

The AHTC Lawsuits Against Workers’ Party MPs

Update 12 Oct 2019: AHTC case: AHTC case: Residents not surprised by verdict but many hope WP MPs will not be disqualified

Work at the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) continues in earnest, Workers' Party (WP) chief Pritam Singh said, even as he and his fellow Aljunied GRC MPs, Ms Sylvia Lim and Mr Low Thia Khiang, study a judgment issued by the High Court on Friday (Oct 11).

"We are reviewing the judgment carefully and will take the advice of our lawyers before announcing our next step," Mr Singh said in a Facebook post on Friday evening.

In a 338-page judgment released on Friday afternoon, High Court judge Kannan Ramesh found the trio liable for damages suffered by AHTC.

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“We will stand with you!” – Widespread support for WP pours forth following AHTC judgment
Support for the Workers’ Party (WP) has been pouring forth even after the High Court found three WP Members of Parliament (MPs) liable for damages in the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) lawsuit

Between July 2011 to July 2015, AHTC had paid at least S$33.7 million to their town council managing agent FM Solutions & Services (FMSS), which was appointed without tender. Claiming that these were “improper” payments, an independent panel appointed by the town council initiated civil proceedings against Low Thia Khiang, Sylvia Lim and Pritam Singh.

In his judgment released yesterday (11 Oct), High Court Judge Kannan Ramesh said that Mr Low and Ms Lim had breached their fiduciary duties to AHTC and that Mr Pritam breached his duties of skill and care to the town council.

The case is set to move on to a second set of hearings to determine the quantum of damages suffered by AHTC and how much is recoverable from the parliamentarians. The MPs can also appeal the High Court’s decision.

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What you need to know about the High Court judgment
Workers’ Party (WP) leaders have been found liable for the misuse of tens of millions in town council funds, the High Court ruled on Friday (Oct 11)

High Court judge Kannan Ramesh said that WP Members of Parliament Mr Low Thia Khiang and Ms Sylvia Lim were not only derelict in appointing a managing agent for Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) without calling for a tender, they had also painted a narrative that was "misleading and not honest" in order to do so.

"Their conduct was improper and the attempt to cloak the same with a veneer of truth and credibility collectively leads to the conclusion that they had not acted honestly and therefore breached their duty of unflinching loyalty to AHTC as fiduciaries," he said. The judgment for the first stage of the landmark case, which Justice Ramesh likened to a “hydra” for its complexity, was given in a 329-page document.

This following is a summary of key points raised in the judgment:

  • Who’s involved and what were their roles?
  • What were defendants accused of?
  • What were they found in breach of?
  • Appointment of FMSS as managing agent
  • "Political considerations"
  • “Improper payments” to FMSS and FMSI
  • What were they not found liable for?
  • What might they need to pay?

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Why is the Town Council suing its own chairman, Mr Singh?

AHTC is bringing on the lawsuits. The people behind the lawsuit are actually the three members of an independent panel appointed at the direction of HDB. Its members are:

  • Senior counsel Philip Jeyaretnam, son of J B Jeyaretnam & brother of Kenneth Jeyaretnam
  • Senior counsel N. Sreenivasan
  • KPMG managing partner Ong Pang Thye
How much are they being sued for?
  • Ms Lim and Mr Singh are being sued for S$2.8 million for the wrongful appointment of architects.
  • AHTC also wants the 3 MPs to account for $33 million spent between 2011 & 2015. The panel wants the MPs to repay any money wrongfully paid out.
What led to all of this? In case you haven’t been able to keep up with the back-and-forth, here’s a handy timeline of the saga.


  • WP snatches Aljunied GRC from PAP, kicking out 3 cabinet members.
  • WP hires FM Solutions & Services Pte Ltd (FMSS) as its Managing Agent for the newly-formed Aljunied-Hougang Town Council.
  • This is done without a tender. Ms Lim later explains that this is because “urgent taking over work was needed”.
  • WP calls its first tender for the management of AHTC. The tender is repeated in following years.
  • WP-run AHPETC submits its audited accounts for FY2012/2013 6 months late.
  • Then-Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam directs the Auditor-General’s Office to audit AHPETC’s accounts. The Town Council is given a red grade, suggesting it is the most-poorly run TC in Singapore.
  • PAP and WP engage in a war of words over the matter.
  • Ms Lim announces that WP will run its town council itself, after no one responded to the party’s 3-week tender for a managing agent. Read her open letter to residents here.
  • KMPG alleges “serious flaws” in AHTC’s governance. The auditor flags the TC’s relationship with former managing agent FMSS and essential maintenance service unit contractor FM Solutions and Integrated Services (FMSI).
  • AHTC appoints an independent panel to review the findings of the KPMG report. Commenting on the decision, Mr Singh said.
AHTC believes that it is in the interests of AHTC and its residents to appoint an independent panel to review the findings and take such action as deemed appropriate to safeguard AHTC’s interests. This independent panel eventually sues six AHTC staff, including Mr Low, Ms Lim and Mr Singh.

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In Good Faith
Contributions as of 27 OCT 2018, 10PM
Total Amount: $1,067,210
Total number: 6,101

Dear Friends

We are very touched by the incredible outpouring of support from the public for the appeal that we launched barely three days ago.

The amount raised has crossed a million dollars.

We are closing the appeal for now, as the amount raised substantially covers the legal fees required at this point in time.

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WP MPs receive $900,000, up from $470,000, in public donations to fund AHTC lawsuits
Workers’ Party town councillors Pritam Singh, Low Thia Khiang & Sylvia Lim at the Supreme Court on Oct 9, 2018. FOTO: ST FILE

The Workers' Party (WP) town councillors involved in multimillion-dollar lawsuits over alleged improper payments have raised about $900,000 to fund their legal fees, after launching an online crowdsourcing appeal on Wednesday.

As of 10pm on Friday (Oct 26), WP chairman Sylvia Lim, secretary-general Pritam Singh & former chief Low Thia Khiang collected a total of $907,918 from 5,241 donors, they said in an update on their blog In Good Faith.

The trio had collected $477,653 from 2,832 donors at 10pm on Thursday.

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PRP Town Council Won’t Say If They Paid Lawyer Davinder Singh

The Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) trial wrapped up last Tuesday (30 Oct) after 17 long days of accusations and refutations. The trial has not been easy on the wallets of Workers’ Party (WP) MPs Low Thia Khiang, Sylvia Lim and Pritam Singh. The trio have been paying for legal fees with their own money. Last Saturday (3 Nov), the fees were estimated at a staggering $800,000. Fortunately for them, a great portion of the fees will probably be offset by generous public donations.

While much of the focus has been on the WP MPs’ expenses, little has been asked about the other side — particularly, how Senior Counsel Davinder Singh’s fees were being paid for. Mr Singh had represented Pasir Ris-Punggol Town Council (PRPTC), which together with AHTC, sued the WP MPs for mishandling town council funds.

Recently, a resident from Pasir Ris-Punggol raised the matter. A Facebook post put up by the resident’s friend reveals that she had written an email to PRPTC on 22 Oct, asking if the town council’s money had been used to cover the legal cost of the trial.

PRPTC Stubbornly Silent Despite Growing Public Calls to Account for Davinder’s Legal Fees

Concerns are mounting over how much Mr Singh is being paid to represent PRPTC, after AHTC town councillors revealed that they the bulk of the S$1.1 million raised through crowdfunding efforts has been to their lawyers. Pasir Ris residents are also concerned about how Mr Singh even came to represent PRPTC. This letter (pictured above), reportedly penned by a Pasir Ris resident to PRPTC, was shared on Saturday (3 Nov) and has since gone viral on Facebook. Said People’s Power Party member Augustine Lee, who shared the letter online:
“My friend wrote to her town council PRPTC to ask if any funds are used for the lawsuit as they have engaged one of the most expensive lawyer. They did not reply to her emails after 2 weeks. After repeating calling, they said on the phone that they will not reply when the court case is ongoing.”
The writer of the letter asked for an explanation from PRPTC regarding:
  • Can the TC choose to spend big amount on whatever non estate expenses depending on their own wishes without informing the residents?
  • Can the TC withhold information on big expenses from their residents?
  • Did the TC gather 3 quotations before deciding on which lawyer to choose?
  • Did the TC breach any TC rules and regulations?”

So far, there has been no public response from PRPTC, even as online calls grow louder for an explanation of how public monies have been used. Many wonder how PRPTC accounting for Mr Singh’s legal fees would be prejudicial to the ongoing AHTC court case.

Public should be mindful of comments to avoid sub judice, say experts
The Workers' Party Members of Parliament, who run Aljunied-Hougang Town Council, are facing trial to account for alleged wrongful payments made to the town council’s service providers & then-managing agent between 2011 and 2015

Amid keen public interest in the ongoing high profile trial involving 3 Workers’ Party (WP) Members of Parliament (MPs), which has triggered partisan debate online due to the political dimension of the case, lawyers & legal experts have cautioned the public to exercise restraint when commenting on the trial.

This is because there are, at times, grey areas as to whether a statement might be prejudicial in nature, they said. Premature assertions about individuals could also amount to defamation if they turn out to be false, one of them pointed out.

A number of supporters of the opposition party & the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) have been posting online remarks on the case since the trial began on Oct 5.

Full coverage:
Pritam Singh disagrees with Davinder Singh over definition of ‘responsible’ TC
Singh vs Singh ends the day that started with an intense exchange
Pritam Singh disagrees with Davinder Singh over definition
Sylvia Lim gave FMSS 'insider information' to help company in tender
Workers' Party chairman Sylvia Lim 'colluded with FMSS' in 2012
WP 'loud and clear' in telling other firms to stay away, says Davinder
AHTC made it clear it wanted other firms to stay away: Davinder
WP chief Pritam Singh disagrees with Davinder Singh over
WP's Pritam Singh spars with PRPTC lawyer on managing
Davinder Singh accuses Sylvia Lim of concocting evidence
WP's Sylvia Lim concedes she and fellow MPs breached duties by not
Sylvia Lim avoided calling for tender for new managing agent despite
AHTC trial: WP-run town council had time to call a tender for new
Davinder Singh alleges Sylvia Lim broke 2 Town Council Financial
FMSS contract for essential services comes under scrutiny
Sylvia Lim 'inconsistent' in giving evidence: Davinder Singh
Lawyer says WP chairman Sylvia Lim knew her duty to
WP chairman Sylvia Lim gave FMSS heads up about
'Disingenuous' for defendants to draw parallel between
Testy showdown between Low Thia Khiang and Davinder
Low used residents' monies to fund 'start-up' managing agent for
AHTC trial: Low explains reason for distrust of CPG, Davinder Singh
Sylvia Lim, Davinder Singh cross swords on software firm
Singaporeans donate their SG Bonus to WP MPs to help with trial costs
WP chief Pritam Singh disagrees with Davinder Singh
Sylvia Lim disagrees that tender process was 'tainted and flawed'
Workers' Party MPs appeal for help with legal fees
Disingenuous to draw parallel of conflict of interest
WP's Pritam Singh spars with PRPTC lawyer on managing agent tender
Workers' Party MPs raise nearly $500,000 to fight town council lawsuits
Lawyer says AHTC sent message to industry in waiving tender
Davinder Singh to Sylvia Lim, “You have no qualms lying.”
Workers' Party MPs raise close to S$500000 a day after public appeal
Workers' Party MPs appealing to public for funds to fight AHTC lawsuit
Lawyers argue over questions allowed for witness' re-examination
Sylvia gave FMSS heads up on tender, says Davinder
Pritam Singh quotes LKY, who said in 2011 Aljunied voters
WP trio appeal to public for funds to fight cases
Workers’ Party MPs appealing to public for funds to fight lawsuit
Singapore Workers’ Party chairman accused of collusion
WP chair and AHTC town councillor Sylvia Lim accused of lying
Sylvia Lim avoided calling for tender for new managing agent
Davinder Singh to Sylvia Lim, “You lied.” : AHTC trials Day 10
WP-run town council had time to call a tender for new managing agent
Sylvia admits breach town council financial rules by not calling for tender
Two days after GE 2011 win, WP's Sylvia Lim thought about getting
Sylvia Lim 'threw caution to the wind' when dealing with residents' money
WP's media statement on agent's fees untrue: Sylvia Lim
AHTC trial: Sylvia Lim concedes that media statement was 'not true'
FMSS contract for essential services comes under scrutiny
Workers' Party ex-chief Low Thia Khiang set to testify in AHTC hearing
Low used residents' monies to fund 'start-up' managing agent for opposition
AHTC trial has a silver lining
AHTC trial day 7: FMSS had no opportunity to respond to “prejudiced”
Testy showdown between Low Thia Khiang & Davinder Singh over language
WP ex-chief testifies he didn't spend AHTC residents' monies improperly
Low admits he did not do duty as 'responsible town councillor' by checking
WP's Low concedes he did not do the 'responsible' thing
WP decided to have new managing agent just days after GE
Low Thia Khiang's turn on the stand marked by quick-fire rebuttals
Former Workers' Party chief Low Thia Khiang to take stand
Low Thia Khiang admits he did not review managing agent's contract
Ex-WP chief Low Thia Khiang concedes he didn't check CPG contract
Sylvia Lim agrees to 'untruth' about extra cost for managing agent
Davinder questions why shareholder details were not disclosed
Shaken in cross-examination,Sylvia admits she WP MPs breached duties
Sylvia Lim admits MPs breached duties by failing to disclose rates
Sylvia failed to inform AHTC secretary of waiver, court heard
Lawyer, WP chairman Sylvia Lim disagree on whether town council
SYlvia Lim agrees media statement about managing agent's fees untrue
WP chairman agrees MPs breached duties by not disclosing FMSS rates
WP's Sylvia Lim concedes she breached duties by not disclosing CPG
WP's Sylvia Lim admits she 'stated untruth' in a 2011 media statement
AHTC trial: Low Thia Khiang prioritised Hougang staff and WP
WP ex-chief Low Thia Khiang denies AHTC's 2012 open tender was
What makes a 'responsible' town councillor? Low Thia Khiang, PRPTC
Not a 'big deal' to disclose conflict of interest in 2011: WP's Low Thia
Testy showdown between Low and Davinder over language use
WP ex-chief Low Thia Khiang cross-examined for 3 hours, denied
Ex-WP chief Low Thia Khiang 'directed' new managing
AHTC trial: Ex-WP chief Low Thia Khiang said it 'didn't occur' to him
Town councillors are duty bound to protect public monies and property
An 'egregious, cavalier misuse of public funds': Town council lawyers
Breach of Town Councils Financial Rules
WP-run town council had time to call tender for new agent: Lawyer
WP chairman gave 'blank cheque' to agent to hire staff, says Davinder
Senior counsel throws doubt on motives behind change of agent
AHTC trial: Sylvia Lim admits to breaching rules by not calling tender
Davinder Singh ruled out, Lourenco replaces him
WP 'loud and clear' in telling other firms to stay away, says Davinder
AHTC made it clear it wanted other firms to stay away: Davinder
Town councillor explains why he did not query FMSS appointment
Town council's delegation of duty to managing agent debated in court
WP chief Pritam Singh disagrees with Davinder Singh over
Pritam Singh quotes LKY, who said in 2011
WP's Pritam Singh spars with PRPTC lawyer on managing
Lawyer says AHTC sent message to industry in waiving
Pritam Singh: “As Mr Lee Kuan Yew said, Aljunied residents would
Sylvia Lim gave FMSS 'insider information' to help company in tender
Workers' Party chairman Sylvia Lim 'colluded with FMSS' in 2012
AHTC trial: Sylvia Lim 'inconsistent' in giving evidence: Davinder Singh
WP's Sylvia Lim admits to putting outgoing town council secretary in
Sylvia Lim avoided calling for tender for new managing agent despite
Two days after GE 2011 win, WP's Sylvia Lim thought
Davinder Singh accuses Sylvia Lim of lying to town council
WP's Sylvia Lim 'lied' about circumstances leading to upscaling of
AHTC trial: WP decided to have new managing agent just days after
Low used residents' monies to fund 'start-up' managing agent for
An 'egregious, cavalier misuse of public funds': Town council lawyers
WP MPs acted in good faith, duties within what were set in Town
WP ex-chief Low Thia Khiang cross-examined for 3 hours, denied
WP decided to have new managing agent just days after GE: Davinder
Pritam Singh: “As Mr Lee Kuan Yew said, Aljunied residents would

Singh vs Singh ends the day that started with an
AHTC lawsuits: Town council's delegation of duty to managing agent
WP chief Pritam Singh disagrees with Davinder Singh over
WP stripped of its town council management computer system by $2 AIM
AGC overlooking possible subjudice contempt by pro-PAP Facebook
KPMG wrongfully defined “improper services”
PAP stole software and sabotage town council after losing GE
Straits Times commit Contempt of Court to prejudice Singaporeans
The AHTC Lawsuits Against Workers’ Party MPs Explained In 5 Minutes
AHTC-Like Cases That Seemed To Have Been Overlooked
SMS exchange shows that CPG initiated termination of contract with AHTC
AHTC trial: WP took over a town council 'stripped' of its computer system
Such were the circumstances of taking over a GRC

Alleged conflict of interest, flawed system lacking in checks & balances
Faisal Manap succeeds Pritam Singh as chairman of AHTC
Workers' Party AHTC audit issues resolved, KPMG 'reasonably satisfied'
WP took over a town council 'stripped' of its computer
AHTC lawsuits: Who or what is really on trial?
WP slams the media for “very one-sided” coverage of AHTC trial
AHTC trial: Alleged conflict of interest, flawed system lacking in checks
Low Thia Khiang, Pritam Singh and Sylvia Lim ask NCMP to shield
AHTC Trial - What to look out for

Town councillors are duty bound to protect public
4 Things That Happened On The First Day Of The AHTC Trial

AHTC trial: Lawsuits against Workers' Party MPs starts today
AHTC Trial: PRPTC Lawyer Says WP Town Councillors' Misconduct
AHTC trial: WP took over a town council stripped of its computer

TODAY - AHTC TRIAL: One key issue in the high-profile

AHTC trial: WP MPs created system where 'checks and balances were

AHTC trial: Alleged conflict of interest, flawed system lacking in checks
AHTC lawsuits: Who or what is really on trial?
Court looks at situation in which FMSS was appointed
Checks and balances at AHTC lacking and flawed, court told
Engaging higher-priced architect led to AHTC paying $2.8m more
Checks and balances at AHTC lacking and flawed, court told
Engaging higher-priced architect led to AHTC paying $2.8m more
$1.2m project fees for ad hoc, large-scale projects not 'improper' payments
WP took on a town council which was 'stripped of its computer system'
Accountant wrong flag $1.2m as improper payments, defence lawyer
Hard oppo TC find managing agent AHTC previous vendor'unwilling horse'
Payment to FMSS properly approved by WP chairman Sylvia says defence
Defence explains why WP decided to drop old town council managing agent
An 'egregious, cavalier misuse public funds':TC lawyers rip into WP leaders
WP AHTC 'acted in good faith, complied with the law': lawyer for MPs
Relationship was strictly business: Lawyer for FMSS
TC duty bound to protect public monies property values, PRPTC counsel
WP MPs, AHTC acted in good faith, did not breach duties: Defence
'No room for doubt' town councillors are custodians of public monies
Multimillion-dollar civil suits against 3 Workers' Party MPs go to trial
Highly anticipated AHTC hearing against 3 Workers' Party MPs begins
WP MPs acted in good faith, duties within what were set in TC Act
WP MPs Pritam Singh, Sylvia Lim and Low Thia Khiang in court
WP created system where 'checks balances thrown to wind' appoint FMSS
Workers' Party MPs go to trial over alleged improper payments
Main purpose of AHTC lawsuit to account for S$33m: Experts
AHTC taking WP leaders to court to account for $33m it paid
AHTC trial: Lawsuits against Workers' Party MPs to start today
Aljunied-Hougang Town Council

On Which Town Council Was Managed the Most Wisely
AHTC statistics show WP can run TC
On Whether AHPETC Overpaid it's Managing Agent?
WP stripped of its town council management computer system by $2 AIM
AHTC's previous managing agent CPG also had conflict of interest
If the WP have breached their fiduciary duties, what about the PAP?
WP's MPs had reasons for paying S$2.8m more to get costlier architect
Spotlight on improper payments and whether they can be recovered
WP chairman Sylvia Lim signed off on monthly payment to AHTC
Accountant wrong to flag S$1.2m as improper payments, defence lawyer
AHTC trial: Invoice of over $106000 paid to FMSS not improper, defence
WP took on a town council which was 'stripped of its computer system'
Defence lawyers in AHTC trial slam KPMG compared managing agent costs
AHTC trial: Workers' Party MPs kept 'watchful eye' over managing agent
SOPs drafted by Low Thia Khiang 'not well thot out', witness at AHTC trial
MND 'no difficulty' accepting AHTC's waiver of tender for managing agent

AHTC withheld $250k in fees to FMSS, auditor says
KPMG compare CPG & FMSS costs by AHTC “inaccurate,highly speculative”
S$60 million in payments recorded manually, says KPMG
Defence rebuts PwC's findings that invoices issued breached financial rules
S$60 million in payments recorded manually, says KPMG
Defence lawyers in AHTC trial slam KPMG compared managing agent costs
MND had 'no difficulty' accepting AHTC's waiver of tender
Workers’ Party MPs appeal for help with legal fees
Sylvia Lim gave FMSS 'insider info' help company tender bid: Davinder Singh
WP’s Pritam Singh spars with PRPTC lawyer on managing agent tender waiver
Sylvia Lim concedes Workers' Party MPs 'breached duties
Low explains reason for distrust of CPG, Davinder Singh says he's lying to court
Low used residents' monies to fund 'start-up' managing agent for opposition
Davinder accuses Sylvia of lying to town council members, court & Parliament
3 WP MPs embroiled in 2 civil suits over alleged mismanagement of the AHTC
Mr Low, Ms Lim & Mr Singh are being sued by AHTC & Pasir Ris-Punggol TC
Workers' Party MPs appealing to public for funds to fight AHTC lawsuit
AHTC sent message waiving tender & choosing firm associated with WP
Workers' Party MPs appealing to public for funds to fight AHTC lawsuit
WP chairman gave FMSS heads about tender, tainting it, says Davinder Singh
WP town councillors embroiled in a multimillion-dollar civil suit
WP chairman gave FMSS heads up about tender, tainting it
WP chairman Sylvia disagree on whether town council position compromised
WP chairman Sylvia agrees media statement managing agent's fees untrue
Lawyer says WP chairman knew her duty inform TC secretary of tender waiver
Facing possibility of bankruptcy Workers’ Party Leaders Seek Public Donations
PRPTC Lawyer Says WP TC Misconduct Could Cause Property Value to Dip
What Went Down During The 3rd Week Of The AHTC Trial
Has the wind been knocked out of the Opposition?

Singapore opposition leaders appeal for help to stave off bankruptcy
This is how the PAP did WP in
How bad are Workers' Party leaders?
How AIM-AHPETC Affects Your Life and Your Town Council

"Divisive approach to politics is polarising Singapore society"