

5 Surprising Advantages Of Having A Busy Lifestyle

While many stressed out Singaporeans may disagree with me that being busy is desirable, there’s a difference between being busy doing the things you enjoy and being busy doing the things you absolutely hate. The latter would of course mean that you’re always in desperate need to get away from everything that’s cluttering your soul and weighing it down. Recentresearch done by Professor Keith Wilcox and his team at Columbia University shows that those with a hectic schedule are more likely to get things done, procrastinate less and avoid negative emotions.

So while you are tempted to slack off during work hours (read: checking your social media feeds, browsing online stores, or going for your 10th toilet break), we at will share with you how you can look at living busier lifestyles from a different perspective!

Here are 5 confounding reasons why having busier lifestyles is actually a great thing regardless of whether you’re seven or seventy:
  • You Learn More About Yourself
  • You Manage Your Time Better
  • You Are Less Likely To Procrastinate
  • You Simply Get More Things Done
  • You Have Higher Self-Esteem

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