

The Worst Etiquette Mistakes You Can Make

Most people know basic rules of etiquette. You know, those rules that say you should never put your elbows on the table or close the door in someone’s face. However, some of the worst etiquette mistakes you can make aren’t quite that obvious. Once you learn these mistakes, it’s easy to correct course and become a more polite person

These manners mistakes are pretty bad:
  • Arriving to a party empty-handed
  • Asking prying questions
  • Being generally rude
  • Being late
  • Cursing
  • Failing to introduce someone
  • Forgetting to RSVP
  • Forgetting to say please and thank you
  • Gossiping
  • Not listening
  • Public displays of affection
  • Stiffing a server
  • Talking about just yourself
  • Talking with your mouth full
  • Texting while in the company of others