

True Singapore ghost stories, really

Grandmaster Chew, a “ghostbuster” and owner of “Ghostbuster”, a geomancy consultancy shop located in Katong Shopping Centre, comes back with more ghostly tales to haunt the weak and humble the brave! This time round, his son and disciple, Master Jeroen Chew, also shared a story of his own.

The importance of fulfilling promises - Back in 2015, Grandmaster Chew retells the story of an Indian client who frantically sought out his help. The man has been facing strange incidents in his flat. Without fail at midnight every day, his kitchen tap will turn on on its own. This carried on for a full year, as he sought out plumbers and masters from different faiths to assist him. He finally approach Grandmaster Chew after exhausting multiple options.

Once the man sat in front of Grandmaster Chew, he took a look into his life. Without prompting, Grandmaster Chew drew out the layout of his flat and said to him, “There are many child spirits in your house who are turning on the tap in your house every night.”

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