

Top 7 Tips To Keep Your House Safe When You’re Away

We all like to get away sometimes, even if the opportunities have been few and far between over the last 12 months! Despite the joy of a holiday, leaving home can also be a source of anxiety for many people. That’s particularly true at popular traveling times, when there’s an expectation that many houses might be left empty.

And while fewer people might be able to travel this Chinese New Year than in the past due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for CNY celebration under the Movement Control Order (MCO) 2.0, this is still an important area of concern. Nevertheless, we all want to trust our properties are safe and protected while we are away. After all, your home is a place that should always offer peace of mind. Luckily, there are some valuable tips, technologies, and techniques which can help make your home safer while you’re away.

Here are 7 key home safety tips to keep your house safe in CNY and beyond:
  • Appreciate The Value Of Neighbours
  • Sound The Alarm
  • Tune In To CCTV
  • Cancel Deliveries If You’re Away
  • Make Sure Your Social Is Secure
  • Do ‘The Check’
  • Check The Insurance