

It saddens me to see how Tan Cheng Bock has lost his way

Update 3 Jan 2020: ESM Goh seems to be taking a subtle dig at Dr Tan Cheng Bock by saying he has resolved to never lose his way this new year

In yet another veiled Facebook post, Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong wrote that he resolved to never lose his way this new year.

Advising his Facebook followers, ESM wrote, “Resolved to watch with clarity, and never to lose my way. You too, should not take the wrong turn. Little pleasures keep me happy at this stage of my life, not political ambition”. His post seemed to be rather pointed and directed at his former classmate and long-time friend Dr Tan Cheng Bock.

Last year (Aug 4), in his first public comment on Dr Tan since the latter’s Progress Singapore Party was formed, Mr Goh said: “Tan Cheng Bock was my classmate in Raffles Institution. I have known him close for over 60 years. It saddens me to see how he has ‘lost his way’.”

2020, a year for perfect vision. Resolved to watch with clarity, and never to lose my way. You too, should not take the wrong turn. Little pleasures keep me happy at this stage of my life, not political ambition. --- gct

It saddens me to see how Tan Cheng Bock has lost his way
In his Facebook post, Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong (left) compared Progress Singapore Party secretary-general Tan Cheng Bock (right) to "Don Quixote tilting at windmills". (PHOTO: Facebook / MParader, Yahoo News Singapore file photo)

Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong has accused Progress Singapore Party (PSP) secretary-general Tan Cheng Bock of having “lost his way”. “Tan Cheng Bock was my classmate in Raffles Institution. I have known him close for over 60 years. It saddens me to see how he has ‘lost his way’,” said Goh in a Facebook post a day after the PSP held its public launch.

At an earlier PSP media conference on 26 July, Dr Tan – a former People’s Action Party (PAP) Member of Parliament – pointed to an “erosion of transparency, independence and accountability” in the PAP-led government as his key reason for starting his party.

“I didn’t change. The PAP changed,” he said.

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MParader Aug 4 at 4:00 PM

Tan Cheng Bock says that Lee Kuan Yew invited him to join the PAP. Ouch! He omits to say that I put his name up to LKY. Surely I deserve some credit — or rather, blame — for who he has become now?

“For Country, For People”. He has conveniently left out “For Me”!

Tan Cheng Bock was my classmate in Raffles Institution. I have known him close for over 60 years. It saddens me to see how he has “lost his way”. He is like Don Quixote tilting at windmills. --- gct

GCT Imitates Trump’s name-calling and personal attack
And all these from Singapore’s very own, ex-Prime Minister, now Emeritus Senior Minister Goh stooping low, very low his office and hitting below the belt against a friend who, in his own words, he’s “known him close for over 60 years”. Not known him for “close to 60 years” but known him close over 60 years. Such is the value of a ‘close’ 60-year friendship

To read Goh Chok Tong’s latest Facebook post is shocking. Not unlike Trump’s tweets against those he often berates and insults, however much each has been loyal to him over many years – including his “I’d-take-a-bullet-for-Trump” personal lawyer.

We can be pretty certain that claiming Dr Tan Cheng Bock “has conveniently left out ‘For Me’! (yes, cap ‘M’ & ‘!’)” in his call for Singaporeans to come forward to “work together…for the progress of Singapore. For country, for people” is an unequivocal personal attack. A totally needless, unmitigated, uninstigated assault on Dr Tan’s integrity since the latter had spoken only about how the 2016 constitutional change to the Presidential Election and the 2017 Oxley Rd parliamentary debate led him to conclude that People’s Action Party (PAP) is not what it was…(left unsaid) during Lee Kuan Yew or GCT stewardship.

And likening Dr Tan to Don Quixote is no compliment even if the knight is motivated by chivalry. Quixote was deemed to have suffered “from so little sleeping and so much reading, his brain dried up and he went completely out of his mind” to the extent that he was to “attack imaginary enemies” (tilt at windmills).

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GCT Imitates Trump’s Name-calling and Personal Attack

In a different imagined Singapore not continuously dominated by the PAP for 54 years, a different ex-PM and ESM might have written the following:
  • “My friend of more than 60 years, Cheng Bock, who I introduced into politics, has given up retirement in favour of serving Singapore in politics (again)!
  • More younger Singaporeans should draw inspiration fr Bock to step forward to serve our beloved country – whether in govt or in opposition, as long as they have a heart for Singapore.
  • As an old, old friend, I extend my personal best wishes to Bock in his endeavour. May the party with the better ideas, people and dedication win the baton of leadership for the good and growth of Singapore and Singaporeans all. We are one family! Maju-lah Singapura! Vote PAP!”
Wouldn’t that be nice?

related: The Art of PAPsplaining

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Simon Lim: Contrary to Goh Chok Tong’s rebuttal that Dr Tan Cheng Bock has lost his way, it is PAP govt that lost its way

I strongly disagree with Goh Chok Tong (GCT) that Tan Cheng Bok (TCB) has “lost his way”. It is, rather, the People’s Action Party government that has lost its way over the past two decades. Let me explain.

The first thought that came to my mind is that GCT’s comment in the recent past that PAP ministers are not paid enough despite them getting the highest political salaries of any government anywhere in the world and PAP Minister Grace Fu was then quoted as saying that any more reductions in ministerial remunerations would be hard, at least for her, to consider political office. And not forgetting senior counsel Edwin Tong, who is now Senior Minister of State for Law and Health, chipped in that despite his lucrative political salary, it is also tough on him because he has to support his in-laws.

To top it off, GCT, after more than 40 years in government, commented that those who cannot even earn more than $500,000 annually in the private sector are “mediocre”. I consider that, having it come from none other than GCT, to be the mother of all insults because it either showed arrogance at a very high level or he was completely oblivious to the harsh realities at ground levels despite his decades in politics. There are some very, very fine people and professionals in the private sector such as nurses, executives, managers, technicians and small time self-employed people etc who simply are classified under GCT’s mediocre bunch.

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Simon Lim August 5 at 11:04 AM

The lack of transparency and very, very questionable meritocracy practised by the pap government. Why was Lawrence Wong so reluctant to disclose the salaries of the top 3 earners at our sovereign wealth funds of Temasek Holding and GIC when he spoke in response to WP MP's question in Parliament? Aren't our reserves managed by our sovereign wealth funds public funds? If the answer is Yes, then where is proper accountability and transparency to the citizens? Transparency, by any standards, has been dragged through the mud. Period.

Lastly, the manner in which the pap government practises meritocracy is very questionable and even unconvincing among observing and thinking Singaporeans. Very senior military officers were deployed to head government organisations and government linked companies despite their lack of relevant experiences. Thinking citizens must wonder if all that is wise or could there be other hidden agendas? Think!

If all that and more are not examples and proofs that the pap government has lost its way, kindly prove me wrong.

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Lee Hsien Yang: Today’s PAP is no longer the PAP of my father. It has lost its way

Mr Lee Hsien Yang (LHY), son of late founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and brother to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, expressed his support for the newly formed Progress Singapore Party headed by former PAP MP, Dr Tan Cheng Bock.

In a Facebook post on Sunday evening, Lee backed Dr Tan’s party and echoed his sentiments that the ruling party has “lost its way”.

“I wholeheartedly support the principles and values of the Progress Singapore Party. Today’s PAP is no longer the PAP of my father. It has lost its way.”

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Lee Hsien Yang July 28 at 7:01 PM

I wholeheartedly support the principles and values of the Progress Singapore Party.

Today’s PAP is no longer the PAP of my father. It has lost its way.

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'It saddens me to see how Tan Cheng Bock has lost his way': ESM Goh Chok Tong
Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong said his former party colleague Tan Cheng Bock had "lost his way", a day after Dr Tan officially launched his Progress Singapore Party.ST PHOTOS: JASON QUAH, ONG WEE JIN

Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong on Sunday (Aug 4) said he was saddened to see how his long-time friend Tan Cheng Bock had "lost his way".

Mr Goh's criticism in a Facebook post of his former party colleague and now political opponent comes a day after Dr Tan officially launched his Progress Singapore Party.

In a Facebook post, Mr Goh said: "Tan Cheng Bock was my classmate in Raffles Institution. I have known him close for over 60 years. It saddens me to see how he has 'lost his way'. "He is like Don Quixote tilting at windmills," Mr Goh added, using an expression from the Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes, which means to attack imaginary enemies.

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Who is attacking imaginary enemies? Dr Tan or ESM Goh?
Dr Tan Cheng Bock during the party launch on the 3rd of Aug 2019. He shed some tears while speaking of party succession. File Photo

Former Prime Minister of Singapore, Goh Chok Tong, has taken a dig at Dr Tan Cheng Bock in his Facebook. Mr Goh said:
  • “Tan Cheng Bock says that Lee Kuan Yew invited him to join the PAP. Ouch! He omits to say that I put his name up to LKY. Surely I deserve some credit — or rather, blame — for who he has become now? “For Country, For People”. He has conveniently left out “For Me”!
  • Tan Cheng Bock was my classmate in Raffles Institution. I have known him close for over 60 years. It saddens me to see how he has “lost his way”. He is like Don Quixote tilting at windmills.”
To me, it seems quite unclear if when Mr Goh said, ‘”For Me”!’, if he was referring to Dr Tan or to himself. Mr Goh seems to be pretty hurt that Dr Tan has left him out in his Progress Singapore Party Launch speech. Dr Tan has recognised that from the lack of proper job opportunities for Singaporeans, to the nonavailability of transparency and accountability, the current PAP has become the real enemy of many Singaporeans.

Mr Goh on the other hand, imagines Dr Tan to be his enemy.

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ESM Goh says Tan Cheng Bock has “lost his way”; blames himself for who Tan has now become

In a startling Facebook admission today, Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong wrote that Dr Tan Cheng Bock has “lost his way”.

At the public launch of the Progress Singapore Party on Saturday (August 3), Dr Tan briefly mentioned how the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew had invited him to join the People’s Action Party (PAP) years ago. However, ESM Goh griped, “Ouch! He omits to say that I put his name up to LKY”.

The Emeritus Senior Minister continued, rather harshly, “Surely I deserve some credit — or rather, blame — for who he has become now?” ““For Country, For People”. He has conveniently left out “For Me”!” ESM Goh remarked.


ESM Goh on Tan Cheng Bock: I deserve some credit or blame for who he has become

Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong shared his thoughts about Tan Cheng Bock’s recent speech on how the late Lee Kuan Yew persuaded him to join the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP).

Said Goh in a Facebook post on Aug. 4:
“Tan Cheng Bock says that Lee Kuan Yew invited him to join the PAP. Ouch! He omits to say that I put his name up to LKY. Surely I deserve some credit — or rather, blame — for who he has become now? “For Country, For People”. He has conveniently left out “For Me”!”

'It saddens me to see how Tan Cheng Bock has lost his way': ESM Goh

In the post, Mr Goh said: "'For country, for people.' He has conveniently left out 'for me'!

"Tan Cheng Bock was my classmate in Raffles Institution. I have known him close for over 60 years. It saddens me to see how he has 'lost his way'."

"He is like Don Quixote tilting at windmills," Mr Goh added, referring to an expression in the Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes, which means attacking imaginary enemies.

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'It saddens me to see how Tan Cheng Bock has lost his way'
Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong (left; Facebook/MPa

Goh Chok Tong said on Sunday (Aug 4) he was saddened by how his long-time friend, Dr Tan Cheng Bock, had "lost his way". 

Mr Goh's comments, which he made in a Facebook post, came a day after Dr Tan's new Progress Singapore Party (PSP) announced its focus for the next General Election, which includes issues like job creation and lowering the voting age.

Dr Tan, a former member of the ruling People's Action Party, had said in July that he formed the PSP because of an "erosion" of transparency, independence and accountability within the Government.

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Comments in MParader 17 hrs August 4 at 4:00 PM

Saqib Mohammad: Excuse me Grandpa.What about our World Cup Goal. Didnt you set that target and have we attained it.You sound bitter just my 2 cents worth.Coming from a mediocre Singaporean who earns peanuts as a protection specialist.

Philip Teo: To lie is human, not getting caught is divine. The PAP way.

Thomas Toh: Wah dunno whose bungalow at bukit timah still need 24/7 gurhka guarding arh!

How Lim: Are you angry with TCB because he bojio? Even if you want to join him 100% sure your wife will stop you.

Vincent Chia: At this point of your life you still want credit. What can you do with this credit when you are buried six feet under? I dont think that this credit will bring you to heaven because of the bad things you have done. Shame on you. Proven this time that you are really mediocre.

Patrick Chng: All useless PAP ministers ... always going around to claim credits ... but when major problems surface ... only keep silent

Suling Tan: "For me!" What are you talking about? Everyone can see who is the one acting for his own selfish gain! Who is the one collecting millions in salary and NOT working at all to improve the lives of Singaporeans? We all have eyes to see!

Julie OConnor: James Poh Australia have a change of party and our Country doesn't collapse. The party may change, but the civil servants remain. Using your argument, these Generals that PAP place to head up the likes of MRT etc are not qualified for the job, they s…See More

Clement Cheong: When you attack another personally, you have lost all political points and credibility. Is a disgrace!

Esther Langgar: Face Wang Hahaha nice of you to “take the lead”, we expected nothing less. Just the right level of graciousness. Not petty at all. Super manly to pick on things at this level.

Guo Keyon: Wow. Another reason not to vote for your party.

Lillian: Why OMG 😮 I think you should sack your secretary who made this post for you. Maybe he/she should remove it before you get ridiculed further because this sounds so petty & kiddy, trying to claim credit at your age. So what if you went to school together? Did you do his homework for him? Actually I don’t know who is the Don Quixote you are referring to here but are you saying you were Sancho Panza in school together?

Andrew Koh: Hey ESM, why not challenge Dr TCB to a debate on ideas? Am sure, you are much more superior given your title as ESM! Emeritus Senior Minister, that's unheard of! Hahaha! What a joke! 😂🤣

Alan Tan: In deed, very ungrateful of him for not giving you credit for inspiring him to form an opposition party, and for making him to lose his PAP’s way

Seow HC: Roland Well yes I have lost my way because your way is no longer my way. Yes, we were both moving the same way till you move away from our way. Your way was also not LKY chosen way because you were not LKY first choice anyway. Can we co operate to find a common way. Let’s do it our way!

Ng Cai Lin: You've got to be kidding ... I had to double and triple check that this is not some fake news.. It is disappointing to see such an unnecessary attack on a fellow politician.

Ang Shi Kang: Sir what credits do you wan to gain anyway? Wheres your swiss living of standard that u promise Singaporeans? Unable to fulfil it thus gave ur seat up at 2004?

Jess Chua: I don’t see why Dr Tan needs to mention your name for putting his name up to LKY? If it was you indeed, you have done our country a good deed, thank you. But do you expect him to give an account of everyone who supported him or not? 🤦‍♀️ For Him?

James Tan: GCT, u recommended, LKY invited. So what's wrong with tat? In my opinion, actually u are the hopeless one. When you see something is wrong,you dare not to come out and state your point, cos too much to lose right? You promised swiss standard of living.

Malcolm Loh: when someone can blatantly say he is his own check and balance, that's the sure sign of one losing his way. and why tcb had to come out of retirement.

Darren Tay: Actually, now that you mentioned, I might have missed you speaking in Parliament since 2015. How do you feel you have contributed so far?

Ariva Nanthan: Mr Goh, We should respect TCB or any other person who wants to sacrifice time and effort for the benefit of the society. Singapore is not just made out of PAP and it's party members. Btw. I'm still waiting for your promised 'swiss standard of living'.

Dennis Ong: Thanks for Sharing about your classmate. But it’s this Tone of Arrogance that is another evidence that PAP did indeed lost its way. Taking about Credit? What credit do you want? Shouldn’t you be happy that someone come forward to help take Singapore

Loh Raymond: Juvenile sia. Make this kind of comment. I decided to not follow you and support TCB liao. Bye

Lian Chuan Yeoh: An unnecessary and ungracious comment. Beneath the status of a former Prime Minister to impugn the personal motivations of a former comrade of many years.

Winston Wong: i think you deserve the most credit for how your wife turned out ... remember the "peanuts"?

Jon Phua: What does TCB have to gain by retiring from his high-paying medical profession, and instead chose to slog through this? Obviously because he genuinely felt something is wrong with this country.

William Sin: LKY is the founder of PAP...oops...they forget to say that Mr Toh Chin Chye is the founder and invited LKY to PAP. Also....old man, where is my Swiss Standard of Living?
You brought me Swiss Cost of Living but not the standard.

Ken Hang: Brother, where is the swiss standard you promise? I see old people living on the streets and collecting cardboard for exercise. And what do you mean "For Me"? He's an old man and very likely one enjoying financial comfort. He's not young.

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PSP celebrates Singapore’s 54th ‘birthday’ by inducting its 540th Member

As the country celebrates National Day with parades, floats and fireworks, Singapore’s newest political party, Progress Singapore Party (PSP) marked August 9th, Singapore’s 54th “birthday,” by welcoming its 540th member.

On its Facebook page, PSP posted photos of its members, clad in the red and white shirts bearing the party’s logo, celebrating with a cake wherein the words “Happy National Day” was written, with 5 lit candles in one row, and the 4 in another.

Two seventeen-year-olds were inducted into PSP, bringing the total of members to 540.

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"Take Courage and Let’s Work Together": Dr Tan Cheng Bock

As I stand before you, I cannot but feel honoured and humbled that so many Singaporeans want me to lead a political party. At my age, my friends urged me to retire and enjoy life. But I am happy and glad I did not heed their advice. I chose this option because I believe I am able to do something for the country. So it is indeed an honour.

The task ahead is a challenging one, but I love this country, like many of you. So to shy away from doing something, especially when I am aware that something isn’t right, will not be true to myself. That is not my style.

When I know something is wrong, I want to make it right.

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Dr Tan Cheng Bock’s Speech for Press Conference 26 July 2019

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, we have invited you here today to mark the inauguration of the Progress Singapore Party:
  • It has taken a while to get here and yet – we are only at the beginning.
  • Making the decision to set up a new political party in Singapore was not easy. In my many walkabouts, I spoke to many different Singaporeans.
  • They expressed a desire to have a credible alternative to the current ruling party. They feel that the current system is imbalanced.
  • Many are concerned that a government with an overwhelming majority in Parliament is going to fail to take in different perspectives, different ideas and just push through their policies without due consideration of sentiments from the people and the longer-term consequences.
  • I’m not a young man anymore, I am 79 years old this year. After the last Presidential Election, I thought to retire from politics and rest.
  • Furthermore, I’ve already served in Parliament for 26 years as a Member of Parliament. I have spent a great deal of my life in public office.
  • But as I sat back and watched what has been going on in Parliament, and in our political system – I am concerned.
  • I believe the processes of good governance have gone astray. I worry because I see the foundations of good governance eroding. Specifically, there is an erosion of transparency, independence and accountability. Yet these are the three foundations for creating trust between the government and the people.

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It saddens me to see how Tan Cheng Bock has lost his way
Goh Chok Tong & Tan Cheng Bock ‘do a Mahathir’?
Dawn of a new era in Singapore politics
Launch of Tan Cheng Bock's Progress Singapore Party
Tan Cheng Bock's new party will be 'unifying alternative' for S'pore
A 'Tan Cheng Bock & Lee Hsien Yang' Collaboration?
Tall Order: The Goh Chok Tong Story
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Is the ground sour?
ESM Goh: "Who are going to clean the tables?"
ESM Goh: "Ministers are not paid enough"
ESM Goh wants 4th-Gen PM to be picked this year
A Political Elite Class in Singapore?
ESM Goh Chok Tong in the limelight
GE2015: Nomads, Roosters & "Bits Of Meat"
Singapore “Swiss” Standard of Living