

How To Finally Stop Worrying

Restore Mental Clarity & Thrive In Uncertainty

When you get past 40 years old, life begins to intensify. Mid life crisis sets in. Retrenchment happens. Financial demand increases. Some people around you pass away. That's reality.

As our choices hold more weight, so do the thoughts that creep into our minds:
  • "What if I lose my job?"
  • "What if my marriage falls apart?"
  • "What if I lose another family member?"

This is nothing new. We all worry from time to time. However, the problem arises when we do it so often that we don't know what is causing it anymore. Even if you mentally convince yourself that you're okay, you may notice these knock-off effects taking a toll on you:
  • Experiencing faster heart rate, shallow breathing and tense shoulder muscles
  • Start underperforming at work and avoiding friends as your energy is drained by your anxious thoughts
  • Feel a storm of emotions descending on you and the tendency to overreact to small things but can't pinpoint a logical reason why