

I regret not spending more time with my Dad

I won’t make the same mistake with my kids
Mr Louis Ng holding daughter Ella at a birthday celebration with his parents and wife in this 2014 photo. It turned out to be the last birthday celebration he had with his father

I learnt about how precious time spent with loved ones is, in the worst possible way. I was at a meeting when my mum called to tell me that Daddy was diagnosed with stage IV prostate cancer. He didn’t have much time left, even though he was still relatively young in his mid-60s.

As a family, we did not have much time left together. This came as a complete shock to all of us. Daddy never had health issues before the diagnosis. One day he looked healthy and the next day, he was dying. We tried our best to treasure whatever time we had left together. We had our first holiday. We went on a cruise and had precious family time.

I regret that was our first family holiday. Daddy was always very busy at work. But he didn’t work for himself or purely for money. He never wore branded clothes nor liked expensive things. He worked hard for his family, his colleagues and his company where he was a manager for 42 years.

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