

Weird Food Diaries 怪食记 - EP2

Uncovering age-old recipes, Rozz discovers the true taste of Korea in this episode. Her weird food hunt begins with Korea's largest seafood auction, and then heads down the stinky alleyways of Seoul. Can Rozz manage to eat without being overcome by the stench of her plate?

在“怪食记”中,狂热的美食家Rosalyn Lee(也称为Rozz)正在寻找亚洲最奇异的食物。 从粘糊糊的沼泽蠕虫到生活美食,Rozz在日本,越南,柬埔寨,台湾,泰国,韩国,印度尼西亚和菲律宾各地旅行,并尝试当地街头奇异美食还是高级美食。 在这一集中,她将带大家去韩国品尝当地的奇怪的食物.

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