

Hacks to Make Packing Easy

Fun is preparing for vacation. Stressful is attempting to pack for one

A recent survey of 2,000 Americans, conducted by OnePoll and Nordstrom's Trunk Club, found that 65 percent of people find packing difficult. And the headaches don't end there:
  • A third of respondents said they pack within 24 hours of a trip, with last-minute decision-making contributing to their stress.
  • 62 percent of travelers admitted that they overpacked.
  • Three of five respondents fessed up to having to purchase something while on their trip.
  • Another 25 percent said there were items they packed that they never used. (The things most often unworn include jackets, socks, long-sleeved shirts, shoes, sweatshirts and jeans.)

Packing lists are a dime a dozen, so why are Americans having such trouble packing? Instead of providing you with another packing list, we turned to the experts: travel writers and bloggers who spend a lot of time on the road, and know from extensive experience what to bring and how to minimize.

Check out their following go-to hacks to achieve packing bliss. Or, at the very least, a little less packing anxiety.

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