

Wake Up Feeling Happy

  • Have a routine - Draw up a routine together with your children, and agree on a time to play and a time to work.
  • Let go of perfectionism - Accept that things are not going to be perfect all the time - increased screen time or interrupted conference calls are bound to happen. Cut yourself some slack, and know that what you are doing is good enough!
  • Include me-time in your routine - Agree on “me-time” with your spouse and children. Keep connected with your friends through video calls or indulge in your favourite activity. It may seem dificult to find the time but taking a breather is important for this marathon.
  • Pause and take a deep breath - Did you know taking deep breaths can help you to de-stress? Take a deep breath in and breathe out slowly for five counts each before you lose your temper. Don’t let your emotion turn into regrettable action.
  • Celebrate small successes - Give your family a hug for getting through another day, celebrate when your child picks up after himself/herself. Acknowledge small milestones, practice gratitude and you will find yourself much happier!

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