

AHTC Saga: Parliamentary motion passed

Update 18 Jan 2020: AHTC to remove Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang from financial matters so to direct its energies towards fulfilling its core functions

Aljunied-Hougang Town Council has removed Ms Sylvia Lim and Mr Low Thia Khiang — both Members of Parliament for Aljunied GRC — from financial oversight of the town council, with effect from Thursday (16 January) after receiving a rectification order from the the Minister of National Development, Lawrence Wong on 3 January 2020.

In a statement published on the town council’s website, AHTC voiced its surprise that the Minister Wong is invoking Section 43D(2) of the Town Councils Act (TCA) to compel the Town Council to comply with the Ministry’s orders. Under the section, the Minister, may by order given in writing to the Town Council, require the directed Town Council:

  • to take specified remedial action to address the deficiencies within a specified period and to report to the Minister, at the end of the specified period, on the action taken to give effect to the requirement;
  • or to take specified action to correct the irregularity or to guard against the recurrence of irregularities (or both) at the end of the specified period.

If a Town Council fails to comply with a rectification order by the compliance date, the Town Council shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 and in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $50 for every day or part of a day during which the offence continues after conviction.

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MND orders AHTC to limit powers of WP MPs Low Thia Khiang, Sylvia Lim in some financial matters
Former Workers’ Party (WP) chief Low Thia Khiang and WP chairman Sylvia Lim outside the Supreme Court on Oct 16, 2018.PHOTO: ST FILE

Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong has issued an order requiring Aljunied Hougang Town Council to restrict the powers of Workers' Party MPs Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang in making certain financial decisions at the town council.

The Ministry of National Development (MND) said in a statement on Friday (Jan 3) that this was to guard against a repeat of the financial irregularities at the town council which were caused by the duo. As elected MPs of Aljunied GRC, they also serve as town councillors in AHTC.

The rectification order under section 43D(2)(b) of the Town Councils Act mandates that they shall not have authority to:
  • unilaterally incur or approve expenditure on behalf of AHTC
  • unilaterally accept or waive any quotation or tender for any stores, services or works on behalf of AHTC
  • serve as cheque signatories for AHTC

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MND orders Aljunied-Hougang Town Council to recuse Low, Sylvia from financial decisions
Workers' Party members Low Thia Khiang (left) and Sylvia Lim. (Yahoo News Singapore file photos)

The Ministry of National Development (MND) has ordered Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) to recuse town councillors Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang from certain financial decisions, in order to prevent a “recurrence of irregularities” caused by the two Aljunied GRC Members of Parliament (MPs).

In a media statement on Friday (3 January), MND said AHTC has been instructed to strip Lim and Low of the power to unilaterally incur or approve expenditure, accept or waive any quotation or tender or to serve as cheque signatories for AHTC.

“While we note the measures that AHTC has put in place, it is not apparent – and AHTC has not demonstrated – how they would be effective to guard against a recurrence of irregularities arising from the acts of dishonest Town Councillors,” said the ministry.

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Govt asks AHTC why it didn't compel WP leaders to recuse themselves from financial matters, may take further action
The Aljunied-Hougang Town Council voted 17 to one during a recent meeting against recusing Workers' Party Members of Parliament Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang from all financial matters

The Ministry of National Development (MND) has written to the Workers’ Party-led Aljunied Hougang Town Council (AHTC), asking why it did not compel vice-chairman Sylvia Lim and town councillor Low Thia Khiang to recuse themselves from financial matters.

The ministry also asked the town council whether it intends to implement other safeguards or interim measures in managing its finances.

“Upon receiving AHTC’s response, MND will further consider whether regulatory action needs to be taken in order to ensure the proper safeguarding of public monies entrusted to town councils,” the ministry said on Thursday (Dec 5) in its annual Town Council Management Report.

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MND remains concerned over AHTC financial affairs, could take regulatory action

The Ministry of National Development (MND) said on Thursday (Dec 5) that it was concerned over Ms Sylvia Lim and Mr Low Thia Kiang's continued involvement in the financial affairs of Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC).

In October, Ms Lim and Mr Low were found liable in a landmark case investigating the misuse of tens of millions of dollars in town council funds.

The Workers' Party leaders were said to have breached their fiduciary duties in appointing FM Solutions and Services (FMSS) as managing agent of AHTC and failing to act in the town council's best interests.

related: All town councils have unqualified financial statements for FY2018

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AHTC votes not to recuse Low Thia Khiang, Sylvia Lim from financial matters
Former Workers' Party chief Low Thia Khiang (top left), WP chairperson Sylvia Lim (top right) and WP chief Pritam Singh in Parliament on 5 November, 2019. (SCREENCAP: govsingapore/YouTube)

The Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) has voted not to recuse Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang from all matters relating to, and oversight over, financial matters of AHTC.

In a statement on the AHTC website on Saturday evening (30 November), AHTC chairman Faisal Manap said the council voted 17 to 1 against the recusal in a secret vote at its recent quarterly meeting. Both Lim and Low were absent from the meeting. Faisal is also an opposition Member of Parliament for Aljunied.

On 5 November, Parliament passed a motion calling on AHTC to recuse Lim and Low - an AHTC vice-chair and member respectively - from the council’s financial matters. The motion came after Lim, Low and Workers’ Party chief Pritam Singh were found to be liable for damages suffered by AHTC, which is said to have made millions in improper payments under their watch.

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WP's Sylvia Lim, Low Thia Khiang, Pritam Singh and PRPTC file appeals against AHTC judgment
The judgment by High Court Judge Kannan Ramesh, issued on Oct 11, found that the MPs had breached their duties towards the Aljunied Hougang Town Council and residents. PHOTO: ST FILE

Workers’ Party MPs Sylvia Lim, Low Thia Khiang and Pritam Singh as well as the Pasir Ris-Punggol Town Council (PRPTC) have filed appeals against a High Court ruling on a civil case brought against the MPs.

The judgment by High Court Judge Kannan Ramesh, issued on Oct 11, found that the MPs had breached their duties towards Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) and residents.

But Justice Ramesh had also ruled against some of the claims by the two town councils.

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Parliament votes in favour of motion calling on WP MPs Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang to recuse themselves from AHTC financial matters
DPM Heng Swee Keat (left) tabled a parliamentary motion for WP's Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang to recuse themselves from all financial matters at the AHTC. PHOTOS: NG SOR LUAN, ST FILE

Parliament on Tuesday (Nov 5) voted for a motion that called on Workers' Party (WP) MPs Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang to recuse themselves from all financial matters at the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC).

The vote, which came after four hours of debate, saw 52 MPs supporting the motion. All nine WP MPs voted against it, while Nominated MPs Walter Theseira and Anthea Ong abstained, citing concerns over parts of the motion.

In moving the motion, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat asked the WP what it planned to "put its own house in order", noting it has remained "totally silent" since a High Court verdict released last month found Mr Low and Ms Lim had acted dishonestly in awarding a managing agent contract for AHTC to a company set up by their supporters without calling a tender.

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After 4-hour debate, Parliament calls on AHTC to remove Sylvia Lim, Low Thia Khiang from financial responsibilities

The debate saw several Cabinet ministers and MPs from the ruling People’s Action Party spar with Workers’ Party MPs over a motion that stemmed from a High Court judgment last month involving Ms Sylvia Lim and Mr Low Thia Khiang

Parliament has called on the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) to remove Workers’ Party Members of Parliament (MPs) Sylvia Lim and former chief Low Thia Khiang from any financial responsibilities relating to the town council, following a four-hour debate over a motion tabled by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat on Tuesday (Nov 5).

The debate saw several Cabinet ministers and MPs from the ruling People’s Action Party spar with Workers’ Party MPs over a motion that stemmed from a High Court judgment last month.

With the debate veering at times into technical legal details from the lengthy AHTC trial, WP chief Pritam Singh — who was also one of the defendants in the court case — ultimately called for a division, which is a procedure to record how each MP present would vote.

related: Why WP MPs be recused from AHTC financial matters pending court appeal

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Abstaining on AHTC motion, two NMPs voice concerns over timing and political overtones

The NMPs who abstained, Associate Professor Walter Theseira and Ms Anthea Ong, were the only NMPs who rose to speak during the debate on the motion

Two Nominated Members of Parliament (NMPs) on Tuesday (Nov 5) abstained from voting on the motion filed by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat which called for accountability from the Workers’ Party (WP) over the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) lapses.

Specifically, the motion — which was passed by Parliament — called on WP Aljunied GRC MPs Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang to recuse themselves from all financial matters related to the town council.

The NMPs who abstained, Associate Professor Walter Theseira and Ms Anthea Ong, were the only NMPs who rose to speak during the debate on the motion. Both explained their decision to abstain, with Assoc Prof Theseira questioning whether the motion was “a political resolution”.

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Clips of PM Lee looking exasperated at Heng Swee Keat’s performance during AHTC motion circulate online
This is not the first time PM Lee has coached Mr Heng on what to say when he has clashed with Sylvia Lim. Last year, Mr Heng and his ruling party colleagues pressed Ms Lim to apologise for saying that the Government had floated “trial balloons” on a possible tax hike. While Ms Lim was engaged in a heated exchange with one of Mr Heng’s colleagues, PM Lee could be seen coaching Mr Heng on what to say at his next turn

Clips of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong appearing exasperated at Heng Swee Keat’s performance in Parliament, as he defended a motion against the Workers’ Party (WP) last week, are circulating online. Mr Heng, who presently serves as Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, is expected to succeed PM Lee after the next election.

Last Tuesday (5 Nov), Mr Heng moved to get Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim to recuse themselves from Aljunied-Hougang Town Council’s (AHTC) financial matters, in the wake of a High Court judgment that found the MPs liable for damages in the AHTC lawsuit. Multiple parties who were present in the House and those who watched the proceedings online noted that Mr Heng struggled to defend his motion when confronted with the WP’s position that they will be appealing the High Court decision in the apex court.

A visibly flustered Mr Heng fumbled and eventually called for an abrupt time-out when the WP called his motion premature. His hour-long speech introducing his motion was also called “rambling” and his closing remarks were considered “garbled” by those who were in the gallery.

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DPM Heng: Two rescue jobs so far. He has to do much better
Two rescue jobs so far. And counting. Singapore’s PM-in-waiting has to do much better than this

Over the week, the two main conversation topics among Singaporeans are the e-scooter ban and Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat’s poor performance in Parliament. I shall skip the personal mobility device ban issue. That ban is, I think, well supported by most Singaporeans concerned about safety on roads and shared pathways.  I support  it. But the livelihoods of 7,000 food delivery workers are at stake and, I hope, all goes well for them in the dialogue between them and relevant authorities.

Somehow, however, the mainstream media seemed all too eager to play up the e-scooter ban. They went to town with maximum coverage. We get big media pictures of PAP MPs in earnest conversations with affected delivery workers. The fact is: It was the government which was behind the curve in coping with the new transport devices and had allowed their proliferation all over the landscape. Only now has it stepped in to deal with the situation.

Not much, relatively speaking, has been published or written in MSM about DPM Heng’s performance. Not the la dee da about the need for the motion but Heng’s outright fumble. Why? Here, I quote a Malay phrase: Tau sama tau (You know, I know). Interpretation: Underplay  the exchanges between Heng and Lim and move on, perhaps the public will forget all this very quickly. And yet, in the coffeeshops, millennial eateries and offices, that was all that Singaporeans were talking about and will talk about in the impending general elections.

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Criticism against Heng Swee Keat for “scoring an own goal” in motion against WP continues
Yahoo Singapore Assistant Editor Nicholas Yong said the DPM's speech was "harsh in tone but rambling in delivery"

The criticism Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat earned, in the wake of his less-than-stellar performance in Parliament as he introduced a motion against Workers’ Party (WP) politicians, continues.

In a commentary published yesterday (6 Nov), Yahoo Singapore Assistant Editor Nicholas Yong noted that the motion “should have been a slam dunk” but the DPM ended up scoring an “own goal”. Mr Yong was present in the House as DPM Heng moved to require Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim to “recuse themselves” from Aljunied-Hougang Town Council’s (AHTC) financial matters. Calling his hour-long speech “harsh in tone but rambling in delivery,” Mr Yong said that DPM Heng – who is expected to succeed Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong as head of government after the next election – “was supposed to carry the ball” but instead he “fumbled” and “dropped the ball” when Parliament convened on Tuesday (5 Nov).

Revealing that Mr Heng struggled to defend his motion during the ensuing debate, Mr Yong recalled: “Instead, just minutes into the debate on the motion, Heng had to call for a time-out. He hummed and hawed, flipping through his folder like a student stumbling through his class presentation. And it all happened under persistent questioning from Lim and even typically mild-mannered Hougang MP Png Eng Huat.”

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Heng scores own goal
He noted that Heng was rambling in his hour-long Parliamentary speech

In an opinion piece on Yahoo yesterday (‘COMMENT: Heng Swee Keat needs to raise his game against Workers’ Party‘, 6 Nov), Yahoo’s Assistant News Editor Nicholas Yong observed that Heng had scored his own goal at the latest sitting of Parliament on Tuesday (5 Nov).

“Fumbled. Dropped the ball. Whichever sporting analogy you prefer, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat appears to have done it during the latest sitting of Parliament,” Mr Yong wrote.

Mr Yong was referring to PAP’s proposed motion to called on WP’s Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim to recuse themselves from financial matters relating to Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) in view of the recent High Court ruling.

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Heng Swee Keat needs to raise his game against Workers' Party

Fumbled. Dropped the ball. Whichever sporting analogy you prefer, Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Heng Swee Keat appears to have done it during the latest sitting of Parliament on Tuesday (5 November).

Having proposed a motion that called on Workers’ Party (WP) Members of Parliament (MP) Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim to recuse themselves from financial matters relating to Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC), he was supposed to carry the ball.

After an hour-long speech that was harsh in tone (“The High Court has found Ms Sylvia Lim and Mr Low Thia Khiang to be dishonest and deceptive”) but rambling in delivery, it should have been a slam dunk for the heir apparent to PM Lee Hsien Loong, alongside the 82 People’s Action Party’s (PAP) MPs.

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A slight commotion over a motion

Sylvia Lim is the bad one. Low Thia Kiang is a decent guy who actually ran Aljunied-Hougang Town Council competently but ... Pritam Singh and Png Eng Huat had been duped by the two above-mentioned.

Faisal Manap, as town council chairman, doesn’t have the gumption to do the right thing, that is, remove the first two from their town council posts or, at least, make sure they don’t have oversight of finances. Chen Show Mao was the only one who was left scot-free. He didn’t speak – nor was he spoken of.

That’s how the People’s Action Party painted the elected Workers’ Party MPs yesterday, during the debate on a motion spearheaded by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat. At least, that’s how it came across to me.

related: DPM Heng's motion on AHTC is 'premature': Sylvia Lim

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Ex-WP MP Lee Li Lian criticises Heng Swee Keat’s “embarrassing performance” in Parliament
Ex-Workers’ Party (WP) parliamentarian Lee Li Lian has criticised Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat’s “embarrassing performance” in Parliament yesterday (5 Nov) as he brought forth a motion against WP leaders Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim

Citing a recent High Court judgment that found Mr Low, Ms Lim and WP chief Pritam Singh liable for damages in the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) civil lawsuit, DPM Heng moved to get AHTC to require Mr Low and Ms Lim to “recuse themselves” from the town council’s financial matters.

Mr Heng managed to pass his parliamentary motion 52-9 against Mr Low and Ms Lim, despite multiple accounts that he was flustered and fumbled to defend his motion during the four-hour debate. The WP’s main position that the motion is premature since the WP MPs can still appeal the court decision reportedly seemed to take Mr Heng by surprise.

After appearing to have difficulty in answering Ms Lim and Hougang MP Png Eng Huat’s requests for clarifications on his speech, Mr Heng abruptly asked Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan Jin for a recess. Despite Mr Singh’s objection that the House had already taken a 20-minute break, Mr Heng was granted a ten-minute adjournment.

related: Criticism against DPM Heng “scoring an own goal” in motion against WP continues

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WP MPs under no legal obligation to recuse themselves from AHTC financial matters, premature to comment on potential criminal or civil liability
The Workers’ Party (WP) Members of Parliament (MP) do not have a legal obligation to recuse themselves from the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC)’s financial matters, according to a partner at law firm Eugene Thuraisingam LLP

Suang Wijaya told The Straits Times, as seen in an article published on Thu (7 Nov), that legal recuse from a matter “is generally justified if someone has a personal interest” in said matter.

An example of having a personal stake in a matter is “when a decision is being made on whether to award a contract to a company and the person happens to be a shareholder of that company”, he added.

Mr Wijaya also argued that it would be “premature” to comment on the WP MPs’ potential criminal or further civil liability, as court proceedings are still ongoing.

DPM Heng Swee Keat got stuck on several occasions while debating on motion regarding AHTC

Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat put forth a motion in Parliament on Tuesday (5 November) calling for Worker’s Party (WP) MPs Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang to recuse themselves from dealing with or having oversight over financial matters of the Aljunied-Huogang Town Council (AHTC) until the court case has ended.

In his long speech calling for the motion, Mr Heng referred to the High Court judgement which found Ms Lim, Mr Low, and WP chief Pritam Singh liable for damages suffered by AHTC, which it has been said made improper payments under their watch amounting to millions.

As Mr Heng delivered his motion, he claimed that Ms Lim and Mr Low had been “dishonest and deceptive and have failed in their duty to the Town Council”.

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DPM Heng Swee Keat calls for adjournment after being questioned by Sylvia Lim
On Tuesday (5 November), Parliament debated a motion put forth by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat for Worker’s Party (WP) MPs Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang to recuse themselves from dealing with or having oversight over financial matters of the Aljunied-Huogang Town Council (AHTC) until the court case has ended

In his long speech calling for the motion, Mr Heng referred to the High Court judgement which found Ms Lim, Mr Low, and WP chief Pritam Singh liable for damages suffered by AHTC, which it has been said made improper payments under their watch amounting to millions.

As Mr Heng delivered his motion, he claimed that Ms Lim and Mr Low had been “dishonest and deceptive and have failed in their duty to the Town Council”.

Ms Lim countered by seeking clarification from Mr Heng on his remarks that “millions have been lost”, to which he hesitated as he flipped through his folder before addressing Ms Lim’s other queries.

DPM Heng got stuck on several occasions while debating on motion regarding AHTC
Senior Minister of State Edwin Tong saves DPM Heng from WP questions in motion

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“The two words that have defined this motion are hurried and premature” – WP MPs respond to DPM Heng’s motion

On Nov 5 the Deputy Prime Minister introduced a motion calling on Aljunied-Hougang Town Council to require Workers’ Party (WP) MPs Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim to “recuse themselves” from the town council’s financial matters, in the wake of the High Court judgment in the AHTC legal case.

The WP called on the House to reject the motion, noting that the timeframe in which the MPs can appeal the judgment has yet to expire. Revealing that the MPs intend to appeal the court decision, the WP questioned the ruling party’s motives for putting such a motion forth when the legal proceedings have yet to conclude.

The motion was passed 52-9 after four hours of debate, with all nine WP MPs and Non-Constituency MPs opposing the motion. Read the responses by Ms Sylvia Lim, Mr Pritam Singh and Mr Faisal Manap in full here.

‘PAP must “explain truthfully” its motive in bringing motion against Low and Lim’ – Pritam Singh
Mr Pritam questioned the PAP's intention calling the motion "hurried" and "premature". "There is no reason for Parliament to be prematurely hijacked as a substitute for the judicial process when the window for appeal on the judgement has not closed," he said

Workers’ Party (WP) secretary-general Pritam Singh asked the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) yesterday (5 Nov) to “explain truthfully” its motive in bringing forward a motion against Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim that is centred on ongoing legal proceedings.

Mr Pritam made this call after Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat introduced a motion calling on Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) to require Mr Low and Ms Lim to “recuse themselves” from the town council’s financial matters, in the wake of a High Court judgment that found the MPs liable for damages in the AHTC lawsuit.

Asserting that a “time of reckoning” has come for the WP after years of “deception,” DPM Heng demanded that the WP “cannot stay silent,” in an hour-long speech in Parliament. Asking the party if it will apologise and remove Sylvia Lim from her post as vice-chairman of the town council, Mr Heng suggested that the WP leaders are “playing the victim or the underdog.”

AHTC saga: After years of ‘deception’, time of reckoning has come for WP MPs, says Heng Swee Keat
Tracing the long-running Aljunied-Hougang Town Council saga to its origins and how the Workers’ Party had acted throughout, Mr Heng Swee Keat slammed the opposition party for how it “persistently refused over eight years to be transparent about what it had done”

Several important questions of public interest have arisen out of the High Court’s findings on the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) case, with large amounts of public funds involved, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat said. He also urged Parliament to hold the Workers’ Party (WP) and two of its top leaders accountable for their roles in the saga.

Tracing the long-running AHTC saga to its origins and how the WP had acted throughout, Mr Heng on Tuesday (Nov 5) slammed the opposition party for how it “persistently refused over eight years to be transparent about what it had done”.

But the time of reckoning has come, he added. Mr Heng, who is expected to succeed Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong when he steps down, said: “The High Court has found Ms Sylvia Lim and Mr Low Thia Khiang (from WP) to be dishonest and deceptive, and to have failed in their duty to the town council… Are Ms Sylvia Lim and Mr Low Thia Khiang going to continue to have oversight, and decision-making power, over public funds in AHTC? What do those in charge of AHTC intend to do about the findings in the judgement?”


Concealed facts, untruths: PAP spells out its reasons why WP MPs should be recused from AHTC financial affairs

People's Action Party (PAP) ministers listed a range of reasons why Mr Low Thia Khiang and Ms Sylvia Lim should recuse themselves from financial matters relating to Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC), debating a motion on the issue in Parliament on Tuesday (Nov 5).

Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat raised the motion, outlining four main issues in the Workers’ Party’s (WP) handling of the matter. Other ministers, including Edwin Tong and Desmond Lee, also weighed in on the issue.

In his speech, Mr Heng said the WP appointed their “friends” to manage the Town Council at a higher cost than the previous management, concealed the real facts, manipulated the circumstances of the appointment and even misled their fellow Town Councillors.


Pritam vouches for fellow MPs, questions timing of motion

"The timing of this motion by DPM Heng is highly unusual for a legal system that places an exacting premium on the rule of law as a defining characteristic of the country," he added.

"The PAP must explain truthfully what is its motive in hurriedly filing this motion before the case is concluded."

Mr Singh was among the last of the 13 MPs who spoke in the four-hour-long debate yesterday.


Will DPM Heng’s parliamentary motion against Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim backfire?
Many Singaporeans have called the move a "low blow" and have noted that the timing of the motion comes just a few months after the Government announced the first formal step towards the next General Election

Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat will be introducing a motion in Parliament tomorrow (5 Nov) calling on Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) to require Workers’ Party (WP) politicians Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang to “recuse themselves” from all financial matters related to AHTC.

DPM Heng’s motion comes weeks after High Court Judge Kannan Ramesh said that Mr Low and Ms Lim had breached their fiduciary duties to AHTC and that the Aljunied GRC MPs are liable for damages, as he released his long-awaited judgment on the year-long AHTC lawsuit.

The lawsuit arises from civil proceedings – this means that the judgment is unlikely to affect Mr Low and Ms Lim’s parliamentary seats unless they are unable to pay the damages arising from the lawsuit. If they are unable to pay up, they will be made bankrupt and lose their seats in parliament.


DPM Heng demands that WP “cannot stay silent” and must “take action” in the wake of AHTC judgment
Introducing a motion calling on Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) to require Workers’ Party (WP) politicians Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim to “recuse themselves” from the town council’s financial matters, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat said that WP “cannot stay silent” and urged it to “take action” in an hour-long speech in Parliament today (5 Nov)

DPM Heng’s motion comes weeks after High Court Judge Kannan Ramesh said that Mr Low and Ms Lim had breached their fiduciary duties to AHTC and that the Aljunied GRC MPs are liable for damages, as he released his long-awaited judgment on the year-long AHTC lawsuit.

Noting that the judgment was released nearly four weeks ago, DPM Heng  – who is expected to succeed Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong as head of government following the next election – said:
  • “Close to four weeks have passed since the judgment was published. In all that time, the Workers’ Party have said nothing.
  • “They have not apologised for the shortcomings that the Courts – and before the Courts, AGO (Auditor-General’s Office) and KPMG – have established. They have not accounted for their dishonesties and untruths.
  • “Nor have they have said whether they intend to put right the many wrongs that the Court has uncovered, and if so how.”

PAP-dominated Parliament passed motion to call for WP’s Sylvia Lim, Low Thia Khiang to be recused from AHTC’s financial affairs

The motion calling for Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) to require Workers’ Party (WP) leaders Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang to “recuse” themselves from financial matters has been passed in Parliament on Tuesday (5 Nov).

After a lengthy debate of more than four hours over the motion, 52 Members of Parliament stood in support of the motion and nine WP MPs voting against it. There were two abstentions by Nominated Member of Parliament Anthea Ong and NMP Walter Theseira.

The current parliament has 82 PAP MPs, 9 WP MPs and 9 nominated members of Parliament.

Singapore leader-in-waiting Heng Swee Keat turns heat up on opposition over financial scandal as polls loom
Singapore’s prime minister-designate Heng Swee Keat. Photo: Bloomberg

Singapore’s prime minister-designate Heng Swee Keat on Tuesday delivered a withering attack on the country’s sole opposition party over a financial scandal involving the mismanagement of S$33.7 million (US$24.8 million) in municipal funds.

Heng, employing a tried and tested strategy from the playbook of his ruling People’s Action Party (PAP), kicked off a four-hour parliamentary debate by urging the rival Workers’ Party (WP) to “take action” against “dishonest conduct” within its ranks.

His highly charged comments came almost a month after Singapore’s High Court ruled that the WP’s top three leaders – Pritam Singh, Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim – were liable for damages in a civil lawsuit over the handling of the money.

Heng Swee Keat stresses importance of integrity in elected officials

In calling for Workers' Party MPs Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang to stand down from dealing with financial matters at Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat said integrity is of utmost importance in elected officials.

"If we cannot trust a politician to tell the truth, we cannot trust him to safeguard public funds, to put the public interest ahead of personal gain, or to make decisions in the best interests of Singapore and Singaporeans," he told the House.

This, he added, was why the People's Action Party (PAP) had always taken accusations of dishonesty against political leaders seriously.


DPM Heng's motion on AHTC is 'premature': Sylvia Lim

Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat fumbled while defending a parliamentary motion on the conduct of Workers’ Party (WP) Members of Parliament (MP) in the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) saga, even as WP chairperson Sylvia Lim labelled his move “premature”.

“Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat's filing of this motion at this point in time is telling but premature,” said Lim, MP for Aljunied GRC. “The PAP government is clearly excited about certain findings and comments contained in the High Court judgment issued on the 11th of October.

“We have been studying the judgment with our lawyer since it was released and I can inform the House today that we have decided to appeal the judgment to the Court of Appeal...(which) may affirm, reverse or vary the findings.”


Sylvia Lim says Heng Swee Keat "acted prematurely" in decision to file motion on AHTC

Workers' Party MPs to appeal AHTC judgment; calls on House to reject 'premature' motion by DPM Heng
The Workers' Party's Sylvia Lim arriving at the Supreme Court on Oct 19, 2018

The Workers' Party (WP) Members of Parliament (MP) found liable for the misuse of tens of millions in town council funds by a High Court judge will appeal against the decision.

WP chairman Sylvia Lim told Parliament in a clarification on Tuesday (Nov 5) that she and co-defendants Mr Pritam Singh and Mr Low Thia Khiang have reviewed the judgment with their lawyers and will appeal against it at the Court of Appeal.

High Court judge Kannan Ramesh released his written judgment on Oct 11, saying there is "serious doubt" about the integrity of Ms Lim and Mr Low, and that they had breached their fiduciary duties in appointing FM Solutions and Services (FMSS) as managing agent of Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC).

DPM Heng calls on Workers' Party MPs Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang to recuse themselves from AHTC financial matters
DPM Heng Swee Keat (left) tabled a parliamentary motion for WP's Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang to recuse themselves from all financial matters at the AHTC. PHOTOS: NG SOR LUAN, ST FILE

Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat on Tuesday (Nov 5) called on Workers' Party (WP) MPs Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang to recuse themselves from all financial matters at the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC).

He also asked the WP what it planned to "put its own house in order", noting it has remained "totally silent" since a High Court verdict released last month found Mr Low and Ms Lim had acted dishonestly in awarding a managing agent contract for AHTC to a company set up by their supporters without calling a tender.

"Will they at long last be conducting their own investigation? Or will they continue to duck, dodge and deny?" Mr Heng said.

The real monkey in the room
The real monkey in the room has always been: Why are political parties in charge of running town councils? Is this not the job of the HDB? Should not everything be thrown back at the HDB?

With Justice Kannan Ramesh having found Workers’ Party leaders Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim guilty of breaching their fiduciary duties with the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council, the next stages in the lawsuit saga will be the outcome of appeal and decisions on the amounts to be recovered from all parties involved. These are the legal aspects of the case. But the AHTC trial has never been just about the law. The whole thing can also be seen as political. There are a number of takeaways from the trial – the repercussions of which will affect the forthcoming general elections and the political scene in Singapore.

The judge said the town councillor is like the director of a company or members of a strata development management company.  The councillor has to discharge his fiduciary obligations – even if he is just a volunteer and paid an honorarium of only $300 a month.  Justice Ramesh said: “In fact, the analysis which I have adopted means that the fiduciary relationship between town councillors and their town council is entirely distinct from the political relationship between town councillors and their constituents.”

Put simply, politics is politics and duty is duty – whether or not discharging the duty is done, as the WP put it, in good faith, presumably referring to the lapses. Good faith or not, Justice Ramesh was scathing in his description of the WP leaders who, he said, put their own political interests over that of AHTC. The WP politicians will appeal the findings. Are Singaporeans satisfied with the town council system?

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"Divisive approach to politics is polarising Singapore society"

The WP chief revealed that he has collated proof of his correspondence with the grassroots groups that show a trend of ignoring AHTC's proposals for CIPC funding

Workers’ Party secretary-general Pritam Singh has re-asserted that People’s Association (PA) grassroots groups and the team of grassroots advisers appointed by the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) ignored Aljunied-Hougang Town Council’s (AHTC) community upgrading proposals, in response to former PAP candidate Chua Eng Leong’s “serious allegations” against him.

In a Facebook post published on 15 Oct, Mr Pritam decried the People’s Action Party’s (PAP) practice of appointing defeated PAP candidates as grassroots advisers in opposition-held wards and revealed that this practice allows the defeated candidates to “campaign for votes well before the General Elections” and gives them the authority to dispense “large sums of taxpayer dollars.”

Noting that the WP has to go through these defeated PAP candidates to raise projects and gain approval on spending the S$40 million that is made available to all town councils for community upgrading projects, Mr Pritam asserted that these grassroots advisers are able to delay community improvement projects in opposition wards for years or ignore proposals altogether.

People’s Voice Lim Tean in agreement with veteran architect that MPs are not “estate managers”
Tay Kheng Soon calls for a separate full-time manager to handle daily tasks of a constituency

People’s Voice founding leader Lim Tean took to his Facebook on Monday (18 November) to pen his agreement with veteran architect Tay Kheng Soon who stated that the role of a Member of Parliament (MP) is to be a “legislator in Parliament to enact laws” and not exactly “be the manager of the everyday municipal affairs of his constituency”.

“We agree totally with Tay Kheng Soon that an MP is not an estate manager! I said this during the television debate in GE 2015. If you want an estate manager as MP, then make sure your MP has professional qualification to be an estate manager,” Lim Tean wrote in his post. He also noted that even if the MPs are expected to be estate managers, People’s Action Party (PAP) MPs “fare poorly compared to the Opposition ones”.

“Was very impressed with how squeaky clean Jalan Damai under Pritam Singh is, whereas parts of Woodlands under PAP are the slums Lee Kuan Yew said Opposition wards would turn into. That has not happened!” Lim Tean explained.

Lim Tean shared a post. November 18 at 9:30 PM

We Agree Totally With Tay Kheng Soon That An MP Is Not An Estate Manager!

I said this during the televised debate in GE 2015. If you want an estate manager as MP, then make sure your MP has professional qualifications to be an estate manager.

Even if we want the MP to be an estate manager, the PAP MPs fare poorly compared to the Opposition ones. Was very impressed with how squeaky clean Jalan Damai under Pritam Singh is, whereas parts of Woodlands under the PAP are the slums Lee Kuan Yew said Opposition wards would turn into. That has not happened!

Tay Kheng Soon November 18 at 5:13 PM

The role of an MP is primarily that of a legislator in Parliament to enact laws. His role in his constituency is to learn and reflect the views of his constituents regarding the laws of the land.

There has been a great misunderstanding of this role as it evolved over the years. The MP is not and never meant to be the manager of the everyday municiple affairs of his constituency. This is and should be done by full time managers employed for this.

As legislator he will of course want to seek out the views of his constituents on the laws and regulations that affect the country and also his constituents. Laws such as disallowing PMDs on footpaths or CECA or foreign policy relations with China and USA. His meet the people sessions us for this. To demand that an MP be responsible for a locked firehose in a fire is totally wrong.

Covering The Other Side SG Yesterday at 7:56 AM

"Despite receiving a ‘green’ banding for corporate governance – the highest rating possible, the Ministry of National Development has considered taking regulatory action against Aljunied-Hougang Town Council.

In contrast, the government’s response to the Bukit Batok fire has been deafeningly silent, despite clear evidence of gross negligence on the part of the town council in failing to ensure fire safety regulations were followed.

Attempting to shift responsibility to the contractor does not diminish the town council’s culpability. One can only imagine the ruling party’s reaction had the fire taken place in Aljunied-Hougang Town Council."

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Full Coverage:
Concealed facts untruths:PAP spells reasons why WP MPs shld be recused
Pritam vouches for fellow MPs, questions timing of motion
Singapore leader-in-waiting turns heat up on opposition over financial scandal
Abstaining on AHTC motion, 2 NMPs concerns over timing,political overtones
Pritam Singh calls on Parliament to reject "premature" AHTC motion
DPM Heng calls on Workers' Party MPs to recuse themselves
Why WP MPs be recused from AHTC financial matters pending court appeal
Parliament passes motion calling for WP's recused from AHTC's financial
Two NMPs 'uncomfortable' with motion against WP leaders
Two NMPs express discomfort with motion, abstain from voting on it
WP MPs to appeal AHTC judgment, calls to reject 'premature' motion by DPM
Heng stresses importance of integrity in elected officials
Parliament votes in favour of motion calling on WP MPs recuse from AHTC
House asks WP's Lim, Low to stand down from AHTC's financial matters
No reason Parliament 'prematurely hijacked as substitute for judicial process'
DPM Heng Swee Keat asks WP MPs to recuse themselves from AHTC's
DPM Heng's motion on AHTC is 'premature': Sylvia Lim
Desmond Lee: WP MPs allowed friends to profit at residents' expense
Heng Swee Keat asks if Sylvia Lim from her post as vice-chairman of AHTC
WP should apologise for lapses, ask MPs involved to stand down from AHTC
DPM Heng's motion speech calling for WP MPs recuse themselves financial
After years of 'deception', time of reckoning has come for WP: DPM Heng
Preserving clean politics in Singapore
System of Town Councils is important
Parliament calls AHTC to remove Sylvia & Low from financial responsibilities
DPM Heng demands that WP “cannot stay silent” and must “take action”
DPM:WP “playing the victim” urges it to hold itself to same standards as PAP
Sylvia Lim asked for the draft report on the MA appointment to be "sanitised"
The facts of the matter
Workers' Party MPs must do the right thing
Parliament passed motion  for WP's MP be recused from AHTC's financial

After years of 'deception', time of reckoning has come for WP MPs
DPM Heng calls on WP MPs to recuse themselves AHTC financial matters
WP 'cannot stay silent' and has to take action after leaders found liable
Heng Swee Keat says it "pains" him to raise motion against WP MPs
WP calls on House to reject 'premature' motion by DPM Heng
Workers' Party MPs will appeal against AHTC judgment, says Sylvia Lim
WP should apologise for AHTC lapses, require MPs to stand down
DPM Heng calls on WP MPs recuse themselves from AHTC financial matters
Sylvia Lim says Heng Swee Keat "acted prematurely" to file motion on AHTC
Workers' Party "cannot be silent" on AHTC case: DPM Heng Swee Keat

WP's Pritam Singh, Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang found liable for damages
Workers' Party MPs embroiled in civil suits appeal to public for funds


What is the point of asking PS what his point was?
Padlocked hose reels that could not be used
MP: A "legislator in Parliament" not an "estate manager"
PM Lee Calls for Singaporeans’ Support as ‘Tough’ Election Looms
AHTC Saga: Parliamentary motion passed