

20 mistakes you’re making every time you brush your teeth

Everybody knows that you’re meant to brush your teeth several times a day to prevent cavities. But have you ever wondered whether you’re doing it correctly? It’s all well and good brushing your teeth on a daily basis, but you need to do it right! Here are 20 mistakes that you may be making every time you brush your teeth.

Contrary to what your parents might have taught you, you should not brush your teeth right after eating a meal, even if you have a bad taste in your mouth! It’s recommended that you wait about 30 minutes to allow the pH in your mouth to return to normal levels, as some acidic foods can soften your tooth enamel.

Appearances might not be a sufficient basis for knowing when to ditch your old toothbrush and get a new one. In general, you should change toothbrushes every three months. Research has shown that a worn out toothbrush can cause more harm than good to your teeth. After three months, bacteria and food particles can get permanently lodged in the bristles!

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