

The Race to 5G Wireless

The next generation is here

And now, the race to lead the world in 5G is underway and countries like China, South Korea, and Japan are doing everything they can to win. The competition carries real stakes. Today, the wireless industry supports over 4.7 million jobs and contributes roughly $475 billion annually to the American economy.

5G will be even more transformative—making our lives better, our communities safer, and our nation more prosperous. It’s important the United States do everything it can to maintain our wireless leadership. It’s never been more important to communicate with those around us. Wireless technology helps us do that by transmitting and receiving voice, data, video, and more across radio airwaves. And this technology is evolving so quickly that it is playing an even bigger role in our lives every day.

As we constantly push the boundaries of wireless technology, our lives will soon be powered by next-generation products and services that will provide unmatched levels of scalability, capability, and efficiency. That’s what our 5G future looks like.

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Are you ready to embrace the 5G era?

If we need to pick any key words for this year in technology industry, there is a high possibility that 5G will one of them.

The global 5G commercialization has been in the past year and even created much value in advance in different industries. Some highlights include the first well-established 3GPP 5G standards, 5G frequency spectrum auction and distribution, mainstream operators conducting 5G tests, some countries launching 5G commercialization and industry chain getting more optimised. The whole ICT industry and the society are all watching these and expecting more.

4G changes life while 5G changes society. With its ultra-wide Gbps-level bandwidth, reliable and low-latency communication capacity and millions of connection per kilometer, 5G will facilitate and boost digitalization in all industries, which will spur a new wave of business development.

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Everything You Need to Know About 5G

Wireless carriers around the world are beginning to deploy 5G, the latest and greatest in mobile broadband technology.

Like the evolution from 3G to 4G, the jump to 5G will mean faster speeds, lower latency and many other benefits. It’ll be a major boost for businesses, gamers, livestreamers and more. It could be a huge leap in other ways, too — 5G is so much faster than 4G, and has so much less latency, that it could become the platform for all sorts of new services.

Of course, there are also downsides. To enjoy the benefits of 5G, you’ll need to upgrade to a smartphone that’s compatible with the new networks. And privacy experts are worried that 5G could help law enforcement track suspects’ movements in ways that could violate their rights, for instance. But health concerns circulating online about 5G networks have no basis in science.

related: The 5G War Is Upon Us

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How US fell behind in race to 5G

5G is basically touted as the next big leap in the high-speed internet era. Economically, it is going to be a game changer as well, with experts predicting that 5G will contribute up to US$2.2 trillion to the global economy over the next 15 years. Even in current development, it is already reaching 20 times the speed of 4G.

5G is able to achieve speeds of up to 20GB per second, compared to 4G’s 1GB per second. Basically, you can download movies even faster — in mere seconds. One of the supposed casualties of that face-off has been Huawei. Huawei is also coincidentally the frontrunner of the 5G race. They are reportedly 18 months ahead of any of their closest competitors.

Which is where this current blacklisting comes into play. U.S. officials have long declared Huawei a threat, and urged allies to refrain from using their network equipment. This is due to the notion that Huawei will use these equipment to spy on the western world. However, according to Ian Levy, the technical director of the National Cyber Security Centre in England, the 5G network is no more likely to provide an outlet for spying than the current 4G infrastructure. Regardless, the blacklisting was carried out.

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Here’s why the US is terrified of one Chinese company controlling the world’s 5G networks

The US has upped its pressure on Chinese tech giant Huawei, after President Trump signed an executive order enabling the government to ban US firms from buying foreign-made telecommunications kit that poses a national security risk.

The order doesn’t name Huawei specifically, but it’s pretty clear Trump’s actions are directly aimed at the Chinese firm, which the US has accused of being a potential conduit for Chinese spying. Huawei was separately barred from buying parts and components from US firms without a licence. The executive order is the latest development in months of drama between the US and Huawei.

Another flashpoint was when US officials visited Europe earlier this year to persuade European allies to take similar action against Huawei, and lock the firm out of their 5G networks. The conference , attended by more than 100,000 mobile industry workers, was heavily sponsored by Huawei, and senior executives took the chance to take shots at the US.

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China ready to share 5G technology with other nations

President Xi Jinping on Friday delivered the keynote speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Here are the highlights:

  • China's Belt and Road Initiative aligns with the UN's sustainable development agenda.
  • China is ready to share its technological expertise, particularly in 5G, with other countries.
  • China will create a favorable business environment for honest competition.
  • Russia is one of China's greatest partners, and the two countries are cooperating in renewable energy.
  • Peace and development is the main theme of our time.
  • Sustainable development is an inevitable outcome of technological development and a common benefit for the world.

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China ready to share 5G technology with partners: Xi Jinping

President Xi Jinping said on Friday that China was ready to share its expertise, including on 5G technology, with partner countries.

"China is ready to share technological inventions with all partners, in particular 5G technology," Xi told an economic forum in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg. His comments came as China races to be a global leader in advanced wireless networks amid fierce rivalry with the United States.

Washington has blacklisted Chinese tech giant Huawei, a key supplier of equipment for 5G networks in several countries.

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Network growth will make China biggest 5G market

China is set to become the world’s largest 5G market, with 460 million users of the next-generation super-fast network by 2025, a report published on March 20 said.

This is expected to occur as the country plays a pioneering role in building the network and experimenting with cutting-edge applications such as remote surgeries, the report said.

The user number in China is forecast to be higher than that of Europe (205 million) and the United States (187 million) combined, according to the report issued in Beijing by the Global System for Mobile Communications Association, which represents the interests of more than 750 mobile operators worldwide.

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Putin slams attempts to 'push' Huawei from global markets

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday (Jun 7) slammed US moves against Chinese tech giant Huawei, which has signed a deal to develop a 5G network in Russia.

Speaking at an economic forum also attended by Chinese President Xi Jinping, Putin condemned "the situation around the company Huawei that they are attempting not just to squeeze but to unceremoniously push out of the global market". "In some circles this is even being called the first technological war of the dawning digital era," Putin said. He added that the United States is trying to enforce its legal power across the world, and that efforts to foist its dominance on other countries was a recipe for trade and real wars.

The US approach fostered a battle without rules where everyone was pitted against one another, Putin said.

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5G versus 4G: How speed, latency and application support differ

You've probably already heard about 5G, the new cellular technology that's poised to bring massive change to both mobile and fixed wireless data networks. What you may be wondering is how 5G differs from 4G, the current cellular network standard, and what benefits the new technology will bring both enterprises and individual users.

To bring you up to speed on 5G's structure and capabilities, and how it improves on 4G technology, here's a quick update.

What is 5G? As the latest step forward in cellular network evolution, 5G will see untold thousands of small antennas deployed onto cell towers, utility poles, lampposts, buildings and other public and private structures. The technology, which is designed to supplement rather than replace current 4G networks, promises to accelerate cellular data transfer speeds from 100 Mbps to 10 Gbps and beyond, a massive boost that will make next-generation wireless competitive with even the fastest fiber-optic wired networks.

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Five things to know about the new 5G network

It is heralded as an essential step to a brave new world of technology, but in the here and now, super-fast 5G networking is already pitting China against the West.

Here are five things to know about the fifth-generation successor to today's 4G technology, which is a decade old and struggling to keep pace with global broadband demand:
  • WHAT IS 5G? - 5G promises radically quicker transfers of data, instigating major changes to an array of products and services from self-driving cars to "telemedicine".
  • WHEN'S IT COMING? - 5G is already here in South Korea and for fixed internet lines in some US cities. It is also available in parts of Estonia, Finland and Switzerland.
  • 5G, GIVE US A WAVE - Governments first need to harmonise standards for the award of so-called millimetre-wave (mmWave) spectrum, which will carry the vast data flows promised by 5G.
  • WHO'S BUILDING IT? - To bring the promised speeds to the masses, 5G requires a whole new infrastructure of masts, base stations and receivers.
  • WHAT'S THE FUSS? - The US government says Huawei - founded by former Chinese army engineer Ren Zhengfei - is a security risk and has urged allies including Britain to shun its equipment over fears it could serve as a Trojan horse for Chinese intelligence services.
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Building the 5G networks of the future

Unlocking the potential of your network’s 5G future begins with a winning densification strategy. CommScope has you covered.

Densification isn’t a single solution or practice, but a new way of thinking about how wireless and wireline networks converge to deliver more performance and efficiency in the 5G age. CommScope has you covered, both in technology and know-how.

A comprehensive densification strategy touches every part of your network, starting with today’s LTE deployments that form the foundation of 5G potential. CommScope is invested in what’s next, so we can make your LTE-to-5G migration smoother and simpler. Select a topic above to learn more about the 6 areas to consider on your network’s path to 5G.

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What is 5G and what will it mean for you?
High-speed mobile could enable robots, sensors and other machines to communicate

Superfast "fifth generation 5G" mobile internet could be launched as early as next year in some countries, promising download speeds 10 to 20 times faster than we have now. But what difference will it really make to our lives? Will we need new phones? And will it solve the "notspot" issue for people in remote areas?

What is 5G exactly? - It's the next - fifth-generation of mobile internet connectivity promising much faster data download and upload speeds, wider coverage and more stable connections. It's all about making better use of the radio spectrum and enabling far more devices to access the mobile internet at the same time.

What will it enable us to do? - "Whatever we do now with our smartphones we'll be able to do faster and better," says Ian Fogg from OpenSignal, a mobile data analytics company. "Think of smart glasses featuring augmented reality, mobile virtual reality, much higher quality video, the internet of things making cities smarter. "But what's really exciting is all the new services that will be built that we can't foresee."

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Building a truly connected world

By 2024, the New T‑Mobile network will have approximately double the total capacity and triple the total 5G capacity of T‑Mobile and Sprint combined, with 5G speeds four to six times what they could achieve on their own. With Sprint’s expansive 2.5 GHz spectrum, T‑Mobile’s nationwide 600 MHz spectrum, and other combined assets, the New T‑Mobile plans to create the highest capacity network in U.S. history.

The 5G services provided by the New T‑Mobile’s network will transform the way Americans live, work, travel, and play – and will dramatically reduce our costs per GB of service. 5G will unleash new ideas and uses in areas like mobile HD video, connected cities and homes, self-driving cars, smart agriculture, consumer wearables, mobile virtual reality, supercharging the Internet of Things…and even more!!

5G is the next generation of wireless network technology, designed to meet today's growing data demands of the future while also expanding the scope of mobile technology beyond the capabilities of LTE. It will be transformative, fueling innovation across every industry and every aspect of our lives. Over time, 5G technology will revolutionize the way we live, work, and play. Here are a few things it will do:
  • 5G will support up to 10x faster speeds for mobile broadband. This will enable richer and faster experiences, such as mobile HD video, mobile AR and VR, and many other applications benefiting from higher speeds. 5G will also disrupt industries and bring more choices, particularly for home broadband.
  • 5G networks can respond almost in real time with practically no delay. This will enable new applications that respond instantly, especially important when a split-second in reaction time matters—like self-driving cars, real-time language translation, remote surgery, and more. This ultra-responsiveness is also important for many industrial applications, such as automation and augmented reality for smart factories.
  • 5G also provides wireless connectivity for far more connections than today’s networks, which is important as new types of connected objects are served by wireless networks. Imagine ‘Find My Phone’ functionality for EVERYTHING you own, sensors embedded in everyday items, like clothing and pet collars, or smart highways with street lights that get brighter as you drive by. Even smart parking so you never need to search for a spot again.
  • Above all, it will be mobile, allowing you to experience these new, innovative technologies wherever, whenever.
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Wait, why the hell is the ‘race to 5G’ even a race?

I have a dumb question that no one seems capable of answering directly: Why is 5G a race? Everyone — the wireless industry, Democrats, Republicans, the major media, you name it — frames the building of next-generation 5G networks as a “race” in which the United States needs to demonstrate “leadership.”

Here is The Washington Post declaring America has the lead in the race to 5G. Here’s CNN asking “Who’s winning the race to 5G?” Here’s AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson declaring that China isn’t beating the US to 5G “yet,” as some sort of ominous warning. Here’s T-Mobile CEO John Legere telling the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology that merging with Sprint will let his company “win the race to 5G.” Here is an entire microsite from industry lobbying group CTIA titled “The Race to 5G.”

Let us never forget AT&T being so desperate to lead this “race” that it rolled out fake 5Ge logos on its phones.

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What is 5G? Everything you need to know

5G networks are the next generation of mobile internet connectivity, offering faster speeds and more reliable connections on smartphones and other devices than ever before.

Combining cutting-edge network technology and the very latest research, 5G should offer connections that are multitudes faster than current connections, with average download speeds of around 1GBps expected to soon be the norm.

The networks will help power a huge rise in Internet of Things technology, providing the infrastructure needed to carry huge amounts of data, allowing for a smarter and more connected world.

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5G is generally seen as the fifth generation cellular network technology that provides broadband access. The industry association 3GPP defines any system using "5G NR" (5G New Radio) software as "5G", a definition that came into general use by late 2018. Others may reserve the term for systems that meet the requirements of the ITU IMT-2020, which represents more nations. 3GPP will submit their 5G NR to the ITU. It follows 2G, 3G and 4G and their respective associated technologies (such as GSM, UMTS, LTE, LTE Advanced Pro, etc.).

The first fairly substantial deployments were in April 2019. In South Korea, SK Telecom claimed 38,000 base stations, KT Corporation 30,000 and LG U Plus 18,000; of which 85% are in six major cities. They are using 3.5 GHz (sub-6) spectrum in non-standalone (NSA) mode and tested speeds were from 193 to 430 Mbit/s down. 260,000 signed up in the first month and the goal is 10% of phones on 5G by the end of 2019.

Verizon opened service on a very limited number of base stations in the US cities of Chicago and Minneapolis using 400 MHz of 28 GHz millimeter wave spectrum in NSA mode. Download speeds in Chicago were from 80 to 900 Mbit/s. Upload speeds were from 12 to 57 Mbit/s. The round-trip delay time was 25 milliseconds. It was reported in May 2019 that Verizon's 5G service would regularly hit 1 Gbit/s in some locations. Five companies sell 5G radio hardware and 5G systems for carriers: Huawei, ZTE, Nokia, Samsung, and Ericsso

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The Definitive Guide to 5G Networking

From the first mobile phone to 4G LTE, the telecommunications industry has changed plenty in just a few decades. We've jumped four G's, or generations, very quickly. Now the market is poised to break into the fifth generation, which promises 100 to 1,000 times the speed of 4G LTE. That means you might be able to download a full-length movie in a matter of seconds. More important, 5G will enable a new wave of ultra-efficient, Internet-connected devices. But what is 5G really, what kind of benefits will it provide, and when will it actually arrive?

Sooner than you might think. The 5G standard has been finalized, and carriers have acquired the spectrum they need for next-gen speeds. Rollouts of 5G networks have already begun, with all four major carriers planning to launch the service in several cities early this year. Phones are also coming soon: Check out every 5G smartphone that's been announced.

After interviews with numerous experts in the field and representatives of device and component makers over the years, we have a good idea of what to expect, and when. Here's everything you need to know about 5G.

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Key Elements for 5G Networks

5G mobile networks — the next-generation standard for wireless communications — are set to start taking over the mobile network environment in 2019, although they won’t fully replace LTE or its variants immediately. 5G delivers vastly increased capacity, lower latency, and faster speeds.

5G networks will operate in a high-frequency band of the wireless spectrum, between 28 GHz and 60 GHz. This range is known as the millimeter wave (mmWave) spectrum. The sub-6 GHz range that LTE calls home will also be used. 5G is expected to add unlicensed frequencies such as the 3.5 GHz to its list of new frequencies for mobile use. This means a lot of bandwidth will be available to users.

In addition to greater bandwidth, the new 5G networks will have a dense, distributed network of base stations in the small cell infrastructure. This will allow more processing to happen on the edge, leading to lower latencies.

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Why 5G is going to change the way we live and work

This is the first part in a series by the SCMP analysing the likely impact of 5G wireless technology on the way we live and work. You know it must be nothing short of transformational when Washington goes on the offensive over Beijing getting ahead in a telecommunications standard. But what is this new 5G technology and why has it got the world's two biggest economies at each other's throats?

Let's just say it's a lot more important than allowing you to download the latest high-definition episode of Game of Thrones on your smartphone in seconds. According to some experts, 5G could change the way we live forever.

Simply put, 5G means faster internet connections with huge capacity. 5G wireless networks will provide the connectivity backbone for a host of industrial "Internet of Things" applications that work on big data, such as AI-powered manufacturing and smart city processes and even the traffic infrastructure for a world where driverless cars are the norm.

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What Is 5G?

5G, which stands for "fifth generation," is an upcoming standard for mobile telecommunications service that promises to be significantly faster than today's 4G technology. It will allow users to browse the internet, upload or download videos, and use data-intensive apps or features such as virtual reality much more quickly and smoothly than is possible now.

What is 5G technology? When it arrives, 5G technology will utilize a higher-frequency band of the wireless spectrum called millimeter wave that allows data to be transferred much more rapidly than the lower-frequency band dedicated to 4G. The downside is that millimeter wave signals don't travel as far: The new 5G networks will require many more (albeit smaller) antennas spaced closer together than previous wireless generations.

But on the plus side, the technology should be able to meet the vast needs for additional data transmission capability that are expected in the next several years. Some industry analysts estimate there will be nearly 21 billion internet-connected devices by the year 2020, more than three times as many as there were in 2016. That figure doesn't just include phones, tablets, computers – devices such as home appliances, cars, dog collars, and many more are getting connected via the Internet of Things.

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