

3 signs you probably grind your teeth in your sleep

This is how you find out you probably grind your teeth when you sleep

We don’t have a lot of control over our bodies when we’re asleep. We roll this way and that, have weird twitches and we snore or babble away. Another thing you might be doing in your sleep is grinding your teeth. Dentists will often notice if you do so when they examine your teeth, but sometimes they don’t spot it. These are the three symptoms that can reveal to you if you’re grinding your teeth in your sleep.

This can tell you whether or not you grind your teeth:
  • What happens when you grind your teeth? When you grind your teeth, this usually happens with quite some force. Most teeth grinders do it subconsciously in their sleep. Someone who is sleeping next to a teeth grinder will hear a very unpleasant grinding noise. People who grind their teeth during the day often don’t make noise while doing it but are more likely to clench their teeth. Grinding means there’s motion involved; clenching happens without it.
  • Cause - There can be multiple different reasons why you’re grinding your teeth at night. Genetics is the cause behind it 40 to 60 per cent of the time. However, other causes can be stress, unresolved trauma, smoking and alcohol use. Teeth grinding happens twice as often in smokers than in non-smokers. Besides this, medicine and drug use can also be responsible.