

Fun Fruity Facts for Health

Singaporeans have a love-hate relationship with food. On one hand, as a nation consumed with food, we are always on the lookout for new and exciting culinary finds. On the other hand, as we become more health-conscious and actively plan for optimum nutrition, it can be ‘painful’ to read food articles or watch cooking shows on TV, knowing that what’s featured might not be good for us. You’ll be glad to know that this article is all about delicious healthy fruit snacks that’s good for you!

While the oft-quoted saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” may be somewhat oversimplifying it, fruits are definitely healthy snacks that are packed with health benefits as they are naturally low in fat, calories and sodium. In addition, many fruits are rich in fibre which keeps us feeling fuller for longer, preventing us from overeating. People often think of fruits as a great source of vitamin C, but they are so much more. They are a great source of antioxidants, which are important for disease fighting. They also contain some A, B, E and K vitamins, as well as minerals such as potassium, phosphorous and calcium.

Fruit also provide a rich resource of nutrients that can be seen from their bright colours! The colour, smell and taste of a fruit comes from the plant’s phytochemicals. These plant-chemicals are believed to offer a wide range of health benefits, including those with antioxidants properties, carotenoid from orange-coloured fruits, and anthocyadin from red, blue and purple coloured fruit and vegetables. Oh, and if you want to keep the doctor away, the magic number is two servings of fruits per day. Now you know.

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