

Man got wife to accept Mistress

Allow her to live in family home
Wife filed for divorce in February 2018 on the grounds that the husband had behaved in such a way that the wife could not reasonably be expected to live with him

A man who was married for some 30 years not only took a mistress when he got a new job, but also got her to live in the family home. In 2014, the man sought his then wife's acceptance of his mistress, and she reluctantly agreed to do so.

But in December 2017, she and their two grown-up sons packed up and left the matrimonial home. Two months later, she filed for divorce and an interim judgment was granted in June 2018 on the grounds that the husband had behaved in such a way that the wife could not reasonably be expected to live with him. "Such behaviour included the husband requesting the wife to accept his mistress into the family and into the matrimonial home, which the wife agreed to," noted Family Court District Judge Kathryn Thong in decision grounds for a ruling on the division of matrimonial assets and other ancillary matters.

"The husband claimed in these proceedings that the wife was happy with this arrangement and was surprised she had cited this as a reason for the divorce," she added in the grounds issued last month. The couple's two sons said in a deposition to the court that they had grudgingly accepted the mistress into the family home out of fear of their "harsh disciplinarian" father flying into a rage.