

Understanding What Blood Pressure Is

Here's the Easiest Way, Exactly
PeopleImages - Getty Images Why you should pee (and skip your morning coffee) before getting your blood pressure checked, and other ways to get the most accurate reading

You know that keeping your blood pressure in check makes for a strong heart—but you may not understand exactly what BP is or why it’s so important. Well, get this: 1 in 3 American adults have high blood pressure—and 20% of them don't even know they have it. Here, info and advice to make sure your ticker’s in tip-top shape.

So What Exactly Is Blood Pressure? While your blood is traveling from your heart to all the other parts of your body, it pushes against the walls of blood vessels—this force is called blood pressure. When you get it measured, the doctor or nurse rattles off two numbers:
  • The top number is your systolic blood pressure, which represents the force against your artery walls as your heart contracts to pump out blood. This is when BP is at its highest.
  • The bottom number is your diastolic pressure, which occurs between heartbeats while your heart is resting to gear up for the next pump. That’s your BP at its lowest.
What’s too high? Officially, 140/90—but any reading over 120/80 is considered risky and should be watched.

High blood pressure, or hyper-tension, can occur when plaque builds up in arteries, causing your blood to exert more force as it tries to squeeze through narrowed tubes. You may have heard high blood pressure called “the silent killer” because it doesn’t produce any symptoms; this is why it’s so important to get your BP checked regularly.

Chronic high blood pressure increases your risk for heart disease and, over time, can compromise the ability of blood to reach the brain, kidneys, eyes, and heart. It also puts excess strain on your heart (which has to work extra hard to push blood throughout your body) and arteries—a bulge (a.k.a. an aneurysm) may develop in weakened arteries, and if it ruptures, that may be deadly.

Low blood pressure isn’t harmful unless you experience dizziness, nausea, fainting, severe headaches, confusion, or light-headedness - if you do, see a doctor, as more serious conditions such as endocrine problems, nutrient deficiencies, or a medication issue may be at play.

Why Blood Pressure Changes? Our blood pressure does a little jig throughout the day—rise and dip, rise and dip—because it’s ruled by your circadian rhythm. It slowly rises a few hours before you wake up, peaks in the afternoon, and is at its lowest while you sleep. Your BP will also adjust based on your oxygen needs: If your body needs more oxygen, as when you’re exercising or digesting food, it’ll spike slightly.

How to Get the Right Reading? Blood pressure is temperamental—even a minor factor such as racing to your appointment can create an inaccurate reading, which can lead to over-treatment or under-treatment by your doc. Follow this advice to make sure you get the most accurate reading possible.

Slow down: Rushing to your doctor’s office can elevate your blood pressure, which may throw off your reading. Plan to arrive early so you can sit calmly in the waiting room for about five minutes, then keep quiet while your pressure is taken; even small talk can up your systolic reading by 10 to 15 mm Hg. If you suffer from white coat syndrome—getting anxious in medical settings—speak up, because being stressed can lead to a higher reading than when you’re not.

Prep properly: Skip coffee until after your appointment because caffeine may temporarily spike your blood pressure. And take a trip to the bathroom before entering the exam room—a full bladder can stimulate an adrenaline-like hormone that often raises BP.

Watch your posture: Sit with your feet flat on the floor—crossed legs or dangling feet can bump up systolic results. Be sure your arm is supported and at heart level, as diastolic pressure (the bottom number) is affected by arm position. Ask if you can sit in a chair instead of on the exam table so as to keep your arm supported at the correct height.

Keep Your Blood Pressure Healthy: Whether you need to bring BP down or keep it where it is, the right lifestyle habits can support healthy blood pressure levels.

Eat a healthy diet: Of course you know not to smoke, but it’s also important to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, nuts, and legumes—all these foods contain specific nutrients that promote lower BP.

Move your body: Regular exercise is also key; it lowers BP by reducing blood vessel stiffness. Any type of physical activity is great—walking, running, swimming, or strength training. In fact, just 30 minutes of walking on most days can lower blood pressure significantly, says the Mayo Clinic.

Keep a handle on stress: If you’re constantly frazzled, hormones are continuously being pumped out, which damages arteries over time and can lead to other conditions that raise your heart disease risk, such as weight gain and type 2 diabetes.

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Your Blood Pressure Reading May Not Be Correct, According to a Doctor
Follow this advice to make sure you get an accurate reading

Doctors emphasize that one of the smartest things you can do for your heart is know and manage your numbers — blood pressure, BMI, cholesterol, and blood sugar. But here’s an unfortunate truth: The blood pressure reading that’s rattled off during your appointment may not be accurate.

It’s probably not your doctor’s fault. Blood pressure is temperamental. Lots of factors can result in an off measurement, meaning you can potentially end up with a misdiagnosis. “People might get over-treated or under-treated if their blood pressure isn’t measured correctly in the office,” says Jordana Cohen, M.D., assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine. In other words, you could be put on meds you don’t need or prescribed a dose higher or lower than necessary. Follow this blood pressure checklist to make sure you walk away with the right reading.

Take a breather.
Rushing to your appointment can elevate blood pressure, which may throw off your reading. If you can, calmly sit still in the waiting room for five minutes, then keep quiet while your pressure is taken; even small talk can up your systolic reading (the top number) by 10 to 15 mm Hg. If you get anxious in medical settings — known as white coat syndrome — speak up, because this can lead to a higher reading than when you’re not stressed.

Prep in advance.
Skip the coffee until after your appointment, as caffeine may cause blood pressure to spike temporarily. And hit the bathroom before heading into the exam room — a full bladder can stimulate an adrenaline-like hormone that often raises blood pressure.

Watch your posture.
Sit with your feet flat on the floor — crossed legs or dangling feet can bump systolic results up. Be sure your arm is supported and at heart level, as diastolic pressure (the bottom number) is affected by arm position, says Dr. Cohen. Ask if you can sit in a chair instead of on the exam table — this can help keep your arm supported at the correct height.

Do an at-home check.

To monitor your blood pressure at home, try a trustworthy device like the Omron ReliOn BP200 monitor. High reading? Here are expert-approved ways to lower your blood pressure without medication.

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12 Proven Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally
Try these smart, drug-free ways to bring your numbers down

When you get a high blood pressure reading at the doctor's office, it might be tough for you to understand exactly what impact those numbers can make on your overall health, since high blood pressure has no unusual day-to-day symptoms. But the truth is, having high blood pressure is a serious health risk—it boosts the risks of leading killers such as heart attack and stroke, as well as aneurysms, cognitive decline, and kidney failure. What's more, high blood pressure is a primary or contributing cause of death in more than 1,000 deaths a day in the United States.

Even scarier? One in five U.S. adults with high blood pressure don’t know they have it, says the CDC. If you haven't had your numbers checked in two years, see a doctor. Anything above 130/80 mmHg is considered high.

While medication can lower blood pressure, it may cause side effects such as leg cramps, dizziness, and insomnia. The good news is that most people can bring their numbers down naturally without drugs. “Lifestyle changes are an important part of prevention and treatment of high blood pressure,” says Brandie D. Williams, MD, FACC, a cardiologist at Texas Health Stephenville and Texas Health Physicians Group.

First, get to a healthy weight (these tips can help!). Then try these natural ways to lower your blood pressure without having to take a single pill:
  • Go for power walks
  • Breathe deeply
  • Pick potassium-rich foods
  • Cut your sodium intake
  • Indulge in dark chocolate
  • Drink (a little) alcohol
  • Switch to decaf coffee
  • Take up tea
  • Work (a bit) less
  • Relax with music
  • Seek help for snoring
  • Have a glass of milk
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