

The Ultimate Arthritis Diet

Mediterranean Diet Benefits

One of the most common questions people with arthritis ask is, “Is there a special arthritis diet?” While there’s no miracle diet for arthritis, fortunately, many foods can help fight inflammation and improve joint symptoms.

For starters, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts and beans but low processed foods and saturated fat, is not only great for overall health, but can also help manage disease activity. If this advice sounds familiar, it’s because these are the principles of the Mediterranean diet, which is frequently touted for its anti-aging and disease-fighting powers.

Studies confirm that eating foods commonly part of the Mediterranean diet can do the following:
Lower blood pressure
Protect against chronic conditions, ranging from cancer to stroke
Help arthritis by curbing inflammation
Benefit your joints as well as your heart
Lead to weight loss, which can lessen joint pain
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