

Chan Chun Sing: "But be careful, Don't anyhow say things"

Update 28 Apr 2021: PAP heavyweight Chan Chun Sing claims “I did not aim to be a Minister, I wanted to be a librarian”
“I did not aim to be a Minister, I wanted to be a librarian – it was a very logical choice.”

People’s Action Party (PAP) heavyweight Chan Chun Sing claimed that he “did not aim to be a Minister, I wanted to be a librarian” as he delivered the keynote address at the Public Service Commission (PSC) Scholarships Award Ceremony, last Wednesday (17 July).

Mr Chan, who serves as Minister for Trade and Industry, Minister-in-charge of the Public Service and second assistant secretary-general of the PAP, told the audience the story of why he joined the Public Service.

Revealing that he “did not join the Public Service because of some lofty ambition to change the world and bring Singapore to the next higher plane,” he said that he joined the Public Service because he needed a scholarship to further his studies.

Singapore Democrats’ “Don’t Anyhow Say Things” Black Humour Video a Hit with Singaporeans

Be careful, don’t anyhow say things – otherwise you might just kena lampooned in a video like PM Le Hsien Loong and potential PM Chan Chun Sing.

This video by the Singapore Democratic Party has been shared over 10,000 times on Facebook, with Singaporeans finding some perverse joy in hearing their dreams shattered despite the prime minister’s election rhetoric.

It’s black humour at its best!

Watch with a Tiger, and don’t try leaping off tall buildings after.

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