

Year of the Brown Earth Dog 2018

Xīn Nián Kuài Lè 新年快乐 - Fu Dao 福 到

Gong Xi Fa Cai 恭喜发财 2017

Chinese calendar combines solar, lunar and 60 Stem-Branch counting systems. The 60 Stem-Branch calendar uses the names of Yin Yang Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth) and 12 animals to rank the sequences. Five elements are connected to five colors - White, Black, Green, Red, and Brown. So Chinese use the color animal name to count the year. The name of 2018 is the Yang Male Earth Dog. Brown is connected to Earth. Therefore, 2018 is also called Brown Earth Dog Year.

The EarthDogMale Earth DogChinese Dog Brown Earth Dog name is from the Chinese Stem-Branch calendar. The first Stem-Branch name is found in the document around 1739 B.C. The original stems and branches only use for counting the days. Using Stem-Branch to count for Month, Hour and Year sequences began around 206 B.C. during Chin dynasty and Han dynasty. That idea might come from Chinese Yin Yang Five Element scholars. Therefore, all zodiac signs can be converted into five elements. For example, Dog is equivalent to Male Earth. If we find all the Earth Dog connections from Chinese calendar, Five Elements and I-Ching philosophy, then we can foresee what signs will come in the year of the Brown Dog.

2018 is Male Earth Dog. Male Earth is connected to dry soil, wall, mound or mountains. The major five elements inside Dog is Male Earth too. The sign of 2018 Earth Dog is mountains over mountains. 2018 will be a very strong Earth. That implies the events related to land, real estate, county territory, agriculture, earthquake, mineral and the Earth will be more active than before. In Chinese astrology, Earth is also connected to stability, meditation and religion. Many people will be interested in spiritual or religious study.

The mountain of 2018 appearing in the front of us means something is blocking our view or our path. That's a sign of obstacle. We need to climb over it to see the other world. So we need to find a flat road around the mountains to find our way. Either way, we need to take extra effort to reach our destination. Therefore, 2018 is a challenge year for many people. We need to use our wisdom to find the better way to conquer the mountains. If you can do it, then you will be ahead of many others. If you cannot, then you will behind the world.

The mountains of 2018 are related to stability, slowness, stubborn, laziness and conservativeness. If you are too lazy and lack of the diligent spirit, then you will miss career or money opportunity. The Original Chinese Horoscope 12 Branches page explains where 12-branch signs come from using the life cycle of the plant. Dog Month is October. Fruits on the tree had ripened. If we don't pick and sell them right away, then they will be rotten very soon. That implies we need to complete our unfinished project quickly. Otherwise, our income source will disappear soon.

Dog Hour is between 19:00 to 21:00 p.m. The sun completely disappears in the sky. That sounds the sun goes down inside the mountains. The sun is connected to the Yang Fire. Therefore, Dog has a nickname of the Storeroom of the Fire in the Chinese astrology. Mountains also can absorb rainwater very quickly. Rainwater can be collected into the dam inside the mountains. The mountains become the warehouse of the Water. Fire and Water represents money to many people. Dog of 2018 brings people the concept of savings. Many people will consider the necessity before spending money. 2018 will be a good year to increase your wealth.

2018 of Dog is a very strong Earth year. If your Lucky Element is Earth, then 2018 will be one of your great years. If Earth is your lucky year, then you need to think twice before taking risky action. The following are the Chinese Five Element Astrology and Chinese zodiac predictions for 2018, the year of the Dog.

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Earth Dog to usher harmony, success

The key word to remember for the incoming Year of the Earth Dog is “completion.” It is a year for consolidating what has been started and focusing on building and improving.

To harness the chi of the Year of the Double Earth, laying the groundwork for great success and harmony at home should commence beginning February 4 until Chinese New Year on February 16.

The wealth element of the year is metal so adding gold accents in the home benefits households strongly in terms of generating wealth luck. Thus, gold-colored curtains and décor are beneficial and anything metallic is favorable.

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Chinese New Year takes place over 15 days and preparations for this celebration begin well over 1 month before the start of the new year. Here's a brief guide on the festivities and customs that take place during this annual event.

Xiao Guo Nian
On the 24th day of the 12th month of the Chinese lunar calendar is Xiao Guo Nian ("Little New Year"). On this day, the deities of the world report to the supreme deity, Yu Huang ("Jade Emperor"). Families will offer special food offerings to the Zao Jun ("Kitchen God") so that he will speak well of the family to the emperor. Firecrackers are lit to bid farewell to the deities and spring cleaning begins

Spring Cleaning
Houses are swept clean prior to the new year and traditionally, bamboo leaves are used as this is believed to drive out bad spirits. There should be no sweeping on the lunar new year itself as people believe that doing so sweeps away good luck. Festive decorations and symbols are put up around the house, like pots of kumquat and flowers, red scrolls or posters with auspicious sayings or Chun Lian ("Spring Couplets"). New clothes and haircut are also required for every individual in the family.

Reunion Dinner
The whole family gathers on Chu Xi ("eve of the new year") to feast together on dinner. The dinner symbolizes the love and respect that binds them together as a unit. Every member is expected to return for this dinner. Traditionally, all sons return to their parental homes for this occasion and married daughters share the tables of their husband's families. For this meal, the best food is served in abundance, whether the family is rich or poor, to symbolize the hope for greater material wealth in the coming year. Tuan Yuan Fan ("Togetherness Meal"), as the reunion dinner is known in Mandarin, can include delicacies like abalone soup, chicken, mushrooms, duck, fish, chap chye ("mixed vegetables"), roast pork and steam boat.

Ancestor Worship
The spirits of ancestors are ushered in to join in the family's celebrations. Before family members sit down to have their reunion dinner, they usually present offerings of food, fruits, tea and flowers to their ancestor's memorial tablets or tombs. In most families, the tablets are located either in their homes on the ancestral altar or in the temples.

Financial Accounts
After closing the accounts for the year, traditional Chinese bosses may give their workers bonuses. New year's eve is one of three days set aside in the lunar calendar for settling debts, especially for businessmen. It is considered a loss of face for persons to start a new year with unsettled debts. The other two days put aside for settling debts are the 5th day of the 5th lunar month (Dragon Boat Festival) and the 15th day of the 8th month (Mid-Autumn Festival).

New Year Vigil
Children are encouraged to stay awake until midnight to bless their parents with a happy new year early in the morning. Some Chinese believe that the longer their children keep away, the longer the lives of their parents. In return, the children are presented with hong bao before they go to bed.

Welcoming the God of Wealth
The traditional Chinese will offer joss sticks to the God of Wealth at their altar or by praying at temples. They consult a Chinese almanac for the most favorable hour and direction to receive the deity, usually between 11pm to 6am the next morning. Firecrackers are lit again to welcome the deity.

First Day of Chinese New Year
Yuan Dan (also Yuan Rim Yean Chen and Duan Ri) is the first of the 15 days marked for family visitations. It is usually reserved for close and senior family members.

Second Day
The second day is a time for married women to visit their maiden home and renew ties with their family. During this period, the God of Wealth (above) is welcomed. This and the 16th day of the lunar mont are the best "feast" days for employees.

Third Day
The third day is known as the "Loyal Dog Day" and is typically a day of rest. No visits or visitors are welcomed and it is believed evil spirits lurk on the earth in this day and it would be bad luck to be outdoors. This is why conservative Chinese businesses do not operate until the 5th day.

Seventh Day
The Ren Ri or Yan-Yat ("Birthday of Man") is celebrated with Yu Sheng ("raw fish") being served. The act is most known by its cantonese name, "Lo Hei".

Ninth Day
The birthday of the Jade Emperor falls on the 9th day of the lunar month. The Chinese people generally make offerings of thanks to this supreme deity.

Fifteenth Day
The last day of celebrations is also the time of the first full moon of the new lunar year. It is known as Yuan Xiao Jie ("First night of the full moon") and another reunion dinner, complete wih lanterns and oranges being exchanged, takes place. This festival is also known as the Deng Jie ("Lantern Festival").

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The 15-Day Celebration of Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year starts with the New moon on the first day of the first lunar month and ends on the Full moon 15 days later:
  • First day - zhengyue 1, ’Birthday of Chicken’
  • Second day - zhengyue 2, ‘Birthday of Dog’
  • Third day - zhengyue 3, ‘Birthday of Pig’
  • Fourth Day - zhengyue 4, ‘Birthday of Sheep’
  • Fifth day - zhengyue 5, ‘Birthday of Ox, Cattle’
  • SIxth day - zhengyue 6, ‘Birthday of Horse’
  • Seventh day - zhengyue 7, ‘Birthday of Men’
  • Eighth day - The Completion Day
  • Ninth day - The birthday of the Jade Emperor
  • Tenth to the Twelfth Day - More feasting with friends and family
  • Thirteenth day - A time to diet a bit after so much rich food
  • Fourteenth day, The Lantern Decoration Day
  • Fifteenth day, Lantern Festival