

Healthy Diet Habits to Improve Brain Function

Human life span has been growing over the course of time. The usual life span was thirty to forty years, yet now people are becoming parents at this age. However, are we able to follow up on this and truly make our years count for something? Can the brain survive the passage of time?

There are enormous amounts of research done to prove that, indeed, the body is the temple of our minds and that our physical health has much to do with a healthy mind. Here, we will discuss what simple measures you can take that will have an impact on your brain and not just your body.

Improving Brain Function: Fats - These days it is a very common misconception that cholesterol is somehow bad for your health and that you should eat more low-calorie foods, like vegetables and grains. This popular belief has become mainstream and  many diet-conscious kitchens are turning to foods such as brown rice and whole grain bread. As a result, scientists have started investigating this matter.

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