

Be Positive and Stay Positive

Positive thinking can bring about positive emotions and positive experiences
Having a positive attitude is rejuvenating to both the mind and the body

All of us wish to have inner-peace, enjoy pleasant moments and be happy. Yet circumstances are not always within our control as we experience negative thoughts and negative emotions in many situations. While it is not always easy to stay positive in life, it is useful to remember that we can control the thoughts in our minds. It is within our capability to cultivate a positive mindset, in spite of negative situations.

Positive Thinking and Happiness - Being a positive person is more than just thinking positive thoughts or wishing for bad things to go away, leaving only positive experiences. It is about taking simple steps to make small changes in all areas of your life and to translate positive thoughts into behaviour. By taking the extra step to act on your positive thoughts, you can further enhance your mental wellbeing.

How to Be Positive:

  • Be contented
  • Be optimistic
  • Interpret objectively
  • Take a break

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