

Warning Signs of a Troubled Marriage

5 warning signs you are frustrated in your marriage
5 red flags indicating you are frustrated in your marriage

Frequent fights, cold shoulders, silent rooms and a house that seems to be in the gloom — an unhappy marriage can be a major contributor to your mental health issues. A toxic, emotionally abusive environment not only aggravates your anger and resentment against your partner but also increases internal frustrations.

Toxic relationships can induce stress and shorten lifespans, and can also create a dent in your self-esteem if you do not take control at the earliest. While every marriage will have a bad phase, one with seemingly no light at the end of the tunnel can make you feel lost.

It can lead to more serious problems like depression and anxiety. But how do you know if you are frustrated in your marriage? Make sure to watch out for these signs:
  • Your partner dominates what you do
  • Your partner offers unconstructive criticism
  • Your partner is controlling
  • Your partner has the last word in an argument
  • Your partner is depressed

6 Signs You’re in a Loveless Marriage and What You Can Do About it Now

Surviving a loveless marriage is perhaps one of the toughest challenges some couples face. From cheating and lying to working sixteen hours a day and spending too little time doing the things that bring you closer, there are numerous reasons why the love that brought you together can run thin. In fact, there are times when you can’t even put your finger on a specific reason why you no longer feel physically or emotionally attracted to your partner.

And the worst part is that many couples don’t even realize that the small day-to-day arguments and criticism are the tinder that will eventually cause their marriage to crash and burn. Before you can bring your loveless marriage back to life, sit down with your significant other and have an honest conversation about how things have been between you lately.

A marriage doesn’t turn sour overnight. When two people who love each other so much that they’ve decided to spend the rest of their life together begin to feel like strangers, there’s always a history of arguing, criticism, and other dysfunctional attitudes; kind of like a prologue to disaster. If you learn to spot these signs, you can avoid reaching the point where your relationship is beyond repair. Let’s look at six telltale signs of a loveless marriage:
  • Criticism
  • Contempt
  • Defensiveness
  • Stonewalling
  • Lack of Intimacy
  • Time Spent Apart

8 Warning Signs of a Troubled Marriage

Every marital relationship is unique. However, there are common warning signs and red flags that could indicate there are serious problems in a marriage. If you find yourself with these concerns, do not ignore them and hope that they will simply go away. They usually do not, and left unacknowledged, they could even get worse.

Instead, you need to have an open, honest, and respectful talk with your spouse about the problems in your marriage. It can be a difficult conversation to have, but it is necessary.

Every relationship will have its ups and downs, but there are some signs that you will want to look at closely to determine if they are the result of something that is not working well in your marriage. Here are 8 common signs of marriage trouble to look out for:
  • You're Always Criticizing Each Other
  • You Don't Have Sex Anymore
  • You Have the Same Argument Over and Over (and Over)
  • You Don't Argue Anymore
  • You Don't Enjoy Spending Time Together
  • You Start Keeping Secrets
  • You Think About Having an Affair
  • They're Not The First Person You Call

The Happiest Couples Do These 7 Things Every Day

Every couple is different. While your perfect date night out might be a raucous night on the town, that could be a Netflix-loving couple's nightmare. And while your combined styles and tastes may be different, there is no denying that every couple is searching for the same thing: the key to happiness. Because #couplegoals is always a smiling partnership, right?

So no matter what you two are into, we recommend you take a look at these seven habits and acts that our experts say the happiest couples partake in daily.

Discover what these happy couples do to maintain their joy and keep their bond strong, according to experts Lesli Doares and Toni Coleman:
  • Always Say "Hello" and "Goodbye"
  • Touch Base Throughout the Day
  • Embrace Uninterrupted One-on-One Time
  • Laugh Together
  • Compliment Each Other
  • Go to Bed at the Same Time
  • Say "I Love You" in Their Partner's Love Language