

These 'Facts' About Organic Food Are Totally Bogus

Whenever you stop by the produce aisle at your local grocery store, you probably notice that organic food is more expensive than conventional produce. While all of us know that organic foods will often cost more, our understanding of why isn’t entirely clear. And the reasoning behind the pricing of organic products isn’t the only thing many of us don’t know much about.

There are many things we know—or think we know—about the supposed chemical-free practices that are just popular misconceptions. These organic ‘facts’ might actually be false!

Since buying organic can seriously etch a dent into your wallet, we did some digging into whether the claims organic farming are praised for actually ring true. To debunk these widespread myths, we spoke to retired chemist Richard Sachleben, PhD, and came to some eye-opening conclusions you’ll definitely want to keep in mind before your next grocery run. And speaking of grocery runs, learn how to keep your wallet fat by knowing these 40 Ways Grocery Stores are Scamming You.

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