

What Breakfast Looks Like in 50 Countries

Argentina: Medialunas

Breakfast in Argentina is a no-frills affair. You’ll find locals typically eating one of two things: tostados (toast) or medialunas ("half-moons"), which are pastries similar to croissants but a smaller and sweeter. Of course, these are typically eaten with coffee.

Australia: Vegemite

Vegemite is a classic Australian product that people tend to either love or loathe. It is a thick, black spread that’s made from brewer’s yeast extract and is traditionally spread in a very thin layer over some buttered toast, sometimes accompanied with a slice of cheese. If Vegemite is too much first thing in the morning, a fry-up consisting of eggs, bacon, grilled tomatoes and mushrooms as well as some sausages, beans or hash browns is an equally Aussie breakfast to enjoy.

Bangladesh: Chapattis

In Bangladesh, wheat flour flatbreads called chapattis are frequently served for breakfast along with potato curry or scrambled eggs.

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