

You shouldn’t let sheet masks dry on your face

With plenty of products dominating the beauty market these days, our expectations for skincare are hitting an all-time high. A common holy grail skin favourite? Sheet masks. Sheet masks hydrate our skin, brightens and keeps it looking radiant — and they are undeniably relaxing. But for those regular face masks users, it might be time to stop prolonging the suggested duration.

Sheet masks have solidified its status as a quick skincare hero product. But, satisfaction aside, this refreshing mask has one very big drawback when left on too long: it tends to dry out and the infused serums actually irritate your skin, leaving it parched and worse off than before. Your skin will essentially soak in the ingredients and nourish the deep layers of your face for a period of time, but after that, the sheet masks will begin to reabsorb the moisture and cause a reverse effect.

Naturally, we understand trying to get the most out of a sheet mask and its skin-benefitting ingredients. But keep this nugget of information in mind when you’re pampering yourself in your next masking session.

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