


Keep Pressing This Point For 2 Minutes! Then See What Will Happen To Your Body
In this article read about one of these important points, the Tai Chong (LV3) – a point between the big toe and second toe on your foot, two finger widths above where your big toe and next toe join.

Massaging this point can relieve your eliminate stress and anger, headache, lower blood pressure, cure back and limb pain, help with menstrual cramps and effectively treat insomnia and anxiety disorders. It’s also beneficial for the liver; it regenerates it and improves its function.

The Chinese culture also believes that with stimulation of this point will significantly improve the digestive function, genital pain, canker sores, eye problems and soothe irritability.

In this article read about one of these important points, the Tai Chong (LV3) – a point between the big toe and second toe on your foot, two finger widths above where your big toe and next toe join.

Massaging this point can relieve your eliminate stress and anger, headache, lower blood pressure, cure back and limb pain, help with menstrual cramps and effectively treat insomnia and anxiety disorders. It’s also beneficial for the liver; it regenerates it and improves its function.

The Chinese culture also believes that with stimulation of this point will significantly improve the digestive function, genital pain, canker sores, eye problems and soothe irritability.


Even though scientists conducted a trial about the effects of acupuncture stimulation of this pressure point, it showed that can be very effective in managing post – stroke depression. Another study conducted on animals showed that stimulation of this point can effectively reduce high blood pressure and plasma endothelin-1 levels in hypertension subjects.

If you are experiencing some of the above mentioned issues here’s how you need to massage this point in order to improve your condition: glide your finger alongside the space between the first and second toe to the tip of the joint. Tai Chong (LV3) is located in the gap where your finger touches the bone (metatarsal joint).

When you locate the point, press it with your fingers and massage it for 2-3 second, pause for 5 seconds and repeat. Repeat this action for about 2 minutes and remember to make counterclockwise movements while pressuring the point.

Note: If you’re feeling weak or running on fumes you should not apply this treatment.

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Massage this point for 45 seconds: What will happen to your body will leave you speechless!

If you suffer from stress, headaches and insomnia, this massage will solve your problem. First and foremost you should find the right point. Try to find the ledge between your eyebrows on the forehead. After that, massage it for 45 seconds. With this massage you will improve your circulation, reduce muscle tension and stimulate your brain function.

This simple massage will help you release stress.

However, besides relieving stress, calming your mind, reducing headaches, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and eye pressure, this massage is very effective at alleviating pain in the sinuses and clearing nasal congestion.

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Natural treatments work great against certain chronic conditions without the adverse side-effects of prescription drugs. Chinese acupressure is one such method, and it works by applying pressure on points that run along energy meridians in the body.

These lines run throughout the whole body, and by pressing points on them, you can clean energy blockages and improve the chi and qi of the body.

One such acupressure point on the body is called LV-3 or Tai Chong. Pressing, or massaging this point in small circles for two minutes every day has been found to treat a wide range of health problems.

These health problems include:

Headaches,dizziness, and canker sores

Blurred vision and red, swollen, or painful eyes

Nausea, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea

Anger, irritability, insomnia, and anxiety

The LV-3 acupressure point is located a finger’s width above where the big toe and second toe meet. It should feel relatively soft to the touch.


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A Miracle Of The Chinese Medicine: Massage This Point Every Day And See What Happens

San Yin Jiao point represents an important field in Chinese alternative medicine, or more specifically, in acupuncture. It is located on the inner part of the tibia on both legs.

In general, women are m,ore prone to stress, chronic fatigue and sleep deprivation, so the miraculous massage of this point will especially be beneficial for them, for it will make them look more beautiful.

How to locate it

Put 4 fingers above the ankle, on the inner part of the legs. The point should be on your index finger. It’s fairly easy to locate and important so we know where to begin the massage.

Now we can start the massage. Apply deep pressure behind the tibia and massage it. It only takes 10 minutes, and can be done any time of the day – although night might be best.

You can massage both legs or alternate between them. If persistent, the results will be amazing.

Benefits of the massage

Regulation of the menstrual cycle

The massage of the San Yin Jiao spot regulates the menstrual cycle and improves it, eliminating the need of medical treatments.

Elasticity of the skin

The vigor and elasticity of our skin is connected to the spleen – if it works properly the skin will be great. By massaging this spot, the spleen is stimulated which leads to better skin.

Improved sexual desire

The massage improves sexual desire, solves hormonal issues, and helps you regain your sensuality.

Activation of the ovaries and uterus

The massage is great if you’re trying to get pregnant – it stimulates the ovaries and uterus.

Stabilizing of the gastrointestinal tract

It helps with swelling or any intestinal disorder. The massage also helps the pain caused by menstruation.

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This Is How To Reduce High Blood Pressure In 5 Minutes Without The Use Of Drugs!
Under the influence of physical stress or physical overload,  your muscles get really tense and the blood vessels contract, so the pressure in them rises. That is how your blood pressure increases. Important question is how to reduce high blood pressure naturally and fast and how it can be back to normal?

This is an old Chinese medicine which is presented by the doctor of the Moscow football club “Spartak”, Lu Huns.

How to reduce high blood pressure in 5 minutes without any drugs.
Point No.1

There is a line in your boy which passes behind the earlobe to the middle of the clavicle. You don’t need to massage this line but slowly pamper it with annoticeable movement of the arm from the top to the bottom. Repeat this 10 times on the right and 10 time on the left side of the body.

Point No. 2

The second point is located on part of the face at the earlobe at a distance of half a centimeter for the ear in the direction towards the nose. Massage this point for 1 min on each side of the face. It is important to feel pressure during the massage.

After this simple treatment, blood pressure will return to normal

According to Lu Huns, what matters is – proper blood flow!

According to Chinese folk medicine it is important to have normal blood flow in the body. They believe that diseases happen when there is stagnation of the blood and vice versa or if you improve your blood flow diseases will go away. This is why massaging the key points really helps.

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