

Supplements For Your Mental Health

"A strong mind is just the same as a strong immune system in that it means being able to cope well with life's demands," Arrol said. She added that there are many strategies we can use to help build our "psychological immunity," including checking reputable sources of information, openly expressing our feelings and being physically healthy.

In addition, she also advised taking supplements that have been shown to support mental health since "chronic stress and traumatic experiences can deplete important vitamins and minerals."

Though healthy eating and food choices are ideal for your overall health, low mood and poor mental health make these difficult to do. Fortunately, the following mental-health-boosting supplements should help you fill in the gaps during the coronavirus crisis:

  • B Vitamins
  • Magnesium
  • Probiotics
  • 5-HTP
  • Omega-3 And Vitamin D

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