

5 Self-care habits you can do during your lunch break

Give Yourself A Real Break

Much too often, we find ourselves da-baoing something and just eating it at our desk while staring at our computer screen during our office break. In fact, studies have shown that 29% of Singaporeans stay at their desks during their precious lunch hours instead of actually taking a break and going out.

Not only does this completely defeat the purpose of a “break”, not taking a proper break while working can lead to a significant decline in your mental and physical health. Sitting down for long hours on end leads to physical deterioration that could even lead to an early death, and constantly being surrounded by things that remind you of work is detrimental to your mental health.

Instead, do these things and truly take a break away from work:
  • Pamper yourself
  • Socialise with your coworkers
  • Take a walk, a jog, a run…get those endorphins pumping
  • Savour and enjoy your food
  • Let go of your devices

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