

Removing tissues from freshly-washed clothes

The lifehack we all need

A pack of tissues is always necessary in hot and humid Singapore, especially with flu season in full swing here. Plus, you'll need one to chope your seat at a crowded hawker centre.

But how many times have you dumped your laundry in the washing machine only to remember belatedly that you forgot to empty your pockets of tissues? If having the pesky white fluff stuck to your freshly-spun clothes is a recurring issue, then this hack from Japanese Twitter user Yukino (@54l23) is probably a godsend.

And before you ask, no, running your clothes through another cycle isn’t going to help make the mess go away.
“If you’ve suffered the tragedy of leaving a tissue in your wash, [leave the clothes in the machine] and add only fabric softener. Run the rinse cycle once, and then the spin/dry cycle, and everything will get clean."
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