

Around the house uses of Baking Soda

Unless baking is your trade, nobody bakes all the time. And even if you do, baking soda is not just for the purpose of baking alone. It may be beneficial to you in so many ways around the house that you never thought possible. So don’t leave it just hanging around in your shelf until you need to bake. Fish it out and let me show you how to use it to improve your life at home:
  • Hair treatment
  • Refrigerator deodorizer
  • Teeth Whitener
  • Body deodorizer
  • Food stains remover
  • Kitchen and bathroom cleaner
  • Clean stuffed toys
  • Rid your shoes of smells
  • Clean crayon and other wall stains
  • Carpet freshener
  • Facial scrub
  • Grill cleaner
  • Cloth stains remover
  • Rids diaper rash
  • Clean burnt food stains
  • Mug stain remover
  • Anti-grease solution

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