

April Fools' Day 2020

Spreading Fake Covid-19 News On April Fools’ Day Is Illegal In Some Countries, Offenders Risk Fine & Jail
Countries Across The World Are Cracking Down Spread Of Fake News About Covid-19 On 1 Apr, Including Thailand & Taiwan

April Fools’ Day is usually celebrated with practical jokes on friends, but it’s looking a little bleak this year amid the Covid-19 outbreak.

While we could use a bit of joy and laughter in this trying period, we should draw the line at jokes on Covid-19, as the pandemic definitely is no laughing matter.

For those who still want to try, governments around the world have issued statements on various social media platforms to remind people not to make jokes about Covid-19.

They’re dead serious about it too — spreading fake news about Covid-19 on April Fools’ Day could land you a fine or a jail term that definitely isn’t a joke.