

Why is Facebook in trouble?

Update 28 Oct 2021: Zuckerberg vows metaverse will have privacy, parental controls

Mr Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive officer of Meta, formerly called Facebook, pledged that the metaverse, the futuristic immersive reality platform he envisions for the coming decade, will have privacy standards, parental controls and disclosures about data use that his social network has famously lacked.

Speaking during the live-streamed Connect event on Thursday (Oct 28), he gave examples of privacy and safety controls that would be needed in the metaverse, such as the ability to block someone from appearing in your space.

Mr Zuckerberg is betting that the metaverse will be the next big computing platform, calling it "the successor to the mobile Internet".

Facebook Won’t Read Your Messages

WhatsApp has introduced it’s new privacy policy. It basically says that the company will be sharing data with Facebook and that users will have till 8 February 2021 to agree on the new terms. If they don’t agree with this new policy, they’ll no longer be able to use Whatsapp.

This has obviously got many people understandably worried, thinking that the app would be able to access your private messages and send them to Facebook.

However, the company has stepped in to clear things up. On 12 Jan, WhatsApp released a tweet regarding some of these concerns:
  • WhatsApp cannot see your private messages or hear your calls and neither can Facebook.
  • The app keeps logs of who everyone is messaging or calling.
  • It cannot see your shared location and neither can Facebook.
  • WhatsApp does not share your contacts with Facebook.
  • Group chats remain private.
  • You can set your messages to disappear.
  • You can download your data.

Facebook grilled by Singapore lawmakers on Cambridge Analytica during tense parliamentary session
Representatives from Google, Facebook and Twitter at the the parliamentary session. Photo: Screengrab from CNA

Singapore’s Select Committee on Deliberate Online Falsehoods convened on Thursday to hear representatives from Google, Facebook and Twitter give oral evidence during one of the parliamentary sessions on how they are combating fake news.

The tech giants, together with industry association Asia Internet Coalition, in their written representation to the committee before the session, had stated that they firmly do not believe that legislation by governments will help stop the spread of fake news.

Instead, according to Channel NewsAsia, they called for a stringent self-regulatory approach, executed in coordination and cooperation with the authorities to fight the bad actors who intend to spread misinformation.

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K Shanmugam presses Facebook on lack of transparency over Cambridge Analytica saga

Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam questioned Facebook in Parliament on Thursday (22 March) on why the social media giant had not been open when it first found out about a massive breach of its user data arising from the Cambridge Analytica (CA) saga.

Shanmugam’s pointed questions directed at Simon Milner, Facebook’s vice-president of public policy for Asia-Pacific, during the hearing for the Select Committee on Deliberate Online Falsehoods come after media reports in the past week revealed that personal data of 50 million Facebook users were obtained by CA, a UK analytics firm, in part to help Donald Trump in his 2016 US presidential election campaign.

In 2014, CA hired a researcher, Aleksandr Kogan, to gather basic profile information of Facebook users along with what they chose to “Like.” Some 270,000 Facebook users downloaded Kogan’s app and the researcher was able to collect data of 50 million people

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Cambridge Analytica responds to Facebook announcement

​Cambridge Analytica fully complies with Facebook’s terms of service and ​is currently ​in touch with Facebook ​following its ​recent statement​ that it had suspended the company from its platform, in order to resolve this matter as quickly as possible​.

Cambridge Analytica​'s Commercial and Political divisions ​use social media platforms ​for outward marketing, delivering data-led and creative content to targeted audiences. They do not use or hold data from Facebook profiles​.

In 2014, we contracted a company led by a seemingly reputable academic at an internationally-renowned institution to undertake a large scale research project in the United States.

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#DeleteFacebook grows in support

Facebook is at the centre of a scandal over hijacked personal data

As Facebook reels from the scandal over hijacked personal data, a movement to quit it has gathered momentum, getting a boost from a high-profile co-founder of the WhatsApp messaging service acquired by the huge social network in 2014.

“It is time. #deletefacebook,” Brian Acton said in a tweet, using the hashtag protesting the handling of the crisis by the world’s biggest social network.

The WhatsApp co-founder, who now works at rival messaging application Signal, posted the comment amid a growing uproar over revelations that Facebook data was harvested by a British political consulting firm linked to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

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Spotlight shines on Mark Zuckerberg in Cambridge Analytica scandal

Calls are mounting for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to personally take charge of one of the biggest crises to befall the social network as regulatory bodies on both sides of the Atlantic clamour for answers in a data scandal which threatens to engulf it.

Zuckerberg has thus far remained tight-lipped amidst reports that the user data of up to 50m individuals had been misused by Cambridge Analytica, which utilized this unauthorized information to help promote Donald Trump in the US election.

This data was harvested by University of Cambridge professor Aleksandr Kogan who created a personality app that harvested such data which he could then sell on to third parties.

related: Mark Zuckerberg: 'If we can’t protect you, we don’t deserve to serve you'

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New, 'prescriptive' laws not the ideal solution against online falsehoods: Social media, Internet giants in written submissions

Representatives of Google, Twitter, Facebook and industry association Asia Internet Coalition at the public hearing by the Select Committee on Deliberate Online Falsehoods on Mar 22, 2018

In addressing the issue of fake news, new prescriptive laws are not an ideal solution, according to industry association Asia Internet Coalition (AIC), whose members include social media companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Instead, a “stringent self-regulatory approach”, executed in coordination and cooperation with the authorities, will have a better outcome.

The association made this point in its written representation to the Select Committee on Deliberate Online Falsehoods. It gave oral evidence to the committee on Thursday (Mar 22), together with representatives from Google, Facebook and Twitter.

Explaining its rationale, AIC’s managing director Jeff Paine said in his written representation that prescriptive legislation will not adequately address the issue effectively, due to the highly subjective, nuanced and difficult task of discerning whether information is true or false.

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Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach
Cambridge Analytica whistleblower: 'We spent $1m harvesting millions of Facebook profiles' – video

The data analytics firm that worked with Donald Trump’s election team and the winning Brexit campaign harvested millions of Facebook profiles of US voters, in one of the tech giant’s biggest ever data breaches, and used them to build a powerful software program to predict and influence choices at the ballot box.

A whistleblower has revealed to the Observer how Cambridge Analytica – a company owned by the hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, and headed at the time by Trump’s key adviser Steve Bannon – used personal information taken without authorisation in early 2014 to build a system that could profile individual US voters, in order to target them with personalised political advertisements.

Christopher Wylie, who worked with a Cambridge University academic to obtain the data, told the Observer: “We exploited Facebook to harvest millions of people’s profiles. And built models to exploit what we knew about them and target their inner demons. That was the basis the entire company was built on.”

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Facebook gave data about 57bn friendships to academic

Aleksandr Kogan has accused Facebook of using him as a scapegoat. Composite: Guardian Design Team

Before Facebook suspended Aleksandr Kogan from its platform for the data harvesting “scam” at the centre of the unfolding Cambridge Analytica scandal, the social media company enjoyed a close enough relationship with the researcher that it provided him with an anonymised, aggregate dataset of 57bn Facebook friendships.

Facebook provided the dataset of “every friendship formed in 2011 in every country in the world at the national aggregate level” to Kogan’s University of Cambridge laboratory for a study on international friendships published in Personality and Individual Differences in 2015. Two Facebook employees were named as co-authors of the study, alongside researchers from Cambridge, Harvard and the University of California, Berkeley. Kogan was publishing under the name Aleksandr Spectre at the time.

A University of Cambridge press release on the study’s publication noted that the paper was “the first output of ongoing research collaborations between Spectre’s lab in Cambridge and Facebook”. Facebook did not respond to queries about whether any other collaborations occurred.

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If you're ready to quit Facebook, here's how to replace everything you might miss.
BY NOW, YOU'RE probably aware of the hurricane tearing its way through Facebook. Over the weekend, both The Guardian and The New York Times published explosive reports about the improper use of data belonging to 50 million Facebook users by Trump campaign-affiliated data firm Cambridge Analytica.

The incident is the most high-profile misuse of Facebook's systems to become public, but it's far from the only one. Russian propagandists slipped through Facebook's advertising safeguards to try to influence the 2016 presidential election. In 2014, the social network allowed academics to use the News Feed to tinker with users' emotions. The United Nations even said earlier this month that Facebook played a role in exacerbating the genocide of the Rohingya people in Myanmar. Facebook itself has admitted that mindlessly scrolling on its platform isn't good for you.

If all that has you thinking about deleting Facebook entirely, you're far from alone. (Quitting the social network is also somewhat of a first-world privilege, since for many people Facebook functions as the entire internet itself.) But going cold turkey can be hard; Facebook actually provides useful services sometimes, and there's no one-for-one replacement.

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Boycotting digital monopolies like Facebook is harder than it seems

You may have heard of the #DeleteFacebook campaign, but you, like me, are probably among the vast majority of Facebook’s nearly 2 billion users who probably won’t actually follow through. CEO Mark Zuckerberg even has the data to prove it, telling The New York Times yesterday that he hasn’t seen a “meaningful number of people” deleting their accounts.

Amid the ongoing data privacy scandal surrounding the Trump-connected firm Cambridge Analytica, tech critics and users alike are revisiting the concept of leaving Facebook and extracting ourselves from one of the world’s most pervasive advertising empires. The decision to delete Facebook boils down to two questions: 1. Has Facebook lost the necessary trust to be a steward of our personal information? And 2. Is the company’s grip on online and offline life too great to ever reasonably walk away from?

The answer to the first question is probably yes, while the answer to the second is even more grim: for most of us in 2018, Facebook feels too big to leave. No other company in history, besides perhaps Google, has claimed so many users across this vast a digital footprint. And unlike Google, Facebook, has no legitimate competition when it comes to the primary services it provides. In effect, Facebook is a monopoly: it owns huge swaths of online life, to the point that even Zuckerberg now agrees that maybe it’s time it should be regulated by the federal government.

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Should you delete Facebook?

Following the certifiable shitshow at Facebook around revelations that data firm Cambridge Analytica harvested and exploited users’ data without their permission, many users declared they were through with the platform. The hashtag #deletefacebook spread rapidly on Twitter (another social network that uses targeted advertising and was exploited by Russians), with people from all sides of the political spectrum raising concerns about security, privacy, the company’s influence on democracy, and its lack of transparency. Others talked about how deleting Facebook made them happier humans.

All of these reasons are legitimate and understandable. But, for many, quitting Facebook might be a tall order—and that is perfectly understandable as well. The platform has been in many people’s lives for over a decade, becoming the one place on the internet where they can find and connect with everyone they’ve ever known. It’s a massive trove of memories, and a digital passport of sorts (not to mention its uses for work and business).

If you’re fed up with the company’s antics, but feel either tethered to its services, or genuinely enjoy some of its aspects, here we weigh the pros and cons of bidding adieu to Mark Zuckerberg’s dormroom creation:

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Facebook, Google warn Singapore against 'fake news' law

Internet giants Facebook and Google on Thursday warned Singapore against introducing new laws to combat "fake news", saying that existing legislation is adequate to address the problem.

Their warnings were made to a parliamentary committee which is examining possible measures, including legislation, to tackle false online information which the government says could threaten national security.

Executives from Facebook, Google and Twitter appeared before the committee Thursday, and are among scores of experts, academics and activists called to testify over eight days.

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WhatsApp co-founder tells everyone to delete Facebook

In 2014, Facebook bought WhatsApp for $16 billion, making its co-founders — Jan Koum and Brian Acton — very wealthy men. Koum continues to lead the company, but Acton quit earlier this year to start his own foundation. And he isn’t done merely with WhatsApp — in a post on Twitter today, Acton told his followers to delete Facebook.

“It is time,” Acton wrote, adding the hashtag #deletefacebook. Acton, who is worth $6.5 billion, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. WhatsApp declined to comment.

It was unclear whether Acton’s feelings about Facebook extend to his own app. But last month, Acton invested $50 million into Signal, an independent alternative to WhatsApp.

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Channel NewsAsia 17 hrs

“This should not have happened on our watch”: Facebook's representative at the Select Committee hearing on the misuse of data by Cambridge Analytica.

But he and Minister K Shanmugam Sc crossed swords over whether it was a data breach, and why users were not told.

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Full Coverage:

Facebook, Google and Twitter representatives speak on Mar 22
Facebook under fire following Cambridge Analytica data breach
Mark Zuckerberg: 'If we can’t protect you, we don’t deserve to serve you'
Cambridge Analytica scandal the perfect consumer storm ahead of GDPR
How to see who your Facebook friends are, and how to unfriend them
Mark Zuckerberg - I want to share an update on the... | Facebook
Does Facebook's Green 'BFF' Prove Your Account is Secure?
Facebook gave data about 57bn friendships to academic
How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of Millions
Deleting Facebook? Here Are the Best Alternatives For What You'll Miss
My Cow Game Extracted Your Facebook Data
Should you delete Facebook?
Boycotting digital monopolies like Facebook is harder than it seems
Social-media alternatives to Facebook
Facebook warned 'enough is enough' by advertisers
Facebook is a mess, some users can't afford to delete their accounts
In a heated debate, Facebook argue whether social media has peaked
'We made a wrong call': Facebook says it shld have informed users earlier
What would be lost if I deleted Facebook? Gratification
Steve Bannon at FT conference: I didn't know about Facebook data mining
Bannon oversaw Cambridge Analytica's collection of FB data
Sheryl Sandberg: 'It's not a question of if regulation, it's question of what type'
Sheryl Sandberg says Facebook leadership should have spoken sooner
Facebook gave researcher anonymized data on 57 billion friendships
If Facebook controls your mind, so do a lot of other tech companies
Niall Ferguson: It's hard to see how Facebook's biz model remains intact
Mozilla 'presses pause' on Facebook ads over data-mining claims
Mark Zuckerberg - I want to share an update on the... | Facebook
Zuckerberg and Sandberg can't be trusted to handle data leak fallout
Facebook shares under pressure after BOA slashes price forecast
'Delete Facebook' movement gains prominent backer
Brian Acton on Twitter: "It is time. #deletefacebook"
MIA Expresses Vindication Over Facebook Cambridge Analytica Scandal
Facebook Needs a Lesson From 'Seinfeld'
House Committee Calls for Facebook's Zuckerberg to Testify
Facebook's Apology, and Next Steps
Facebook's Zuckerberg to step up security features ahead of India polls
Does Facebook's Green 'BFF' Prove Your Account is Secure?
50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major breach
How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of Millions
The poison in politics runs deeper than dodgy data
Ahead of India polls, will make Facebook more secure, says Mark Zuckerberg
Zuckerberg's Answers to Privacy Scandal Raise More Questions
US Congress summons Zuckerberg over Facebook data use
Why Facebook users' data obtained by Cambridge Analytica has probably spun
The Latest: Facebook takes baby steps on privacy
Facebook, Cambridge Analytica face lawsuit over privacy loss
Cambridge Analytica Took Was Either Extremely Valuable or Totally Worthless
Cambridge Analytica: MPs recall suspended chief Alexander Nix
Mark Zuckerberg called to Congress — 'the buck stops with him:' Rep. Walden
Zuckerberg summoned by Congress as lawmakers fume over data leak
Suspended CEO Alexander Nix recalled to parliament over 'inconsistencies'
Dave Pell on "The Flight of the Zuckerberg"
How Democracy Can Survive Big Data
Mark vows to bolster privacy amid crisis
The Latest: Facebook co-authored study with Kogan in 2015
How to stop Facebook's 'vampire apps' that track you after you delete your a/c
American Data Stolen Kind Of Worth It To Watch That Little Fucker Squirm
Facebook helped get Obama reelected, now they're doing damage control
Investors, lawmakers, advertisers pressure Facebook over data
Key Takeaways From Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Media Blitz
Mark Zuckerberg's current net worth will make you pass out, read with caution
If Facebook worked... we wouldn't be in this mess
Stop using Facebook? It's not quite that simple
A key congressional committee has asked Facebook CEO Zuckerberg to testify
What Facebook investors should take away from Mark Zuckerberg's comments
Facebook users day they're disappointed but unsurprised about data misuse
The key takeaways from Mark Zuckerberg's press tour
Trump Orders Sweeping Tariffs on $50 Billion in Chinese Imports
Congressional lawmakers ask Zuckerberg to testify on Cambridge Analytica
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Called Before House Committee
Congress wants Zuckerberg to testify about Cambridge Analytica
Facebook says giving Cambridge info on 50 million people wasn't a “breach
'Suspicious package' found at Cambridge Analytica building
You are not friends with Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg. You are their product.
Firms start to pull Facebook ads following data scandal
Facebook Enhancing Security Features Ahead of Polls in India, Says Zuckerberg
Facebook gave data about 57bn friendships to academic
Whistleblower Said He Wanted To Create “The NSA's Wet 
'Whistleblower' Reveals Cambridge Analytica's India Link
Facebook 'caught flat-footed' on Cambridge Analytica scandal
British politicians want Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix to explain
Cambridge Analytica was offered politicians' hacked emails, say witnesses
Cambridge Analytica London Search Warrant Delayed by Court
Why #DeleteFacebook May Not Be the Answer
Facebook's threat to democracy is worse than Cambridge Analytica
Zuckerberg Promises That Misuse Of Facebook User Data Will Happen Again
'Systemic mismanagement': Wall Street analyst rips into Facebook
50 million Facebook users had data stolen in largest breach in social media history
At a Glance: Calls in US, UK to probe Facebook, data firm
House committee will summon Zuckerberg to testify
Facebook data - do we get what we deserve?
Mark Zuckerberg broke his silence, but he didn't have much to say
Wired editor on his conversation with Zuckerberg and whether apology is enough
Alexander Nix, a fake Bond villain obscuring the real mastermind
Emotional Mark Zuckerberg's dire prediction for more election meddling
Facebook Needs a Lesson From 'Seinfeld'
Think you might be done with Facebook? Here's how to break it off
Senators Call On Zuckerberg To Testify Under Oath About Cambridge Data Leak
What would be lost if I deleted Facebook? Gratification
'It's Not Good.' Mark Zuckerberg Discusses the #DeleteFacebook Campaign
6 reasons Zuckerberg's RUBBISH statement on  scandal should make you angry
EU leaders to push for privacy protection
9 things to know about Facebook privacy and Cambridge Analytica
The truth is, Facebook just doesn't care that much
I am really sorry
Fed up with Facebook? Here's how to break it off
Facebook's rallying cry: Billionaires to the barricades
Facebook Getting Grilled In Washington Over Cambridge Analytica Debacle
Advertisers tell Facebook 'enough is enough' as group representing 3000 brands
Facebook Zuckerberg Has FINALLY Commented on the Cambridge Scandal
Zuckerberg apologizes for Facebook mistakes with user data, vows curbs
Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg apologises for data leak
Worried about being on Facebook? Some options explained
Facebook news head says threatening to sue The Guardian over data leak
Zuckerberg's Media Tour Is a Big Step For Facebook
Here's What Mark Zuckerberg Said During Last Night's Media Blitz
Facebook investors fret over costs as Zuckerberg apologizes
Facebook Is Not Worth $169
Tech Bro Translator: Zuckerberg's 935-word non-apology apology
What We Learned From Zuckerberg's Interviews
Enough Mark Zuckerberg! Your greed is destroying democracy
Mark Zuckerberg age, net worth, wife and when did he start Facebook?
Israel Opens Probe Into Facebook on Possible Privacy Breach
Israeli Hackers Reportedly Offered Trump-linked Firm Cambridge Analytica Private
This is the regulation Mark Zuckerberg wants for Facebook
Mueller examining connections between Cambridge Analytica, Trump campaign
Mass Calls to #DeleteFacebook 'Not Good', Haven't Reached 'Meaningful Number'
Facebook drops 2% in opening trade amid renewed selling
What Zuckerberg said, and what he didn't
Facebook must be restructured. The FTC should take these nine steps now
It's hard to see how Facebook's business model remains intact
Fallout from Facebook data scandal may hit health research
It's easy to hate Facebook, but it's much tougher to quit
The scary truth that Cambridge Analytica understands
Cambridge Analytica offices evacuated after 'suspicious package' is found
Is It Too Late For Facebook To Make Things Right With Users?
Zuckerberg apology fails to quiet Facebook storm
Why Facebook Needs Transparency to Protect Its Users — And Stay in Business
'I'm really sorry that this happened': Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg apologizes
Tech Selloff Resumes After Zuckerberg Breaks His Silence
As Facebook scandal mushrooms, Zuckerberg vows to 'step up'
Zuckerberg Warns of 'Russian Effort Version Two' in 2018 US Midterm Elections
Cambridge Analytica's London offices sealed off over 'suspect package'
Can Mark Zuckerberg's media blitz take the pressure off Facebook?
Facebook: Zuckerberg Goes on a Roadshow
Advertisers Hit Back At Facebook After Cambridge Analytica
Israel Investigating Facebook Amid Data Leak Incident With Cambridge
Cambridge Analytica HQ evacuated after suspicious package is found
Mark Zuckerberg's net worth, and how Facebook founder is spending his billions
Zuckerberg just made some major concessions in the Cambridge Analytica
Campaigners hit Cambridge Analytica where it hurts
Facebook's Stock Drops After Zuckerberg Apologizes
Facebook Swelters in Cambridge Analytica Heat
Israel Investigating Facebook Personal Data Harvested by Cambridge Analytica
Here's the transcript of Recode's interview with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Israel to probe Facebook over Cambridge Analytica data breach
Cambridge Analytica: How the scandal unfolded
Mark Zuckerberg's Half-Hearted Reckoning
After Facebook breaks its silence on Cambridge Analytica data breach
Why Facebook's Woes Won't Mark the End of the Tech Rally
Can Facebook users and app developers get past Cambridge Analytica muck?
Facebook's Zuckerberg finally speaks but not everyone is satisfied
Suspicious package found near London HQ of Cambridge Analytica
Israel opens probe into Facebook after data scandal
Cambridge Analytica HQ Evacuated After Report Of Suspicious Package
Mozilla suspends ads on Facebook on data privacy concerns
Zuckerberg says he's open to government regulation. So what we waiting for?
One problem with regulating Facebook: The people doing the regulating
Can Zuckerberg's media blitz take the pressure off Facebook?
To delete or not to delete
'Enough Is Enough': 3000 UK Advertisers Threaten to Leave Facebook
'They were given an inch and took 100 miles': readers on Cambridge Analytica
Suspicious package found near London HQ of Cambridge Analytica
Someone is trying to disrupt mid-term polls in US: Zukerberg
Zuckerberg says Facebook made mistakes on user data, vows curbs
Facebook set to lose £3.5BILLION in revenue every year thanks to data scandal
Facebook Founder Admits User Data Leak
Facebook is unlikely to kill off the golden goose
Zuckerberg response fails to quiet critics scorning mea culpas
Facebook and its tech rival giants should be carved into pieces
'vampire apps' can still track you AFTER you remove your account
Mark Zuckerberg Plays Along with the Scapegoating of Facebook
What does Facebook do with my data - and how do I stop it?
Mark Zuckerberg answers key questions in scandal, but many remain
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's key comments on the data breach scandal
No relief for Facebook shares after Zuckerberg apology
'I'm not going to be bullied by Facebook': Cambridge Analytica whistleblower
A polo playboy, a wine millionaire and the '007 of the big data world'
How Cambridge Analytica's whistleblower became Facebook's unlikely foil
Trump appears to gloat about using Cambridge Analytica to beat Hillary Clinton
The Latest: Mueller examines Cambridge Analytica-Trump ties
Zuckerberg's Openness to Gov't Regulation Could Create New Way to Crush
Trump Appears To Brag About Using Data Mining Firm Roiled In Scandal
Is Zuckerberg's apology over Cambridge Analytica scandal too little too late?
Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Breaks Silence After Data Scandal
Cambridge Analytica scandal push other tech giants to tighten data sharing
Facebook told 'enough is enough' by advertisers as backlash against
How to check and change your Facebook privacy settings
OBI director had mentioned election campaigns for BJP on LinkedIn profile
Here's why it might be difficult for you to delete Facebook even if you want to
Facebook, Texas, China: Your Thursday Briefing
No sign of relief for Facebook shares after Zuckerberg apology
The Latest: UK official says Zuckerberg promises not enough
Cambridge Analytica London Offices Sealed Amid Reports Suspicious Package
The media today: The Mark Zuckerberg apology tour kicks into gear
Facebook crisis raises the bar in data privacy debate
Mozilla suspends advertising on Facebook after Cambridge Analytica scandal
How to find everything Facebook knows about you and limit it
Mark Zuckerberg's apology is ok, but Facebook must do more, says Britain
Zuckerberg Offers No Apology For Facebook's 'Mistakes' OverMaybe we should
Next Worry for Facebook: Disenchanted Users
ICO still waiting for 'urgent' warrant to raid Cambridge Analytica's London HQ
Farewell Facebook, you and I are through!
The '#deletefacebook' movement has got Mark Zuckerberg worried: 'It's not good'
The problem isn't Facebook's The problem is Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg said he is 'fundamentally uncomfortable' deciding wha
Facebook faces a reputational meltdown
Crisis experts say Facebook has mishandled the data scandal
Keller @ Large: Is It Time To Unfriend Facebook?
Facebook to Audit Thousands of Apps After 'Breach of Trust': Zuckerberg
Whether or not it wins or loses, Cambridge Analytica comes up Trumps
Should you delete Facebook because the Internet is telling you to?
Facebook Data Breach: How A Data Firm CEO's Bragging Led To A Chain Of Crises
Whistleblower says Facebook knew risks but failed to act
Facebook is under fire. Should you leave the platform?
'A ticking time bomb': How Cambridge Analytica's whistleblower became
Mark Zuckerberg blames British data firm over Facebook scandal
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Finally Addresses the Data Breach--Badly
Facebook privacy settings make you work to stop the data sharing
Facebook's pain could be blockchain's gain: Analyst
Facebook Plunges As Pressure Mounts On Zuckerberg Over Data
Mozilla pulls advertising from Facebook
No Relief Yet for Facebook Shares after Zuckerberg Apology
Zuckerberg Promises To Restrict Developers' Data Access On Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg should totally consider firing Facebook's CEO
The Cambridge Analytica scandal wasn't a data breach
Britain says Facebook must go further in data scandal
Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook is 'open' to testifying before Congress
Facebook's biggest failures
India takes down a local website amidst allegations
'I'm really sorry this happened': Zuckerberg finally apologises admits mistakes
Facebook pocketed £12.5 billion after it started giving away your data
Mark Zuckerberg admits Facebook is in race to stop Russian saboteurs
Zuckerberg Sounds Worried About The #DeleteFacebook Trend: 'It's Not Good'
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Agrees to Testify Over Cambridge Analytica
Mark Zuckerberg speaks, but is it too late to say sorry?
What's wrong with Facebook and can Mark Zuckerberg fix it?
Breakfast Briefing: Zuckerberg's media tour
Facebook to bring in changes to protect user data
Suspended Cambridge Analytica boss called to appear before MPs
The Facebook scandal could change politics as well as the internet
Zuckerberg, Facebook left humbled after R548 billion loss
Facebook plans more data protection ahead of elections in India
If you give your keys to burglers expect them to take your stuff
Zuckerberg apologises for Facebook mistakes in data scandal
Zuckerberg speaks out over Cambridge Analytica, admits Facebook failed users
Zuckerberg branded users who handed over personal data as “DUMB F****”
ZUCK'S F#%*ED: CEO breaks silence on shocking data breach
Zuckerberg Lists Plans to Improve Protection of User Data
Facebook Took Years to Clamp Down on Data Harvesting
How to Stop Facebook Giving Your Data to Third Parties
Facebook CEO 'Sorry' for Role in Cambridge Analytica Scandal
Facebook Feels Like Home, But Is It Time To Move On?
Cambridge Analytica: Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg ends silence on scandal
Facebook Enhancing Security Features Ahead Of Elections In India, Brazil
Facebook's Zuckerberg sorry for 'major breach of trust'
Cambridge Analytica: Digital Manipulation
'Gunbook': Brit sets up rival site after Facebook bans his gun-loving friends
You really ought to check who has access to your Facebook data
Three ways Zuckerberg wants to fix Facebook so you don't leave forever
Stop Lying About Quitting Facebook, All Your Data Are Belong To Us
Facebook 'Knew of Loopholes in 2011', Says Privacy Campaigner Max Schrems
Facebook security fears: Zuckerberg admits 'breach of trust'
Zuckerberg isn't sure he's the right person to testify in front of UK MPs over data
Facebook chief Zuckerberg vows to 'step up'
Mark Zuckerberg Details 'Full Audit' of Facebook After Cambridge Analytica
Facebook's complicated relationship with Indian politicians
Facebook committed to ensuring integrity of elections in India: Zuckerberg
Zuckerberg admits “we made mistakes” in Facebook data breach
Mark Zuckerberg: 'I'm really sorry that this happened'
Zuckerberg Vows To 'Step Up' As Facebook Scandal Expands
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg apologizes for mistakes with user data
Mark Zuckerberg's Media 'Mea Culpa' Fails to Halt Facebook Share Slump
Which advertisers have access to your Facebook data? Here's how to find out
OBI 'looking to end association with' Cambridge Analytica
Want to delete Facebook? You can try
Mark Zuckerberg willing to testify on Facebook data leaks
Zuckerberg apologises for Cambridge Analytica calls it a "major breach of trust"
Breaking Up With Facebook? It's Harder Than It Looks
"One of the biggest mistakes" of Facebook is not digging deeper into Cambridge
Zuckerberg admits Facebook made mistakes in handling the Cambridge scandal
How to protect your Facebook privacy after Cambridge Analytica scandal
The Cambridge Analytica scandal, and how your FB data may have been used
How to stop Facebook from using your data
Thursday briefing: Mark Zuckerberg's data mea culpa
What Facebook knows about you - and how it uses your information
Facebook scandal could push other tech companies to tighten data sharing
Don't want to delete Facebook account? Here's what you can do instead
Zuckerberg breaks silence, promises three changes to Facebook
How to stop third party apps accessing your personal information via Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg in his own words: The CNN interview
Zuckerberg has a plan to avoid another Cambridge Analytica – will it be enough?
The Facebook data privacy scandal is only tip of the iceberg
How to check which apps have access to your account
This is what Facebook is doing in India after sparking outrage
How to win polls & influence people: Cambridge Analytica's subtle art
Zuckerberg outlines the ways Facebook will limit data available to developers
Who or what is Cambridge Analytica?
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg apologises for data misuse
Zuckerberg 'sorry', vows tougher actions over access to data
Blockchain Technology can Create a Social Media Platform that Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg says he's 'happy' to testify before Congress
Facebook's Zuckerberg breaks silence to apologize for 'major breach of trust'
Growing mistrust threatens Facebook after data mining scandal
Mark Zuckerberg's Reckoning: 'This Is a Major Trust Issue'
Here's how you delete a Facebook account - but are you willing to do it?
Mark Zuckerberg has finally apologised over the Cambridge Analytica scandal
#DeleteFacebook grows in support
Mark Zuckerberg apologises for 'major breach of trust'
Facebook sued over data disclosure to Cambridge Analytica
Cambridge Analytica data row push other tech companies to tighten data sharing
Facebook CEO "open" to testifying before US Congress on data scandal
Zuckerberg: We will investigate apps with access to private data
Facebook Selloff: Overreaction Or A Real Threat To The Stock?
Don't #deletefacebook - just protect your data better
Cambridge Analytica: When the $ and £ are more important than the rule book
This Austrian Activist Took on Facebook in Europe. He's Ready to Do It Again
As Facebook scandal mushrooms, Mark Zuckerberg vows to 'step up'
How to delete your Facebook account permanently
Zuckerberg called early Facebook users dumb f***s for sharing data,privacy
Israeli hackers reportedly gave Cambridge Analytica data from private emails
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook should (maybe) be regulated
Zuckerberg apologises for 'major breach of trust' with Facebook users
Why critics are not satisfied with Mark Zuckerberg's response
Facebook changes: How will my account be different?
Beware Facebook woes spreading to markets
Here are 4 takeaways from Zuckerberg's response to Facebook data scandal
Cambridge Analytica: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg 'sorry' for data breach
Zuckerberg apologizes for data breaches
The nutters on Facebook were right
Simple Privacy Setting Tweaks To Protect Personal Data And Increase Security
How will Facebook guard user data? Mark Zuckerberg outlines steps after
Cambridge Analytica has worked on elections throughout the world
Cambridge Analytica data leaks controversy: Key developments to keep in mind
Mark Zuckerberg Addresses Facebook's Cambridge Analytica Scandal
Thinking of deleting your Facebook account? Keep these in mind
Zuckerberg's Crisis Response Fails to Quiet Critics
'Facebook made mistakes': Mark Zuckerberg says sorry after data breach storm
Zuckerberg: Facebook must 'step up' after data scandal
Mark Zuckerberg admits Facebook 'made mistakes' that led to data fiasco
Advertisers threaten to quit Facebook over Cambridge Analytica scandal
Zuckerberg breaks silence, but this is the most confusing apology if ever there
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Cambridge Analytica data leaks
Cambridge Analytica and us - Ranier Fsadni
Mark Zuckerberg breaks silence after sparking outrage in India and more
Facebook took years to clamp down on developers' data harvesting
Facebook's Zuckerberg admits mistakes - but no apology
Zuckerberg 'Really Sorry' Over Cambridge Analytica Fallout, Vows to Check
Facebook committed to ensure integrity of elections in India
Zuckerberg admits errors over Cambridge Analytica data mining scandal
Mark Zuckerberg: I'm really sorry for Facebook data leak
Facebook's Zuckerberg admits mistakes over Cambridge Analytica
After Days of Silence, Zuckerberg Admits to 'Mistakes' With User Data
Facebook Data Breach: Mark Zuckerberg Admits Mistake
Facebook devoted to stop interference in Indian polls: Mark Zuckerberg
Chris Wylie says he'll testify in US, UK about Cambridge Analytica
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg admits 'mistakes' in Cambridge Analytica scandal
Zuckerberg is 'uncomfortable' making content decisions for all users
Zuckerberg admits mistakes, offers to testify before Congress over Cambridge
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admits to making mistake over Cambridge
Zuckerberg finally apologizes and says he's 'happy' to testify before Congress
Mark Zuckerberg In Damage Control Mode After Data Breach Revelations
Zuckerberg says he hasn't seen a 'meaningful number of people' deleting Face
Facebook, Cambridge Analytica Sued in US by Users Over Data Harvesting
Facebook Is Killing Democracy With Its Personality Profiling Data
Mark Zuckerberg's response doesn't cut it, say Facebook's critics
Zuckerberg breaks silence admitting Facebook 'made mistakes' and vows
Zuckerberg says he's 'happy' to testify before Congress
Zuckerberg admits 'mistakes' over Facebook data scandal and vows fix
Facebook committed to stop interference in Indian polls: Zuckerberg
How Facebook can grab your data, and what to do to stop it
Whistleblower Christopher Wylie reveals Cambridge Analytica's dark arts
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg apologises for 'major breach of trust'
Academic behind Facebook breach says he is a 'scapegoat' - BBC
Mark Zuckerberg addresses Facebook user data scandal, vows to fix issues
The Latest: Zuckerberg Admits Mistakes, Outlines Steps
What You Need To Know About Zuckerberg's Media Blitz
I Can Barely Handle This CNN Interview, What Makes You Think I Can Handle
Facebook is making changes to your News Feed after the Cambridge 'breach'
'We made a mistake' admits Mark Zuckerberg after breaking his silence
Zuckerberg on #deletefacebook: 'You know, it's not good'
Mark Zuckerberg has regrets: 'I'm really sorry that this happened'
Facebook has a problem that not even Mark Zuckerberg can solve
Zuckerberg Vows to Alert All Whose Data May've Been Exposed
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook committed to check “interference”
What Would Regulating Facebook Look Like?
Zuckerberg admits mistakes, says Facebook will protect user data
Liberals paid $100000 in 2016 to Cambridge Analytica whistleblower
Mark Zuckerberg Speaks, But Is He Listening?
Zuckerberg Speaks Out About Cambridge Here's What He Said
#DeleteFacebook: How to delete your Facebook account
Mark Zuckerberg Talks to WIRED About Facebook's Privacy Problem
Zuckerberg says he's 'open' to testifying to Congress, fixes will cost 'many millions'
Analytica saga: illegal data gathering, campaign manipulation and more
Facebook Flinches: The Most Surprising Thing Zuckerberg Said On CNN
What you can do to protect your personal data on Facebook
On the web, privacy in peril
Mark Zuckerberg tells CNN he is 'happy to' testify before Congress
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admits "mistakes" in Cambridge scandal
Zuckerberg Says He's Open To Testifying, Regulations In TV Interview
Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Apologizes For Data Privacy Scandal
Mark Zuckerberg Addresses 'Breach Of Trust' In Facebook User Data Crisis
Regulating Facebook won't prevent data breaches
Mark Zuckerberg went missing when he was needed most
Facebook users are still skeptical after Mark Zuckerberg finally addresses
Mark Zuckerberg apologises for Facebook's 'mistakes' over Cambridge
Analytica scandal is the textbook case for why we need new privacy protections
7 much scarier questions for Zuckerberg
Facebook App Developer Kogan Defends His Actions With User Data
Facebook's Board Said It Supports Zuckerberg And Sandberg In The Cambridge
After 'breach of trust,' Facebook will audit thousands of apps, Zuckerberg says
Mark Zuckerberg outlines Facebook's response to Cambridge Analytica controversy
Mark Zuckerberg Fails to Apologize
The case for Facebook: Is Wall Street overreacting to data scandal?
Zuckerberg breaks silence over Cambridge Analytica scandal: 'We made mistakes'
Facebook data row: Cambridge Analytica academic a 'scapegoat'
Zuckerberg breaks silence on Cambridge Analytica crisis
Zuckerberg says there was a 'breach of trust' between Facebook and its users
Mark Zuckerberg Has No Way Out of Facebook's Quagmire
If Zuck wants us to take Facebook's scandal seriously, he should try saying 'sorry'
Read Mark Zuckerberg's Full Statement on Facebook's Data Scandal
I ditched Facebook in 2013, and it's been fine
Mark Zuckerberg says he'll do more to stop 'bad actors' from accessing your data
Facebook's Zukerberg Admits Mistakes In Cambridge Analytica Data Breach
Mark Zuckerberg has finally spoken out about the Cambridge Analytica scandal
Zuckerberg breaks his silence, outlines path forward: 'We made mistakes'
Facebook's Zuckerberg responds to Cambridge Analytica data scandal
Facebook Algorithm Mortified It Has To Deliver Up So Much Embarrassing News
Why have we given up our privacy to Facebook and other sites so willingly?
“It's pretty much the Wild West”: why we can't trust Facebook to police itself
What Zuck Could Learn From Special Forces Leadership
Doubts whether social media firms can help to fight fake news: K. Shanmugam
Tech giants express concern over Singapore plan to fight fake news
Loh Wai Poon on Being A “Facebook Uncle”, Fake News, and Entering Politics
Google warn Singapore against 'fake news' law
Journalism Schools Are Getting a 'Trump Bump' Thanks to Fake News
Facebook and Google executives clash over 'fake news'
Tech giants concerned about new fake news law in S'pore as many already exist
Singapore's laws are enough to combat 'fake news', say Facebook and Google
Facebook, Google warn Singapore against new laws to combat fake news
New report highlights what's missing from the research on fake news
Facebook, Twitter, Google express concern over Singapore plan to fight fake news
Tech giants express concern over Singapore plan to fight fake news
The man who predicted the fake news crisis says something much worse coming
Tech giants Facebook, Google warn Singapore against 'fake news' law
American Public Square tackles fake news
In 2016, Facebook Was Not In Control Of Russian Interference Or Fake News
Facebook's Southeast Asia boss doesn't want regulation to fight fake news
Malaysia and Singapore's fake news law proposals spark concern
A history of Facebook's biggest screw-ups – from fake news to spam overloads
Fill in the blanks: What's still missing from the study of fake news? (A whole lot.)
Can we agree to ban the term “Fake News”?
Fake news. Real research.
Kenya: US Launches Online Campaign to Fight Fake News
Journalism Schools See Jump In Applications In Wake Of 'Fake News' Refrain
10 tips to spot fake news online
Kenya: US Fights Fake News in Kenya
Facebook Is Running Ads in Mexican Newspapers Warning About Fake News
Facebook moves to curb fake news in Mexican presidential campaign
Journalism Professor Warns North Huron Residents About 'Fake News'
It's Not Clicking
Facebook warns Mexicans about fake news in presidential campaign
UK committee wants to hear Zuckerberg on fake news, data supplied to Trump
Zuckerberg asked to testify in UK; Cambridge Analytica CEO suspended
Facebook Warns on Fake News in Mexican Presidential Campaign
'Fake News' and the farm
'Final draft of proposed fake news law not with cabinet yet'
Alex Stamos is 'leaving the company due to row over how to handle fake news'
Facebook's head of security Alex Stamos 'leaving company due to row over
Facebook data whistleblower: 'Fake news to the next level'
US Launches War against Fake News in Kenya
After 2016 election, US poised to fight fake news - in Kenya
Dupuis: Indian not an issue, 'fake news'
Stay TOONED: #DeleteFacebook
Need to Know: Facebook founder Zuckerberg summoned to fake news inquiry
Facebook founder summoned to fake news inquiry in Cambridge scandal

Freedom in the World 2019
Overview - Singapore’s parliamentary political system has been dominated by the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) and the family of current prime minister Lee Hsien Loong since 1959. The electoral and legal framework that the PAP has constructed allows for some political pluralism, but it constrains the growth of credible opposition parties and limits freedoms of expression, assembly, and association.


  • In January, Parliament established a Select Committee on Deliberate Online Falsehoods. In March, after a local historian asserted in a submission to the committee that the PAP government had itself disseminated falsehoods by misrepresenting a past crackdown on alleged communist plots against the state, he was questioned for six hours in a public hearing led by the home affairs minister. The combative hearing and others like it raised concerns about freedom of expression and academic freedom.
  • In April, the president signed the Public Order and Safety (Special Powers) Act, which granted the home affairs minister and police enhanced authority in the context of a “serious incident” such as a terrorist attack or mass protest. Officials would be permitted to potentially use lethal force and halt media coverage and online communications surrounding the incident in question.
  • Two PAP-run town councils pressed lawsuits against three members of Parliament (MPs) from the opposition Workers’ Party (WP) for alleged breaches of their fiduciary duties. The cases, which placed the defendants under significant financial pressure, began to be heard in October and were ongoing at year’s end.
read more

Brad Bowyer July 2 at 6:22 PM

Sadly we are now 133rd in the world freedom index and declining.... And we give that freedom up for what?

Time for us all to seriously think if we need a change from "rulership" to "leadership" to give the majority of us any future outside PAP servitude... or can we tahan this state of affairs a little while longer before it becomes unbearable?

But then what will be left of Singapore if we wait?

POFMA fake news law invoked for first time
PM Lee: “POFMA would catch you!”
K Shanmugam to ‘Ah Lian’: POFMA is like a Torchlight
Singapore's fake news law passed
Singapore introduces anti-fake news law
Singapore PM sues online editor
Singapore PM threatens online editor with libel
PM Lee sues Blogger for sharing article
MDA tells The Online Citizen to register under Broadcasting Act To Register Under Broadcasting Act
Blogger asked to remove defamatory post about PM Lee
Why is Facebook in trouble?
The 'Dr Mahathir-Activists KL Meeting' Saga
States Times Review to shut down
Thumping of PJ Thum over ‘fake news’ hearing
Parliamentary committee on Fake News
Law to combat fake news to be introduced next year
Combating fake news in Singapore

Fakes and Frauds
Singapore public servants' computers no Internet from May 2017