

Tantrump: 2020 Word of the Year

Over 60% of Americans Say Trump Administration's Transition Delay is a Threat to National Security
Republicans Are Calling On Trump To Concede To Biden

More than 60% of Americans say that the Trump administration's transition delay is a threat to national security, according to a new poll. The poll, which was conducted by Monmouth University, found 61 percent of Americans saying that President Donald Trump delaying the transition process following Joe Biden's projected win in the 2020 presidential election is a threat to national security.

Among the 61 percent, 35 percent said it is a major threat and 26 percent said it is a minor threat, while 36 percent said it's not a threat and 3 percent said they didn't know. Additionally, the poll found 61 percent of respondents saying they disapprove of the way Trump is handling the transition process, with 46 percent saying they strongly disapprove and 15 percent saying they somewhat disapprove.

In comparison, 31 percent said they approve of Trump's transition process, with 20 percent saying they strongly approve and 11 percent saying they somewhat approve. Monmouth University surveyed 810 U.S. adults from November 12 to November 16 and reported a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Full Coverage:

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Joe Biden wins the 2020 US presidential election
Democrat Joe Biden is to be elected 46th President of the United States after winning Pennsylvania on Nov 7, 2020.PHOTO: AF

Democratic candidate Joe Biden has been elected as the next President of the United States, according to calls from US media outlets on Saturday (Nov 7).

He was projected the winner of the presidential election after he was declared the winner of the battleground states of Pennsylvania and Nevada, netting him 20 and 6 electoral votes respectively, bringing his total to 279 - more than the 270 needed to win the White House.

California senator Kamala Harris will be the next Vice-President, making history as the first Black woman and the first person of South Asian descent to hold the nation’s second-highest office.