

Sculpt your body with a non-invasive treatment

Besides adopting a regular exercise routine, there are treatments that may help with fat reduction. Photo: Shutterstock

As you probably know by now, body fat is an impartial thing. Because of factors like a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, a slowdown in metabolism and even genes, fat cells can develop almost anywhere – from the tummy and the hips to your arms, thighs, back and chin.

While you can – and should – adopt a regular exercise routine coupled with a sensible diet, there are treatments that may also help with fat reduction. According to Dr Sim Kwang Chuor, medical director of Aesthetic Works, non-invasive fat reduction procedures have become increasingly popular here because compared to traditional liposuction, for instance, they are safer, have minimal downtime and usually involve little or no pain.

There are various fat reduction machines on the market that help to target stubborn fat with radio frequency, ultrasound or even “freezing” technology.

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