

The Crazy Rich Asians Saga

Sometimes I start doing an evaluation of my life.

In one of those I came across the story of the racing driver, Michael Shumacher.

When I studied his resume as an athlete I saw that he was:

Winner of the Grand Prix in 1991.

He was 7 times world champion of Formula 1.

Happiness was in his Being, but on a fateful day his story and his destiny completely changed due to a ski accident.

Today, just 44 kilos of weight struggling to "survive" since December 2013.

His wife begins to sell the goods to cover the expenses and thus be able to keep him alive in a room adapted in his house, where he lies like a vegetable.

Here comes a question:

Who is better than who?

Life can take directions never imagined.

It's amazing how everything can change in an instant.

No one is exempt from anything.

And in no circumstances are they of any use:

We are all the same.

Then why the pride?

Why the arrogance?

So why so much attachments to material goods and wealth?

All we have is the day to day so that we can live it with passion and happiness, doing good, serving our God, our family and neighbors with full of Joy and Gratitude.

We need to stop creating problems, claim insignificant things, and always avoid everything that "takes our time and lives".

Be careful not to lose someone who loves you and accepts you as you are.

As in the game of chess, in the end both the King and the Pawn are kept in the same box. In the end, we will all meet our end the same way.

It is worth examining what we have done or not yet do.

We are born without bringing anything. We die without taking anything, absolutely nothing!

And the sad thing is that in the interval between life and death, we fight for what we did not bring and even more for what we will not take. Think about that.

Let's live more, let's love more. Let's always understand the other and be more tolerant.

I wish we never forget that to be great *You have to be humble*.

Poor in the Land of Crazy Rich Asians
An old woman with a cart sits in front of a Buddhist temple Chinatown, Singapore. Mapa Melvin /

Park Royal Hotel along Pickering Street in Singapore is nothing short of spectacular. Lush greenery lines the undulating planes of its facade, mimicking the vibrant green of paddy fields that are common sights in the country’s Southeast Asian neighbours. The building has won numerous architectural and design accolades, and been featured as a location in the Hollywood film Hitman: Agent 47.

But walk a few paces past this impressive glass facade, deeper into the heart of Chinatown, and the surroundings start looking a little different.

Pieces of paper are strewn carelessly on the ground; there’s a seemingly impenetrable layer of grime. Here, the buildings are older, tinted yellow from long exposure to the elements. Come nightfall, men and women, carrying their possessions in backpacks or plastic bags, will discreetly unfurl blankets and newspapers on street corners or stone benches to get some rest for the night.

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