

Fined for shooting rubber bands in public

Singapore is a FINE city

Many had forgotten what slogan we had and proud of during late 80s. Many will answer one person questions:
*How are you? Everything OK in SG?* - *Yup I'm fine, Singapore is a FINE country*.
Man fined $300 for shooting 2 rubber bands onto public road
Under the Environmental Public Health Act, the maximum fine for a littering offence is $2,000 for the 1st court conviction, $4,000 for the 2nd, and $10,000 for the 3rd and subsequent convictions. First-time offenders are usually fined $300. PHOTO: LIANHE WANBAO

A man was fined $300 for littering after he was caught shooting two rubber bands onto a public road, drawing debate from netizens.

A photo of the ticket issued by the National Environment Agency (NEA) has gone viral on Facebook.

Several netizens expressed surprise that a littering ticket was issued for rubber bands.

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Man fined S$300 after shooting two rubber bands that landed on public road

A man has been fined S$300 for shooting two rubber bands that landed on a public road, the National Environment Agency (NEA) said on Monday (May 27).

Photos of a S$300 ticket issued by NEA, for the offence of "throwing rubber band in a public place", were posted on social media over the weekend and widely shared.

Responding to queries from CNA, the agency said the incident occurred last Thursday and that the man was issued a ticket for littering. It added that the offender "was cooperative throughout (the NEA) officers’ engagement with him".

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NEA: Litterbug fined S$300 was caught shooting 2 rubber bands onto public road

Referring to the offence involving rubber bands, the NEA confirmed that it had taken place on Thursday, May 23. According to the agency, two NEA enforcement officers had witnessed a man walking towards his car. In his hands were two rubber bands which he shot “one after the other, into the air”.

The trajectory of this reckless rubber band shooting caused both articles to land on the surface of a public road. “Our officers thus informed him of the littering offence and issued him an enforcement ticket,” said the NEA.

The agency also added that the offender — perhaps realising the folly of his ways — was cooperative with the officers. The offender received a S$300 fine.

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S$300 fine for leaving rubber band behind; littering, a serious offence in Singapore

In Singapore, committing a littering offence does not just mean intentionally dropping trash on the road; even if you accidentally leave something behind, you can be charged and fined S$300.

This is what happened to two Singaporeans who left a rubber band and a drinking can on separate occasions. Both were issued a S$300 fine each for littering and their fine tickets were circulated on-line.

One ticket showed a fine being issued for throwing a rubber band in a public area in Jurong East on May 23, 2019. The other was issued on the afternoon of May 16, after the offender was spotted leaving a canned drink behind.

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CNA Comments
U come frm prata law nation faker?
Like · Reply · 13h

Hanah Byrd Jr.
Scarletta Vito nice one!!! Hahahaha
Like · Reply · 13h

Aneesh Aneesh
Shooting rubber bands into the air maybe to ease some stress..!! What are you writing..?? How about throwing stones and kniefs into air to ease some stress ? 😀
Like · Reply · 12h

Robert Tan
Lan Lan I agree that a fine need be imposed BUT CERTAINLY NOT A $300/- fine. 
May be a fine of $50 or $100 which fine must be paid by the person who committed the offence.
The inconvenience of personally paying the fine will be a good learning lesson.
Like · Reply · 12h

Chua Hs
How much time was used to follow the offender & efforts to trace the flight of the 2 rubber bands to see where they landed on the road as they would be used as evidence of the offence?

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Taking littering very seriously. Forgetting to pick up after yourself be it a canned drink or any small object can set you back a hefty sum if one isn't careful.

From Teabags to Soiled Diaper & Sanitary Pad to Killer Litter
The Tea Bag Tree of Bukit Merah View

After the Cleaner Appreciation event yesterday afternoon (see post below), I took a walk around the common space at blks 128, 129 and 130 Bukit Merah View and checked out the environment.

Was dismayed to see this palm tree adorned with tea bags, obviously thrown from a higher floor and which had snagged on the leaves and branches. It was like a Christmas tree except that instead of pretty ornaments, this poor tree was festooned with used Dilmah tea bags!

Was it really so difficult, one wonders, to lift the tea bag out of the mug or cup, and carry it a few feet to the rubbish container that must surely be in the home?

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KILLER LITTER - Man, 74, dies after allegedly being hit by killer litter
Mr Nasiari Sunee was at the barbecue pit at Spottiswoode 18 (above) in Spottiswoode Park during a relative's housewarming party on Sunday night when he collapsed after being hit by a bottle thrown from above, said his children. He died of his injuries on Monday morning.PHOTOS: MARK CHEONG, COURTESY OF MADAM NAS SURIATI NASIARI

A 74-year-old delivery driver attending a housewarming party of a relative on Sunday night died from injuries he suffered after being hit by a bottle that his family believes was thrown from a 35-storey condominium.

Mr Nasiari Sunee had just sat down to eat at the barbecue pit at Spottiswoode 18 in Spottiswoode Park, according to his two older children.

Speaking to The Straits Times after their father's burial yesterday, Madam Nas Suriati Nasiari and Mr Nas Muhammad Nasta'in Nasiari said that their mother and other relatives were sitting with him when it happened.

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Guy becomes 'famous' after throwing soiled diaper Onto car at Tampines Mall carpark

A man has become 'famous' for the wrong reasons after he was caught on video throwing a soiled diaper onto another car at Tampines Mall's carpark on Aug 24.

Facebook user Jonathan Lee posted a video of the incident after finding the dirty nappy on his vehicle.

In the video, a woman is seen passing the man a plastic bag containing the diaper as he is about to close his car's boot.

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Guy becomes 'famous' after throwing soiled diaper
From Teabags to Soiled Diaper & Sanitary Pad to Killer Litter
Fined for shooting rubber bands in public