

Plane makes emergency landing because of passenger's odour

A Transavia flight was forced to land because a passenger smelt so bad it was making others vomit (Photo: Getty)

A plane was forced to make an emergency landing because a passenger’s body odour was so bad it made others vomit and faint. The Transavia flight from Amsterdam to Gran Canaria was grounded in Faro, southern Portugal, where the man was removed from the flight. Staff reportedly tried to quarantine the man in the toilet before the pilots were eventually forced to divert the plane and make the emergency landing.

Belgian passenger Piet van Haut described the smell as “unbearable”, the Mirror reported. “It was like he hadn’t washed himself for several weeks. Several passengers got sick and had to puke,” he said.

The Boeing 737 – which took off from Schiphol Airport – was grounded for “medical reasons”. It is not known whether that relates to the man himself, or the other passengers who were suffering because of the smell.

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Man smelled so bad on flight cabin crew tried to quarantine him before plane was diverted

A plane full of tourists had to make an emergency landing after a smelly passenger’s body odour caused other holidaymakers to vomit and faint. The Transavia Boeing 737 flight was due to travel from the Netherlands to Gran Canaria but was forced to make an unexpected detour to Faro, Portugal, as passengers became distressed by the stench of the ‘unwashed’ man.

He smelt so bad that other passengers started fainting and vomiting after the flight took off from Schiphol Airport, which serves the Dutch capital of Amsterdam. And at one point, flight crew reportedly tried to quarantine the man in a toilet before the pilots decided to divert the flight.

They landed in the city of Faro, in the Algarve region of southern Portugal, so the man could be removed from the flight.

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Transavia plane makes emergency landing after ‘passenger’s body odour caused others to vomit and faint’
This picture claims to show the man being led away to a waiting bus in Portugal. The jet was travelling from Amsterdam to Gran Canaria when it was forced to divert to Faro in Portugal for 'medical reasons'

A PLANE was forced to make an emergency landing after a passenger’s body odour caused others to vomit and faint, according to reports. The flight to the Spanish holiday island of Gran Canaria made the unexpected detour after passengers allegedly became distressed by the stench of the "unwashed" man.

He smelt so bad that other passengers started fainting and vomiting after the flight took off from Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, Belgian broadcaster VRT reports.

Staff on board the Transavia jet reportedly tried to quarantine him in a toilet before the pilot diverted the flight. The Boeing 737 is said to have landed in the city of Faro, in the Algarve region of southern Portugal, so the foul-smelling man could be removed from the flight.

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Plane forced to make emergency landing after one passenger's "unbearable" body odour makes others VOMIT and faint
The Boeing 737 Transavia flight from Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands to Gran Canaria in Spain diverted to Faro in Portugal over the stench - after crew tried to quarantine the man in a toilet

A plane was forced to make an emergency landing after a passenger's "unbearable" body odour caused other holiday-makers around him to VOMIT and faint. The Transavia flight to the Spanish holiday island of Gran Canaria was forced to make an unexpected detour when travellers became distressed by the stench of a man who "smelt like he hadn't washed in weeks".

The man smelt so bad other passengers started to faint and vomit after the flight took off from Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands. Staff on board the Transavia service reportedly tried to quarantine him in a toilet of the Boeing 737 before the pilots were forced to divert the flight.

They landed in Faro in southern Portugal so the foul-smelling man could be removed from the flight.

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Plane makes emergency landing after a passenger’s body odour makes others vomit

Belgian passenger Piet van Haut was one of the passengers on board the plane and described the stench of the man in question as “unbearable”. “It was like he hadn’t washed himself for several weeks. Several passengers got sick and had to puke.”

In a statement Transavia confirmed the emergency landing, saying it was due to “medical reasons”. It isn’t known why the man smelled so bad and what other medical issues he was suffering from. A Transavia spokesman said the aeroplane diverted because of medical reasons, “but it is indeed right that he smelled quite a bit."

Bizarrely, it wasn’t the first smelly incident on a Transavia flight this year. In February, a Transavia plane from Dubai to Amsterdam was forced to make an emergency landing in the Austrian capital of Vienna after a passenger couldn’t stop farting, leading to a brawl among several passengers.

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Woman thrown off plane after ‘body odour’ claim
Nigerian woman Queen Obioma is suing United after she was thrown off the flight in 2016 with her children. Picture: Justin Sullivan

A NIGERIAN woman is suing United Airlines after she was thrown off a flight because a white man complained about her body odour.

Queen Obioma has filed a suit over the incident which happened in 2016 when she was boarding a San Francisco-bound flight with her two children in Houston.

The mother and children had flown from the Nigerian capital of Lagos and were on the second leg of their journey to Ontario in Canada.

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Nigerian Woman And Children Allegedly Forced Off Flight For ‘Pungent’ Body Odor, Sues United Airlines

In yet another incident that is bound to bring negative publicity to United Airlines, a Nigerian woman is suing the company for reportedly kicking her and her two children off a flight in a federal discrimination lawsuit. The reason? A fellow passenger claimed that she had “pungent” body odor, and he was uncomfortable flying with her. Worst of all, the pilot and attendants allowed the complaining passenger to call the shots and effectively forced her and her two kids off the plane. The lawsuit says that it was an intentional act of discrimination, based on her race and that they were denied equal rights by United Airlines.

The Nigerian woman, named Queen Obioma, was on her way with her two children to Ontario, Canada, from Nigeria. Obioma was dropping her kids off at a Canadian school. The incident occurred as she attempted to fly from George Bush Intercontinental Airport to San Francisco.

When Obioma first boarded the plane on March 3, 2016, she found a passenger already in her seat. When she complained, the attendant suggested Obioma sit in a different seat rather than forcing the passenger to move. The woman said she saw the passenger walk to the cockpit. She then alleges that when she went to the bathroom and tried to return to her seat, the passenger who had refused to move from her seat blocked her in the aisle, and ignored her as she said “excuse me” three times, according to the Chicago Tribune.

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Nigerian woman kicked off United flight after white man complained she was 'pungent': lawsuit

An African woman and her children were kicked off a United Airlines flight after a fellow passenger complained that she had a "pungent" odor, according to a racial discrimination lawsuit filed against the company.

The incident involving the passenger, a white male, happened two years ago, when Queen Obioma, a Nigerian citizen, and her two children were boarding a flight from Houston to San Francisco. The family had flown from Lagos, Nigeria, and were on the second leg of a three-flight journey to Ontario, Canada. Obioma saw that the other passenger had sat in her assigned seat in the business-class cabin, according to the lawsuit, which was filed Friday in federal court in Houston. The passenger refused to move, so a flight crew member, instead, asked Obioma to sit elsewhere in business class.

Later, before takeoff, Obioma went to use the bathroom. On her way back to her seat, the same passenger was standing in the aisle and blocking her from getting to her seat, the lawsuit says. She said "excuse me" three times, but was ignored. After several minutes, Obioma managed to squeeze her way to her seat.

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Nigerian Woman And Children Allegedly Forced Off Flight For ‘Pungent’ Body Odor, Sues United Airlines

In yet another incident that is bound to bring negative publicity to United Airlines, a Nigerian woman is suing the company for reportedly kicking her and her two children off a flight in a federal discrimination lawsuit. The reason? A fellow passenger claimed that she had “pungent” body odor, and he was uncomfortable flying with her. Worst of all, the pilot and attendants allowed the complaining passenger to call the shots and effectively forced her and her two kids off the plane. The lawsuit says that it was an intentional act of discrimination, based on her race and that they were denied equal rights by United Airlines.

The Nigerian woman, named Queen Obioma, was on her way with her two children to Ontario, Canada, from Nigeria. Obioma was dropping her kids off at a Canadian school. The incident occurred as she attempted to fly from George Bush Intercontinental Airport to San Francisco.

When Obioma first boarded the plane on March 3, 2016, she found a passenger already in her seat. When she complained, the attendant suggested Obioma sit in a different seat rather than forcing the passenger to move. The woman said she saw the passenger walk to the cockpit. She then alleges that when she went to the bathroom and tried to return to her seat, the passenger who had refused to move from her seat blocked her in the aisle, and ignored her as she said “excuse me” three times, according to the Chicago Tribune.

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Racism, not 'pungent' odor, got Nigerian family kicked off United flight in Texas, lawsuit says

A Nigerian woman has filed a federal discrimination lawsuit alleging she and her children were kicked off a United Airlines flight in Houston after a passenger complained about her "pungent" odor.

The woman, Queen Obioma, said the incident happened in March 2016 while she and her children were changing planes at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport on the second leg of their trip from Nigeria to Ontario. United Airlines declined to comment on the lawsuit, which was filed Friday in Houston.

"We have not yet been served with this suit and due to the pending litigation involved in this matter, we're unable to provide further comment," a company spokeswoman told The Dallas Morning News in a written statement.

related: Arabic-speaking passenger kicked off plane in 2016 sues Southwest Airlines, alleging racial bias

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Man with foul body odor escorted from plane

Raising a stink - literally - grounded a man's intention to fly from Charlottetown to Montreal earlier this month. A man with foul body odor boarded an Air Jazz plane on Feb. 6. He was left to sit by himself. An Air Canada employee told Penny Walsh of Charlottetown she was being moved to another seat so she would not have to ride alongside the man giving off an unpleasant aroma.

Walsh, who had a cold and ended up sitting three rows in front of the man, did not get a strong whiff of the offending traveller. Other passengers, though, were dreading the potentially noxious flight ahead. "People were just mumbling and staring at him," said Walsh. Two passengers sitting near Walsh said the man's stench was strong. "The guy next to me said 'it's brutal'.

Apparently in an effort to clear the air, the man, who Walsh described as unkempt, was escorted off the plane. The incident held up the flight for only 15 to 20 minutes, says Walsh. "Kudos to the (Air Canada) staff because it's a very uncomfortable situation. I honestly think in this situation they handled it appropriately." Doug Newson, CEO of the Charlottetown Airport Authority, says the passenger in question made the trip on Air Jazz the next day.

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Couple & Child removed from plane for BAD BODY ODOR

I was on US flight # 942 the redeye from SFO to CLT leavng SFO 10/19/10 at 10:15pm. The plane was fully loaded and ready to close the door when all of a sudden a G.A. came back on the plane and went to the rear of the aircraft. THE people were sitiing in one of the last 3 rows. Me and the guy sitting beside wondered what the problem was and guessed it had toi do with the couple having a 3-4 year old child with them.

The GA went rushing up the aisle to front of plane and he and 4 FA's came back to rear of plane and in a couple of minutes the couple and the child were deplaned. As it was a redeye a fell asleep but woke up sonetime during the flight and went to the rear to ask the FA's what happened They informed me that the Body Odor was so bad coming from the people that they could not even stand to walk past their row and that they were afraid someone seated near them would get sick as this was a 5 1/2 hr flight so they had them removed from the plane.

I have never heard of this before has anyone else!!!

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B.O. Overtakes Plane

I was on a flight from Vegas to Atlanta. I was already moody because I paid a premium for a direct flight to Milwaukee, which was canceled at the last minute. So, here I was, having to cut my Vegas vacation short, and waste an entire day traveling.

I got on the plane. Of course, I lose my reserved aisle seat and end up in a window seat. A large couple ends up sitting next to me. When I say large, think Scoop and Shonda from MTV. They were a very nice couple so I choose to make the best of it. They had just gotten married so we chatted for a bit. I took some pictures for them.

Suddenly, ten minutes into the flight, we are overpowered by a stench I could not identify. I was almost a combination of rotten vomit and extreme body odor. The poor woman next to me started dry heaving. Now, being a nurse, I have smelled really nasty stuff. This was NASTY! Even I was having a difficult time tolerating the smell. I pulled out my magic essential oils, and shared them with my seat mates. I prevented them from vomiting and adding to the odors. The FA must have finally sprayed something about 30 minutes later because the smell finally dissipated. I was never so happy to exit the plane.

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Booted Off Plane For Body Odor

The smell of death. A battlefield? A morgue? No. I smelled this awful aroma on a Southwest airplane.

Sometime circa the summer of 2000, three friends and I were returning to San Jose from LAX. Everything started off normally. We arrived, checked in, and patiently waited an hour to board our flight. This is where things completely left the realm of normality, and proceeded into an episode of Seinfeld.

We took our seats first thanks to holding Group A boarding passes. We choose wisely – front of the plane, next to the seemingly well groomed folks. After about 5 minutes of passengers coming down the aisle past us, two elderly women boarded. They were dressed in old fashioned church garb. We didn’t pay much attention to them until they walked past us and a smell permeated the cabin. This wasn’t BO. It wasn’t bad perfume. It was the smell of death. You tried to breath, and instantly your body rejected the air. It was toxic. “Jesus Christ!” a gentlemen from the row behind yells. The women pass and head to the back of the plane. We think the ordeal is over. It’s not.

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Smelly passenger kicked off flight
The incident reportedly happened on a regional airline in Canada. A spokeswoman confirms that a passenger was deplaned

Air travelers already have to deal with unruly passengers, excessively talkative ones and many other types who make flying miserable. But a new low may just have been reached for weary road warriors: The overwhelmingly smelly passenger.

A man on Jazz Air, a regional airline in Canada that also serves U.S. cities, was reportedly kicked off a plane earlier this month because of his strong body odor.

"People were just mumbling and staring at him," said a woman who sat near the man, according to The Guardian, a newspaper in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, where the flight originated on February 6. It was a very uncomfortable situation, she added. Another passenger described the smell as "brutal."

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Parisian kicked off flight 'because he smelled'
A passenger was reportedly forced off an American Airlines plane because he smelled. Photo: Vincent Desjardins/Flickr

An investigation is underway to see whether American Airlines may be guilty of discrimination after a passenger from Paris claims he was forced off a plane because he smelled. The airline denies the allegation.

A 27-year-old man from Paris was thrown off a plane at Charles-de-Gaulle airport because he smelled bad, the victim has claimed. The man was asked to leave a Dallas-bound flight from Paris before take-off after several passengers complained about his body odour, AFP reports.

The victim has lodged a complaint with American Airlines on the grounds of discrimination and an investigation has been launched.

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You can get kicked off a flight for smelling bad
One passenger’s body odor is another’s fragrance

Stuck in the middle seat next to someone with raging body odor? You could get kicked them off the flight.

Several US airlines reserve the right to kick passengers off of a plane if they are have a bad odor. It’s just a line in a pages-long document known as the conditions or contract of carriage that airlines include on their websites.

Delta says (pdf) it could deny transportation “when the passenger has a malodorous condition.” You can’t fly with American Airlines if you have an “an offensive odor not caused by a disability or illness.” United Airlines goes a step further in denying service to “passengers who have or cause a malodorous condition (other than individuals qualifying as disabled).”

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Remember that post I wrote a couple months ago about my proselytizing seatmate? Turns out he had another issue as well: pungent body odor. Later today I will publish my flight report on Ukraine International Airlines’ flagship Kiev to New York route. That report will dwell on the seat and service: I don’t want it to be sidetracked by my seatmate. But I’ve never had an experience like this one.

The proselytizing did not begin till the final 90 minutes of the flight. The body odor was present from the very start. As my seatmate sat down, the stench was unmistakable: the gentleman needed a shower and needed one fast. Perhaps it was coming from his body, perhaps he ahd just worn the same clothes for several days, but whatever it was, it was overwhelming.

Sadly, the business class cabin (only 12 seats) was full, so there was nowhere I could move.

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What to do when your smelly airline seatmate makes you gag

During passenger boarding on a flight from Miami to Caracas, Venezuela, several travelers bypassed their seats and stormed into the aft galley where I was setting up the serving cart.

The flabbergasted fliers complained not about the cramped seating on our Boeing 757 or the lack of overhead bin space or our late departure.  Instead, the sources of their concern were the passengers in seats 30A and 30B.

Apparently, they lacked personal hygiene. "I paid too much money to sit next to those pigs," one passenger said. "You have to do something!"

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Smelly Passenger Kicked Off Plane

Few people would argue that air travel doesn't stink on same days, but what about their fellow passengers?

Well, the smell of one passenger was so bad that he was apparently asked to leave a recent Air Canada regional airline flight.

The Air Canada Jazz flight from Charlottetown, on Prince Edward Island, was preparing for the two-hour flight to Montreal when passengers on the plane reportedly complained about the odor coming from one of their fellow travelers. The crew eventually decided to ask the man to leave the plane.

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Travel Nightmares: Don't' Get Stuck Next to This Guy

Millions of travelers are expected to take to the skies this week for Christmas and New Year's vacations. For most, everything will go smoothly.

But for a small group, the trip will turn out to be a nightmare. And it has nothing to do with weather delays or bad airline food.

These few unlucky travelers will have the unfortunate luck of being stuck for hours next to somebody with maybe bad body odor, or somebody who is too fat to fit in their seat or maybe that person who just won't shut up no matter what you do.

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Surprising little-known rule that can get you kicked off a flight
Air Canada famously booted a stinky passenger off a domestic flight in 2010. Picture: Beau Chenery

THE delicate issue of a person’s body odour is a tricky one to manage in any number of social situations. But when it comes to air travel, a person’s off-putting stench could be enough to get them kicked off a flight.

Many airlines have a clause written into their conditions of carriage that malodorous passengers, quite simply, can be banned from boarding the aircraft. American Airlines, one of the major carriers in the United States, is among them. The airline reserves the right to refuse to transport a passenger, or have them removed from their flight at any point, if they “have an offensive odour not caused by a disability or illness”.

The rule is written into American Airlines’ conditions of carriage, right next to other undesirable behaviours such as being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, being armed with a dangerous weapon, and being violent or abusive. A number of other, mostly American airlines have the same rule, including Delta Air Lines, JetBlue, Spirit Airlines, Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines. Puerto Rico’s Seaborne Airlines has a similar clause.

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Body odor just one reason airlines might boot you from flight
In this July 8, 2015, file photo, a United Airlines plane, front, is pushed back from a gate at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip, File) Photo: David J. Phillip

From bad body odor to being barefoot, U.S. airlines spell out reasons why passengers can be booted off flights they paid to be on.

The rules have fresh relevance in the wake of the firestorm over how a United Airlines passenger was dragged off a flight because the airline wanted to put a relocating crew member in his seat.

Airline contracts of carriage, which few passengers probably read, vary by carrier, but include reasons ticketed travelers may be refused flight.

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What can I do if I'm seated next to a person with bad hygiene on an airplane?

I think the title says it all. I have, what you could call, a sensitive nose. I absolutely despise people who won't shower regularly / brush their teeth / use deodorant, especially in a small enclosed space such as an airplane.

The last flight I was on, I was seated next to an average sized male, who absolutely reeked. I was close to gagging every time the guy lifted his arms, and it was not the first time that happened; there's usually someone smelly sitting close by.

What can I do in that kind of situation, or am I out of luck? I obviously do not want to sit next to someone who makes me throw up.

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If a seatmate smells bad, come clean to the crew

On a packed, 16-hour flight to Japan, my three children and I were seated in a row next to a family that had not bathed recently. The odor was very strong.

The flight attendant would periodically come by and spray air freshener, and the offending adult passengers would occasionally douse themselves with rosewater in the lavatory. I developed a migraine headache and could not eat anything.

I paid for four full international fares and had a miserable flight. I'd like to know if I have any rights on a long flight. Airlines can remove intoxicated passengers from a flight. What about those with offensive odors?

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Plane makes emergency landing in Vienna after man refuses to stop farting, sparking fight
Austrian police officers on board the aircraft, after the plane made an unscheduled stop in Vienna International Airport after a fight broke out. FOTO: SCREENSHOT FROM MIRROR.CO.UK

An Amsterdam-bound flight was forced to make an emergency landing in Vienna after a man refused to stop farting, causing a fight to break out between him & other passengers mid-air.

The Transavia Airlines flight from Dubai made an unscheduled stop in Vienna International Airport last weekend after two2 Dutch men complained that an older man seated near them did not stop farting, despite their repeated requests, according to local news outlet De Telegraaf.

A heated exchange soon broke out between them, which reportedly also involved a flight attendant of the low-cost Dutch airline who had tried to intervene.

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Pilot forced to make emergency landing after fight breaks out when passenger refuses to stop FARTING
Chaos erupted on the flight when two Dutchman who were sitting next to the flatulent man told him to stop and complained to Transavia Airlines crew (Image: CEN) The Dubai to Amsterdam flight made an unscheduled stop in Vienna as the elderly overweight man reportedly refused to contain himself

A pilot was forced to make an emergency landing after a fight broke-out when a passenger wouldn't stop FARTING. The Dubai to Amsterdam flight made an unscheduled stop in Vienna as the elderly overweight man reportedly refused to contain himself in the packed out cabin.

Chaos erupted on the flight when two Dutchman who were sitting next to the flatulent man told him to stop and complained to Transavia Airlines crew. Yet despite repeated requests and even a direct order from the pilot the man carried on and a fight broke out.

The pilot of the Dutch low-cost airline then decided to make an emergency landing at Vienna International Airport in Austria.

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Welcome to smelly skies
From Body Odors to you-dont-want-to-know

It's the sweatiest season of the year, and you don't need a thermometer to prove it. Just step aboard an airplane and take a deep breath. Peeee-yew! After a couple of hours, you're ready to rip the nose off your face. Maybe it's the guy sitting next to you with the B.O., bad breath and smelly feet. Or maybe — egad! — it's you!

Here are some sources of bad airplane smells, along with some advice on what to do about them:
  • The pits. If you've ever been on a full 747 flight to the Far East, then you've undoubtedly been hit with a sharp blast of body odor. In fact, armpit odor is hard to avoid in many countries of the world where antiperspirants are not widely used. The best advice I can give if you're trapped next to stinky pits is to put a dab of lotion with your favorite scent under each nostril. Every smell is transformed into a pleasant one. Crew members often share and compare lotions, and they say the most effective scent by far is lavender. As for you gringos who've been using deodorant since junior high, there's no excuse for an extreme case of body odor, and I don't care how hot it is. Take a shower at the airport, buy some deodorant at the gift shop, or change shirts if you have to -- just don't come aboard smelling like a skunk.
  • Bad breath. Fresh breath isn't really noticeable but bad breath can be downright paralyzing. How many times have you been on an airplane and a person five rows back yawns and makes you feel like ripping off your nose? There are plenty of excuses for halitosis -- everything from an abscessed tooth to alcoholism -- but whatever the reason, it stinks. I admit I have been the culprit in many odoriferous conversations. In fact, an ex-girlfriend once told me in mid-sentence that if I spoke one more word, she would faint. I got the hint, but there are nicer ways to get the point across.
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BA flight forced to land early because of smelly poo

A British Airways flight was forced to turn around because of a "smelly poo". The plane was heading from Heathrow to Dubai on Thursday - a seven-hour flight.

Abhishek Sachdev, who was on board tweeted: "Insane. Our BA flight to Dubai returned back to Heathrow because of a smelly poo in the toilet." He told a newspaper: "The pilot made an announcement requesting senior cabin crew, and we knew something was a bit odd. "About 10 minutes later he said 'you may have noticed there's a quite pungent smell coming from one of the toilets'. "He said it was liquid faecal excrement. Those are the words he used."

The plane had been airborne for just 30 minutes when it turned round.

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A United Flight Had to Land After a Passenger Spread Poop All Over the Bathrooms

A United Airlines flight was diverted on Thursday after a passenger spread poop all over the plane's bathrooms.

United Flight 895 traveling from Chicago to Hong Kong made an unscheduled landing in Anchorage due to a "passenger smearing feces everywhere," Ted Stevens International Airport Police told CBS affiliate KTVA.

Airport police said the passenger, an adult male, smeared the feces throughout "a couple" of bathrooms and also took off his shirt and tried to shove it in one toilet.

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Flight Reportedly Forced To Land Because Of ‘Smelly Poo’

It’s said that he who smelt it dealt it, but in this case everyone smelt it — and it was so bad an airplane was forced to make an emergency landing.

A British Airways flight that was traveling to Dubai on Thursday night instead returned to England when a “smelly poo” in the toilet made continuing to the final destination untenable, according to the Mirror.

The cause of the unplanned landing was revealed by British politician Abhishek Sachdev, the Hertsmere councilor who represents Potters Bar Parkfield in England.

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Looking Back at the Poop So Toxic It Grounded a Plane
Again: not the plane in question, just a nice photo of the same aircraft model. Photo via Aero Icarus

In quiet moments, it gets to me. In the middle of the night, when the light is blue and black, I'm there with my eyes bolt open, thinking about it.

Thinking: What happened to you, Person Who Did a Shit So Bad on a British Airways Plane That It Had to Turn Around and Come Back Again? Prithee: When did thine shits return back to normal? And then I think: if I am thinking about the Person Who Did a Shit So Bad on a British Airways Plane That It Had to Turn Around and Come Back Again, what is the Person Who Did a Shit So Bad On a British Airways Plane That It Had to Turn Around and Come Back Again thinking?

Are they thinking about that shit? More to the point: Are there ever any moments when he's not thinking about the shit he did, the one that landed the plane? Do their cheeks still glow with the furnace of embarrassment? Or does life go on? How long until they could sit down comfortably again?

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11 Things That Can Get You Kicked Off a Plane

When it comes to flying, crew members do whatever it takes to make a flight comfortable, pleasant, and most importantly, safe for their passengers. Anything, or anyone, that stands in the way of them doing their job gets removed. Like this stuff, for example.

Unsurprisingly, there’s a lot of stuff you can do on a plane that can earn you the boot. Why? Well, the flight crew basically gets the last say. They don’t have to report an expulsion to the FAA, so they won’t hesitate to yank out any wrenches in their gears. If you’re involved in one of the following scenarios, they can snap their fingers and have you removed before you have the chance to complain on social media:
  • Not following crew instructions
  • Being disruptive
  • Being too drunk
  • Having a crying baby
  • Smelling gross
  • Not wearing shoes
  • Wearing provocative clothing
  • Being too big
  • Being allergic to nuts
  • Looking sick
  • Joining the “mile-high club”

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Full Coverage:
BA flight forced to land early because of smelly poo
Looking Back at the Poop So Toxic It Grounded a Plane
A United Flight Had to Land After a Passenger Spread Poop All Over
Plane forced to make emergency landing after passenger’s smell
Plane lands because of smelly poo
'Smelly poo' forces plane to land - CBBC Newsround
British Airways Flight Reportedly Forced To Land Because Of 'Smelly
Plane makes emergency landing because of passenger's odour
Plane forced to return to Heathrow after 'smelly poo in the toilet'
Plane forced to make emergency landing due to man's smelly farts
Plane forced to make emergency landing due to man's smelly farts
Transavia flight forced to make unscheduled landing over farting
Flight from Dubai forced to land after passenger refuses to stop fart
Man's excessive farting in flight forces airplane to make emergency
Flight forced to make emergency landing after fight breaks out over
Emergency landed: Plane forced to ground after man kept farting
Passenger drops farts so bad pilot is forced to make emergency
Plane forced to make unexpected landing after passenger refuses
Plane forced to make emergency landing due to man's smelly farts
Plane makes emergency landing in Vienna after man refuses to stop
Farty passenger forces flight to make emergency landing
Farting Passenger Forces Plane To Make Emergency Landing
Unapologetic Farting Man on Plane Causes Emergency Landing
Man's excessive farting in flight forces airplane to make emergency

CAUSING A STINK:Flight emergency landing over smelly passenger
Gran Canaria plane emergency: Passenger's body odour causes
Passenger's 'unbearable' body odour forces plane to make emergency
Plane makes emergency landing after a passenger's body odour
Plane forced to make emergency landing after one passenger's
Transavia plane makes emergency landing after 'passenger's body
My Seatmate Had Foul Body Odor 0n a 10hr Flight - Live & Let's Fly
Man smelled so bad on flight he had to be quarantined before plane
Plane makes emergency landing over passenger's body odour
What to do when your smelly airline seatmate makes you gag
Spain flight diverted from Amsterdam course due to smelly passenger
Emergency landing as plane passenger's body odour causes others to
Plane Makes Emergency Landing Because Of A Passenger's B.O
Airplane Forced to Make Emergency Landing Because
Couple & Child removed from plane for BAD BODY ODOR
You can actually be kicked off a plane if you smell bad
If a seatmate smells bad, come clean to the crew
Smelly Passenger Kicked Off Plane: Odor Disturbed Others on Flight
Transavia Airlines plane forced to make emergency landing due to
Plane forced to make emergency landing after one passenger's
Man with foul body odor escorted from plane | Living
Booted Off Plane For Body Odor — Flights From Hell
Yikes! Plane makes emergency landing after man's body odor
Reeking passenger caused vomiting, fainting and emergency landing
Plane makes emergency landing because of passenger's odour
Smelly Airline Passenger Forces Emergency Landing As Fellow
"unbearable" body odour - The Standard
CAUSING A STINK: Flight to Spain makes emergency landing over
Plane Makes Emergency Landing After Man's Body Odor Sickens
Nigerian Woman And Children Allegedly Forced Off Flight For
Body odor just one reason airlines might boot you from flight
air travel - What can I do if I'm seated next to a person with bad
Smelly passenger kicked off flight
Plane made Emergency Landing Due to Body Odour.
The 'unbearable stench of an unwashed man' forces Transavia airliner
Nigerian Woman Allegedly Kicked Off United Flight Over Body Odor
If the person I sit next to on a full international flight has
11 Things That Can Get You Kicked Off a Plane and How to Handle It
Nigerian Woman Allegedly Kicked Off United Flight Over Body Odor
Nigerian Woman Allegedly Kicked Off United Flight Over Body Odor
Plane forced to make emergency landing after one passenger's
Nigerian booted out of US airline after passenger complained of body
Parisian kicked off flight 'because he smelled'
Woman thrown off plane after 'body odour' claim
Woman thrown off plane after 'body odour' claim
Woman thrown off plane after 'body odour' claim
Woman thrown off plane after 'body odour' claim
Woman thrown off plane after 'body odour' claim

"One man's cologne is another man's skunk juice"
"One passenger’s body odor is another’s fragrance"
Airlines Customer Service Controversies
Airline's Dress code for boarding a plane?
SIA and the Peanut Allergy
Plane makes emergency landing because of passenger's odour