

10 things you should do to avoid food poisoning

4.1 million Australians are affected each year - here's how to not be a statistic

If you’ve ever experienced it, you’ll certainly agree that food poisoning is a horrible thing. With roughly 4.1 million Australians affected each year, chances are you know what I’m talking about. Food safety is so important that it’s even referred to in the Australian Dietary Guidelines: “Care for your food; prepare and store it safely”.

You might be wondering what you can do to ensure your food is safe, so listen up. Here’s my quick guide on a few food safety basics.
  • Wash your hands
  • Keep it clean
  • Have separate utensils
  • Cook food properly
  • Ensure hot food is hot and cold food is cold
  • Know the risky foods
  • Remember food safety when shopping
  • Clean up like a boss
  • Organise your fridge
  • Check the use-by date

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