in Singapore – about one in five young adults between the ages of 17 and 35, and it could potentially be higher as people might either be unware it’s an issue or are shy in seeking help.

“The numbers over the age of 40 are not as well-known and documented,” he added, while also pointing out that the habit tends to affect more females than males.

So why do people bite their nails? Some say it’s a mechanism – a way for you to entertain or soothe yourself, much like a baby does with a pacifier.