

Weird Food Diaries 怪食记 - EP1

Rozz explores the Filipino way of nose-to-tail dining, where no part of an animal is wasted. As she learns, the Filipinos really do eat EVERYTHING. From slimy swamp creatures to dangerous predators, there's never a dull moment in her weird food quest in the Philippines.

在“怪食记”中,狂热的美食家Rosalyn Lee(也称为Rozz)正在寻找亚洲最奇异的食物。 从粘糊糊的沼泽蠕虫到生活美食,Rozz在日本,越南,柬埔寨,台湾,泰国,韩国,印度尼西亚和菲律宾各地旅行,并尝试当地街头奇异美食还是高级美食。在这一集中,她将带大家去菲律宾品尝当地的奇怪的食物.

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