

Healthy Eating Tips For Kids With Hearty Appetites

“Mummy, I’m hungry!" Your little one has been asking you for food all day long, and she never seems to be full. Should you be concerned?

If your child is at an acceptable weight and has not been experiencing any significant or sudden weight loss, there is little cause for alarm. Not all children are the same: some eat less at meal times and take small bites throughout the day. Some eat more at meal times and don’t require any snacks at all.

Your child could be hungry because he’s very physically active. He’ll naturally need more energy to fuel his daily activity. Another reason is he’s having a growth spurt, and his body needs the extra energy for growth. Of course, your child might also be feeling greedy, not hungry. Teach him to recognise the signs of hunger and fullness. One way is to ask him how his stomach feels before, during, and after a meal. The next time he asks you for a snack outside of regular snack times, ask him if he’s actually hungry or just hankering for something yummy.