

Mushrooms, Mushrooms!

Shiitake — known as “fragrant mushroom” in Chinese, this brown, umbrella-shaped mushroom is available both fresh and dried and commonly used in local and other Asian cuisines. It has a woodsy, meaty flavour and is used in many dishes such as stir-frys, braised with meat or used in traditional Chinese food such as rice dumpling and yam cake

What is food without its flavour? Look into the supermarket aisles and you will find rows of seasoning and condiments that you can use to spice up your dishes.

But do you know that you can also find natural flavour-enhancing food to add oomph to your cooking among the fresh produce section? These include herbs (e.g. lemongrass, parsley), vegetables (e.g. onion, tomato), fruit (e.g. lemon, pineapple) and even seeds (e.g. sesame, sunflower seeds).

Mushrooms are one type of such natural flavour-enhancing food that you can use. They are neither meat nor vegetable; they belong to the category of fungi. Still, they are very much a part of our diet (especially if you are vegetarian) and are commonly used in cuisines all over the world.

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