

Can you catch herpes

Through sharing a razor with someone?
A woman, not pictured, is worried she gave her dad herpes after using his razor. [Photo: Getty]
People are discussing whether it’s possible to get herpes by sharing a razor

The discussion was sparked by a Reddit user who worried she had given her dad herpes by using a razor he owns to share her public hair.

In the post, entitled “TIFU and gave my dad herpes,” the Canadian user explains that she contracted herpes during college – or university, as it is known in the UK. Returning to her parents’ home at Christmas time, the user tells how she used a disposable razor belonging to her father in order to tidy up her pubic hair ahead of an anticipated hook-up.

“A boy I had a crush on in high school was going to be at a party I was going to [...] I figure who knows what’s going to happen, but I’ll give all my areas a good touch up.”

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