

5 Things Procrastinators Know Too Well

Like me, there are many of you out there who are procrastinators as well. There are a million other things I would rather be doing than doing homework, and sometimes (ok most of the time) those other things win out. Here are some things you know to be true if you are a procrastinator like I am.

1. You write down the assignment, convincing yourself that you will start it that night.

When I write down the assignment in class when my professor first assigns it, I manage to convince myself that as soon as I get back from class I am going to start working on that assignment right away so I won't have to be up extremely late the night before it is due.

2. You get distracted by something.

Most of the time I end up getting distracted by something and then I end up not working on my homework. It is usually something like Netflix or sleeping, which are things that I convince myself are totally worth procrastinating on my homework.

3. You get busy.

I completely understand that most of us have an extremely long list of things that we have to do either for school, extracurricular activities, working, etc. The list could go on and on and the list gets even longer when you have a place of your own.

4. Next thing you know, it's due tomorrow

It's only the second week of school, and I have already procrastinated more than my fair share. As a matter of fact, I am currently procrastinating by writing this article when I know I have things that are due tomorrow for my 9:30 a.m. class.

5. Pulling an all-nighter.

Get your coffee ready, sit in a study area or your living room, and prepare for an extremely long night. Was this preventable? Absolutely. Will I learn from this lesson and never procrastinate again? Honestly probably not. I know there are a lot of people who say that they work better under stress when they only have a limited amount of time to work. I don't know if this is necessarily true for me, but I do know that my work tends to be better at night.

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