

5th case where Pofma has been invoked

Update 26 Feb 2020: Corrections and clarifications regarding falsehoods by Gilbert Goh and The Independent Singapore

The Facebook post by Gilbert Goh (Goh) and article by The Independent Singapore (TISG), contain false statements on the housing situation of a single mother with six children.

  • On 19 February 2020, Goh published a Facebook post alleging that a single mother ‘Lina’ and her six children had been evicted from their rental flat due to rental default, and that they have been staying at her sister’s house.
  • On 21 February 2020, TISG published an article and Facebook post on ‘Lina’ reiterating the same claims, after it approached Goh to obtain more details.
The claims listed in both articles are entirely false, for the following reasons:
  • First, HDB did not evict ‘Lina’ from her rental flat. ‘Lina’ was previously living in a HDB rental flat with her husband and children. The family did not have any overdue rent throughout the period of the last tenancy. ‘Lina’’s husband terminated the tenancy for the rental flat and returned the keys to HDB in early February 2020.
  • Second, ‘Lina’ and her husband have bought a new flat from HDB, which has been paid for in full. ‘Lina’ and her family have since moved into their new HDB flat.

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Facebook expresses 'deep concern' after Singapore orders page block
Facebook has said the move by the government was "disproportionate"

Facebook has expressed concern after it was ordered by Singapore to block access to a news site's page.

Singapore said the fringe site States Times Review had broken a newly introduced "fake news" law and repeatedly conveyed "falsehoods". Facebook said it was "legally compelled" to comply with the order to block access from Singapore, but said the order was "deeply concern[ing]".

It added that the directive could "stifle freedom of expression".

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Facebook blocks States Times Review page from S’pore users

The States Times Review Facebook is dead — to users in Singapore. Facebook has blocked access to the STR page, rendering users in Singapore unable to view the contents of the page.

This was after Facebook was instructed to do so on Monday, Feb. 17 by the office overseeing the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA). Minister for Communications and Information S Iswaran directed the POFMA Office to order Facebook to block Singapore users from accessing STR’s page.

The STR Facebook page is owned by Alex Tan, a Singaporean who claims he is now an Australian.

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Facebook ordered to disable access to States Times Review Facebook page for Singapore users
Health Minister Gan Kim Yong instructed the Protection from Online Falsehood and Manipulation Act Office to issue corrections against "multiple false statements" in a post that States Times Review put up on Feb 13, 2020.PHOTO: SCREENGRAB FROM GOV.SG

Facebook has been ordered to disable access for Singapore users to the States Times Review Facebook page, under Singapore's law against fake news.

The move on Monday (Feb 17) came two days after the page became the first online site to be barred from receiving any financial benefit as a Declared Online Location (DOL).

Under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (Pofma), online sites can be designated as a DOL after they receive three directions under the law within six months.

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Government orders Facebook to disable Singapore users' access to States Times Review page

Minister for Communications and Information S Iswaran has directed the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) Office to order Facebook to disable Singapore users' access to the States Times Review (STR) Facebook page.

The Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) announced this in a media release on Monday (Feb 17), after the STR Facebook page failed to comply with correction directions it had been served with. "The STR Facebook page has repeatedly conveyed falsehoods and not complied with any of the POFMA directions that it has been served with," said MCI.

STR's Facebook page was designated as a Declared Online Location on Saturday, a day after Health Minister Gan Kim Yong ordered that the page be served a correction direction for a post containing claims about the COVID-19 situation that were "entirely untrue".

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11th case - Corrections and clarifications regarding falsehoods published by States Times Review on COVID-19 situation

Numerous false statements were made in a Facebook post by the States Times Review ("STR") on 13 February 2020 on the COVID-19 situation in Singapore.

On 13 February 2020, STR published a Facebook post on the COVID-19 situation in Singapore claiming that:
  • The Government is unable to trace the source of infection for any of the infected COVID-19 cases in Singapore;
  • The Government is "the only one" telling the public not to wear a mask;
  • Each "China worker" will also get S$100 a day for 14 days of Leave of Absence, fully paid for by the Singapore government;
  • Minister for Manpower, Mrs Josephine Teo, said that she was working hard to bring more workers from China into Singapore; and
  • Seven countries have since banned travel to Singapore, citing lack of confidence in the Singapore government’s public health measures

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10th case - Corrections and clarifications regarding falsehoods published by States Times Review on availability of face masks

There was a false statement on The States Times Review Facebook page on the supply of surgical masks in Singapore. The page is run by Mr Alex Tan, who lives in Australia.

At 10.10am on 30 January 2020, The States Times Review said on its Facebook page that Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Transport, Dr Lam Pin Min confirmed that Singapore had run out of face masks, and insinuated that Dr Lam Pin Min was blaming Singaporeans for “insensible and irresponsible” use of surgical masks. Mr Tan also posted that Singapore had run out of masks since last Sunday, less than three days after the first confirmed case.
In his Facebook post on 28 January 2020, Dr Lam Pin Min was clearly pictured in a warehouse which showed part of the Government stockpile of surgical masks. His Facebook post also stated clearly that there is sufficient supply of masks if people use them sensibly and responsibly.

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9th case - Corrections and clarifications regarding falsehoods published by AB-TC City News' website

There was a false statement contained in a web article on the Wuhan virus situation in Singapore.

On 30 Jan 2020, a website called ‘City News’ published an article titled “BREAKING NEWS: Singapore records six more coronavirus case, total of 16 now” ( claiming that five Singaporeans have contracted the Wuhan coronavirus without going to China.
As of 9pm on 30 Jan 2020, there is no local transmission of the Wuhan virus in Singapore. All confirmed cases in Singapore to date are Chinese nationals who travelled from Wuhan.

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8th case - Corrections and clarifications regarding falsehoods that Woodlands MRT closed for disinfection

There was a false statement contained in several Facebook posts on the 2019 novel coronavirus infection.

On 28 Jan 2020, there were posts by several Facebook users claiming that Woodlands MRT was closed for disinfection due to a suspected case of the 2019 novel coronavirus infection. The posts also urged members of the public not to go to Woodlands MRT.

This is not true. Woodlands MRT was not closed on 28 Jan 2020; it was fully operational.

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7th case -  Corrections and clarifications regarding falsehoods posted on HardwareZone Forum Post

There was a false statement contained in a HardwareZone Forum post on the Wuhan coronavirus infection.

At 5.50pm on 26 Jan 2020, a HardwareZone Forum post claimed that a 66 year old man died in Singapore from a newly identified virus that caused him to develop severe pneumonia.
As of 11pm on 26 Jan 2020, there have been no deaths among confirmed cases of the Wuhan coronavirus infection.

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POFMA Office issues correction notice to SPH Magazines over HardwareZone Forum post on Wuhan virus
The office overseeing the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) has been instructed to issue a general correction notice to SPH Magazines over a post on HardwareZone Forum. (Photo: Factually)

The office overseeing the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) has been instructed to issue a general correction notice to SPH Magazines over a post on HardwareZone Forum.

This came at the instruction of Health Minister Gan Kim Yong, the POFMA Office said in a media release on Monday (Jan 27).

“A false statement was made in a HardwareZone forum post, claiming that a man has died from the Wuhan coronavirus infection in Singapore. HardwareZone is required to carry the Correction Notice to all end-users in Singapore who use,” said the POFMA Office.

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SPH Magazines complies with Pofma correction order on false HardwareZone post
SPH Magazines has complied with an order by the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (Pofma) office to correct an online post in the HardwareZone Forum that falsely claimed that a man has died from the Wuhan virus infection. PHOTO: GOV.SG

SPH Magazines has complied with an order by the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (Pofma) office to correct an online post in the HardwareZone Forum that falsely claimed that a man has died from the Wuhan virus infection.

"A false statement was made in a HardwareZone forum post, claiming that a man has died from the Wuhan coronavirus infection in Singapore. HardwareZone is required to carry the Correction Notice to all end-users in Singapore who use," said the Pofma Office said in a statement early on Monday.

Health Minister Gan Kim Yong instructed the order to be issued, Pofma Office added.

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Malaysia-based NGO rejects Pofma order by MHA, says direction in breach of international law
The author of the original article is N Surendran, a former Malaysian Member of Parliament for Padang Serai from the ruling Pakatan Harapan coalition government and ex-vice president of Parti Keadilan Rakyat. He had on numerous occasions previously lobbied against the execution of Malaysian drug mules in Singapore

Malaysia’s Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) has refused to comply with the Singapore Government’s latest correction direction for publishing falsehoods, claiming that its article on death row prisoners in the Republic was based on “evidence” from former and current Singapore prison officers.

Instead the Malaysian non-governmental organisation has called for the directives, which were issued under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (Pofma), to be withdrawn unconditionally and with immediate effect. The organisation also asked for the same rescission for the orders issued to freelance journalist Kirsten Han, sociopolitical site The Online Citizen (TOC) and news portal Yahoo Singapore.

In a rebuttal titled “Singapore must withdraw threats of POFMA criminal proceedings against LFL and Singapore activists”, the group defended its original Jan 16 article, which claimed that prisoners on death row in Singapore were executed in a brutal manner. It said that its article was based on “evidence” from former and current Singapore prison officers with “impeccable service records”.

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Rights group rejects Singapore’s fake news charge, says republic has no jurisdiction in Malaysia
Earlier today, Singapore accused LFL of publishing ‘sensational and untrue stories’ for its agenda of saving Malaysians condemned in the republic. — pic via AFP

Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) told Singapore today to withdraw its order for the rights group to rescind its claims of barbaric executions in the island state as the republic has no jurisdiction over Malaysians outside of its territory.

“Singapore has no business interfering with the freedom of speech of Malaysian citizens making statements within our own country.

“It is outrageous and unacceptable for Singapore to issue a notice under their Pofma to a Malaysian organisation such as LFL, which is operating and issuing statements on Malaysian soil,” said LFL director Melissa Sasidaran in a press statement today.

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LFL: We stand by our claims on Singapore executions
Picture used for representational purposes

Human rights group Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) has defended its claim that brutal extralegal execution methods have been carried out at Changi Prison in Singapore.

LFL director Melissa Sasidaran said their sources comprised former and current Singapore prison officers “with impeccable service records”.

The Singapore Straits Times reported that the republic’s Home Affairs Ministry had slammed LFL’s allegations about its execution methods. These claims are “untrue, baseless and preposterous”, according to the ministry.

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MHA refutes Malaysia NGO's claims against S'pore's execution method; issues Pofma corrections against parties
The Malaysia-based LFL said in a statement that the Singapore Government approved of the "unlawful methods" that are used to cover up an execution if the rope breaks during the execution.PHOTO: GOV.SG

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has slammed Malaysia-based non-governmental organisation Lawyers for Liberty's (LFL) allegations about Singapore's execution method as "untrue, baseless and preposterous".

It has also invoked the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (Pofma) and ordered the LFL and three parties that have shared the allegations - Singaporean activist Kirsten Han, The Online Citizen website and Yahoo Singapore - to correct the false statements.

This is the fifth case where Pofma has been invoked since it came into effect on Oct 2 last year.

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Case 6: Corrections and clarifications regarding falsehoods posted by Lawyers for Liberty

The statement by the Malaysia-based Lawyers for Liberty ("LFL"), published on 16 Jan 2020, which alleged the use of unlawful methods in judicial executions conducted in Changi Prison, contains false statements of fact.

LFL's allegation that the Singapore Prison Service (SPS) applies the alleged procedure for judicial executions is completely baseless.


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Want to Criticize Singapore? Expect a ‘Correction Notice’

When the ruling People’s Action Party (P.A.P.) passed a new law against “fake news” last year, it claimed to want to protect both free speech and national security. Falsehoods, the government said, “have been weaponized, to attack the infrastructure of fact, destroy trust and attack societies.”

Since the law came into force in October, the government has invoked it five times, and there is now reason to fear that the law is, instead, a tool to quiet dissent:
  • Target of order No. 1: Brad Bowyer, a member of the Progress Singapore Party, a new party, for a Facebook post
  • Target No. 2: the States Times Review, a website critical of the ruling party, for a Facebook post
  • After the website’s publisher — a resident of Australia — refused to post the government’s correction notice, the government ordered Facebook to post it instead. (Order No. 3.) Facebook complied
  • No. 4: an order from the minister of manpower against the S.D.P. for various posts and an online article
  • And then, the subject of order No. 5: Lim Tean, the leader of People’s Voice, another fledgling political party, for online posts

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Full Coverage:
Singapore uses fake news law on watchdog that criticised executions
Spore 'fake news' law:1st correction direction issued against Malaysia-based group
POFMA Correction Direction issued to LFL's statement on alleged judicial execution
Spore directs M'sia NGO & others to correct 'baseless' allegations about execution
Malaysian rights group 'absolutely stands by' claims, will not comply with correction
Spore invokes falsehood law against M'sian rights group's 'preposterous' claims
MHA refutes Malaysian NGO's allegations on S'pore executions
Factually clarifications on falsehoods posted by Lawyers For Liberty
MHA issue POFMA correction order to Msia's LFL, Yahoo, TOC & Kirsten Han
Invoking 'fake news' law, Spore refutes report on 'brutal' executions at Changi Prison
M'sia NGO rejects Pofma order by MHA, says direction breach of international law
LFL alleged judicial execution method in Changi Prison "baseless" & "preposterous"
Singapore denies 'coup de grace' for botched executions
MHA refutes M'sia NGO's claims against Spore's execution,issues Pofma correction
S'pore abusing fake news law to muzzle critics - LFL returns fire
Singapore rejects Msian NGO's report on illegal executions as 'fake news'
LFL: We stand by our claims on Singapore executions
Brutal executions - S'pore dismisses LFL's claims as 'baseless falsehoods'
Spore denies M'sian legal group’s ‘preposterous’ claim of brutal hangings in Changi
Rights group rejects Spore's fake news charge, republic no jurisdiction in M'sia
Singapore denies 'coup de grace' for botched executions
Invoking ‘fake news’ law,Spore refutes report on ‘brutal’ executions at Changi Prison

POFMA: 4 Strikes By 4 Different Ministers

The POFMA is now going into overdrive, as for the past three weeks or so, four Corrections Directions have been thrown down to dissenting voices against the government. What is more interesting is that all four Correction Orders were given by different Ministers from different Ministries. Is this an indictment of the very sad state of Singapore Politics, or a sign that Ministers are actually working hard, and have been given a new toy with which to fix the opposition?

Lim Tean became the fourth member of the POFMA issued band. So far, these are the members of that illustrious band, which many Singaporeans feel will grow by the day to include more opposition voices:
  • Brad Bowyer issued POFMA from Minister of Finance, Heng Swee Keat
  • States Times issued POFMA from Home Minister K Shanmugan
  • Singapore Democratic Party issued POFMA from Minister of Manpower Josephine Teo
  • Lim Tean issued POFMA from Minister of Education Ong Ye Kung
All four POFMA issued by different Ministers, is this what the government mean when they want to wish Singaporeans a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year? It does seem like the POFMA is now the shiny new toy for the Ministers themselves were given to fix the opposition. And for the PAP at least, it is turning out to be the best Xmas gift they can be given, ahead of the next, upcoming, General Election.

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3 Instances Of POFMA Invoked
Singapore invokes fake-news law again

The Singapore government invoked its fake news law on Saturday to order an opposition party to publish corrections on two social media posts and an article on its website about local employment.

It is the third time that authorities have used the law, called the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (Pofma), since it came into effect two months ago. But it is the first time it has been used against a political party.

The government ordered the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) to issue corrections to a sponsored Facebook post, another post on its page on the social network as well as an article on its website about the city-state’s job market.

Fake news law invoked for 2nd time in 4 days, States Times Review directed to correct Facebook post
A screenshot of the corrections and clarifications regarding falsehoods posted by States Times Review on Facebook.PHOTO: GOV.SG

The person who runs the Facebook page of alternative news site States Times Review was directed on Thursday (Nov 28) under the Republic's fake news law to correct false statements in a post on the page.

This is the second time the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (Pofma) has been invoked after it was used on Monday in relation to a separate Facebook post by opposition party member Brad Bowyer.

The Pofma Office said on Thursday that it was instructed by Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam to issue a correction direction to Mr Alex Tan Zhi Xiang regarding a post on the States Times Review Facebook page on Nov 23.

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POFMA fake news law invoked for first time
Singapore political figure Brad Bowyer. — Picture via

Singapore political figure Brad Bowyer today corrected a Facebook post questioning the independence of state investment firms following a government request, in the first use of the country's new “fake news” law.

Bowyer used “false and misleading” statements alleging the government influenced decisions made by state investors Temasek Holdings and GIC, according to a statement on the official government fact-checking website.

Bowyer said he had placed a correction notice with a link to the government statement above his Facebook post following a request to do so under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (Pofma). “I have no problem in following that request as I feel it is fair to have both points of view and clarifications and corrections of fact when necessary,” Bowyer said in a statement on Facebook.

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Clarifications on misleading TOC article on POFMA

The website The Online Citizen published an article and Facebook post on 5 Oct 2019 titled “Has anyone thought about this one way top down enforcement of so called ‘fake news’?”. The article makes false allegations that Ministers can exercise POFMA powers during the election period in order to influence election outcomes, and use POFMA to silence critics.

Update: 7 Oct 2019 - Terry Xu/The Online Citizen made a statement falsely alleging that there was a “Hep C cover up prior to the GE2015”. Below is MOH’s clarification:
Terry Xu’s/The Online Citizen’s statement that there was a “Hep C cover up prior to the GE2015” is false. An Independent Review Committee conducted an objective and critical review of the incident and found no evidence of deliberate delays by SGH or MOH in escalating the Hepatitis C outbreak, let alone a cover up. Public healthcare professionals and MOH officers carry out their duties professionally with patients’ best interests in mind. The timeline of key events was disclosed by MOH. Questions on the incident were raised in Parliament, to which the Minister for Health provided full responses.
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Factually cases on POFMA:

Cases where POFMA has been invoked
First challenge against POFMA fake news law
Singapore rebuts Foreign Media on fake news law
5th case where Pofma has been invoked
Tis the season to be #POFMA-ed
3 Instances Of POFMA Invoked
Facebook gives way to Singapore’s ‘fake news’ law
POFMA fake news law invoked for first time
PM Lee: “POFMA would catch you!”
K Shanmugam to ‘Ah Lian’: POFMA is like a Torchlight
Singapore's fake news law passed
Singapore introduces anti-fake news law
Singapore PM sues online editor
Singapore PM threatens online editor with libel
PM Lee sues Blogger for sharing article
MDA tells The Online Citizen to register under Broadcasting Act To Register Under Broadcasting Act
Blogger asked to remove defamatory post about PM Lee
Why is Facebook in trouble?
"Can we love our Country and fear at the same time?”
The 'Dr Mahathir-Activists KL Meeting' Saga
States Times Review to shut down
Thumping of PJ Thum over ‘fake news’ hearing
Parliamentary committee on Fake News
Law to combat fake news to be introduced next year
Combating fake news in Singapore

Fakes and Frauds
Singapore public servants' computers no Internet from May 2017