

A look at China’s puzzling pyramids

China’s mysterious pyramids may rival those of ancient Egypt

Central China’s Shaanxi Province holds ancient secrets that are nearly 8,000 years old. Dozens of pyramids can be found in the province’s capital of Xi’an, along with Wei River, with dozens more scattered around other parts of the country.

Some of the memorials are step-like structures, similar to the pyramids in Mesoamerica. However, many are just massive, unassuming earthen mounds that are hiding elaborate underground rooms and passageways designed for royal life. The tallest is 154 feet in height but stood 249 feet tall in its heyday. Why were they built? A fierce debate between archeologists and pseudo-scientists has been raging for more than 80 years. Here’s what we know about China’s pyramids.

Most scientists agree that China’s pyramids were built to honor beloved emperors and their families. According to “National Geographic,” some of the burial sites have underground palaces, kitchens, and even toilets.

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